This paper was prepared in 1964 as a thesis for the Tokio ISFNR conference report, but the author couldn’t participate in this conference. This report deals with identical motifs in the European (Czech and Moravian) folklore and in the non-European sources, namely in the Near East ones. It mentions cooperation of folkloristics with comparative linguistics and archeology. Benefit of this cooperation is evident especially in the ancient culture studies, when the folkloristics can utilize the results of the archeological discoveries. A thorough study of those ancient discoveries proves that roots of some European literary traditions may be found already in Mesopotamia (motifs of dragons and demons, etc.).
Příspěvek pojednává o maďarských koncepcích střední Evropy a ukazuje na jisté maďarsko-slovenské vazby. Myšlenka velkého Uherska, které zahrnuje rovněž Slovensko, sloužila jako pozitivní příklad koexistence různých národů uvnitř multietnického uherského státu. V kontextu literární vědy vznesli maďarští komparatisté otázku střední Evropy jako vědecký problém (S. Eckhardt, G.M. Vajda, G. Hegedüs, G. Kemény, J. Hankiss aj.). V 80. letech 20. století koncept střední Evropy oživili inteletuálové, většinou disidenti a spisovatelé z bývalého Československa, Polska a Maďarska. Kromě Kunderova eseje Tragédie střední Evropy (1984) to byl zvláště G. Konrád, jenž ve své práci Antipolitik. Mitteleuropäischer Meditationen (1985) spojil středoevropskou identitu se skepsí a ironií, jakož i kulturní a politickou přináležitostí k Západu. and The paper deals with the Hungarian conception of central Europe and indicates some HungarianSlavonic relationships. The idea of great Hungary, which included also Slovakia, served as a positive example of coexistence of various nationalities within the multiethnic Hungarian state. In the context of literary studies, Hungarian comparatists have raised the question of central Europe as a scientific problem (S. Eckhardt, G.M. Vajda, G. Hegedüs, G. Kemény, J. Hankiss, etc.). In the 1980s, the concept of central Europe was revived by the intellectuals, mostly the dissidents and writers from the then Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary. Alongside M. Kundera's essay The Tragedy of Central Europe (1984), it was especially G. Konrád who in his Antipolitik. Mitteleuropäischer Meditationen (1985) associated the central-European identity with scepticism and irony as well as with its cultural and political belonging to the West.
W artykule powieść Milana Kundery Życie jest gdzie indziej poddana została nowej analizie przy pomocy klasycznych już pojęć przejętych z Ferdydurke Witolda Gombrowicza – "gęba", "pupa" i "łydka". Poruszone zostały kwestie związane z ludzkim uzależnieniem od formy i z technikami manipulacyjnymi, nie pozwalającymi głównemu bohaterowi dojrzeć. Ważne miejsce zajmuje również stosunek Milana Kundery do twórczości Witolda Gombrowicza. Kundera przenikliwie ilustruje, iż tożsamość nie jest czymś stałym i niezmiennym. Pokazuje, jak ludzie mogą zmieniać się, często na przekór własnej woli, pod wpływem wzroku innych. and The article offers a new analysis and interpretation of the novel Life is Elsewhere by Milan Kundera using the now classic concepts from Witold Gombrowicz's Ferdydurke – "mug", "arse" and "calf". Issues related to human dependence on form and manipulation techniques that prevent the main protagonist from maturing are also touched upon. Finally, Milan Kundera's attitude toward the work of Witold Gombrowicz also plays an important role. Kundera astutely illustrates that identity is not something constant and unchanging. He shows how people can change, often against of their own will and under the influence of others' eyes.
Na konci 18. a na začátku 19. století se začíná v lingvistice uplatňovat historickosrovnávací metoda badání. Epochu této metody v ruské jazykovědě zahájil A. Ch. Vostokov. S jeho jménem je spojován vznik slavistiky jako vědního oboru v Rusku. V příspěvku je pojednáno o tom, jak se tato metoda odrazila v jeho dílech. and Since the end of 18th and the beginning of 19th century the historical comparative method in linguistics is applied. The era of historical comparative method in Russian linguistic was launched by A. Kh. Vostokov, whom the slavistics in Russia as a scientific discipline is connected with. This paper says to what extend new method was exploit in Vostokov's works.
The transformation of literary studies and consolidation with cultural studies is forgone. It is connected with domination of cultural studies in (post)modern humanities. It is usually receipt as a danger for e.g. comparative literature. However, the aim of the paper is different. Herein I argue that this situation should not be noticed as a competition between comparative and cultural studies, and – as a consequence – loss of identity in literary studies. In presented paper I argue for a new project of such a consolidated studies, what is – in my opinion – especially important in the context of east and central europe. The starting point is culturalistic and constructivistic Jerzy Kmita's social-regulatory concept of culture (social-reputational theory of culture) supported by Stanley Fish's idea of interpretive communities, where culture is understood as a mental reality. Then, I focused on the issue of anthropologization of humanities, especially literary studies, and closely connected with that problem of intercultural translation. The key concept in presented herein idea is the category of intentional rationality (Michał Buchowski). In the final part of the paper I discuss those matters in the comparison to the recent reinterpretation of the world literature (e.g. by David Damrosch). As a conclusion it should be underline the necessity of reshaping and reinterpretation of comparative studies theory, which should go beyond – on the one hand – cultural studies, on the other – futile debate between local and global perspective, towards the idea of glocalization of theory
Autor článku analyzuje a sumarizuje některé novější příručky z teorie literatury z prostředí ruského, ukrajinského, slovenského a slovinského, poněkud i německého a dílem i klíčového polského a dochází k závěru, že integrace genologie jako autonomní literárněvědné disciplíny do konceptu literární vědy obecně a literární teorie zvláště je na samém počátku, nehledě na existenci speciálního časopisu Zagadnienia rodzajów literackich, desítek slovníků a stovek knih a studií. and The author of the article analyzes and summarizes some recent handbooks from the spere of theory of literature out of the Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak, Slovene, partly also German and the dominant Polish environments and comes to the conclusion that the integration of "genology" (genre studies) as an autonomous discipline in the concept of literary scholarship in general and literary theory in particular finds itself in the very beginning in spite of the existence of the special periodical Zagadnienia rodzajów literackich, tens of dictionaries and hundreds of books and studies.
Петербургский историк Александр С. Мыльников (1929–2003) долгое время был ведущим российским специалистом по Чехии XVIII–XIX вв. Обладая даром типологического обобщения, он активно участвовал в компаративном изучении Центральной Европы, способствуя прив- несению в исследования культурологической и этнологической составляющих. Много сделал Мыльников для разработки истории славистики, выделяясь среди своих российских коллег интересом к истокам этой дисциплины и немецкому вкладу в нее. В статье представлен творческий путь талантливого и разностороннего ученого и определяется его особое место в гуманитаристике второй половины XX в. and St. Petersburg historian Alexander S. Myl'nikov (1929–2003) for a long time was a leading Russian specialist in the 18–19th centuries Czechia. Having the talent of typological generalization he was actively involved in the comparative studies of Central Europe and enriched this field by cultural and ethnological components. Myl'nikov did a lot for the elaboration of the history of Slavistics, paying a special attention to the origins of this discipline and the German contribution to it. The article presents professional path of the creative and versatile historian and clarifies his unique place in the humanities of the second half of the 20th century.
Автор настоящего обзора и аксиологического анализа пяти томов международного научного журнала "Стиль" (Стил) исходит, прежде всего, из его тематической ориентации и из методологических исходных пунктов, среди которых доминантную роль играют стилистика и поэтика, поэтология, сопоставительные и сравнительные методы и в последнее время и элементы ареальных исследований. Кажется, что журнал последовательно возвращается к некоторым темам, с другой стороны, некоторые подходы представлены слабее (аспекты жанрология, мультилитературные анализы). and The author's outline and evaluative analysis of the five volume of the international scholarly Style (Stil) is primarily based on its thematic orientation and methodological starting points in which the dominant role is played by stylistics and poetics, contrastive and comparative methods and recently also the elements of area studies. The journal seems to come back consistently to some subjects, on the other hand, some approaches are represented less substantially (aspects of genre studies, multiliterary analyses).
In the well-established tradition of the critical editing of correspondence between distinguished Slavonic scholars, their letters are not regarded as mere documents but interpreted as literary texts with potential stylistic qualities. Both the aspects - documentary and literary values - thus combine in the correspondence of Frank Wollman (1888–1969) and Jiří Polívka (1858–1933), evidencing the genesis and gradual formation of Czech-Slovak, or Central European, comparative literature and Slavonic philology, as well as their intergenerational rapport which gave rise to the phenomenon in literary historiography labelled "Czech school of comparative literature". Altogether there are 41 correspondence units (34 letters; 6 postcards; and 1 visiting card) written by F. Wollman to J. Polívka between 1912 and 1932. and Издание корреспонденции значительных представителей славянской филологии в критическом плане имеет уже многолетнюю традицию. Корреспонденция научных работников не только воспринимается как документ, но и интерпретируется как литературный текст с потенциальными стилистическими качествами. Оба эти аспекта – документальный и литературно-словесный – взаимосвязаны в славистической корреспонденции Франка Волльмана (1888–1969) и Иржи Поливки (1858–1933), которая документирует возникновение и постепенное формирование чешско-словацкой (или центральноевропейской) литературоведческой компаративистики и славянской филологии, а также их межпоколенческое взаимодействие, которое стояло у истоков феномена, обобщённо называемого в литературной историографии "чешской школой литературной компаративистики". Всего сохранилась 41 единица корреспонденции (из них 34 письма, 6 открыток и 1 визитная карточка) Ф. Волльмана, адресованной им И. Поливке в 1912–1932 гг.