Autor přítomné studie se zamýšlí nad současným stavem literární komparatistiky a jejími perspektivami. Opakuje její základní cíle, na něž se v proudu nových metod a přístupů poněkud zapomnělo: na základě konfrontace a srovnávání hlouběji poznat literární artefakt a literární proces. Zde se nabízejí dvě cesty: rozšiřování půdorysu komparatistiky využitím nových přístupů, nebo její transcendence k jiným disciplínám, jako jsou areálová studia, kulturologie, gender studies, literární feminismus, imagologie nebo kulturní antropologie. Tertium datur: vyjít z klasického konceptu literární komparatistiky jako srovnávání textů a internacionalizovat literární proces zdůrazněním nadnárodních souvislostí národních literatur, což je zvláště užitečné v literární historii. Budoucnost literární komparatistiky by mohla spočívat v zachování její metodologické heterogenity, plurality přístupů a dostatečně širokého rámce, který by neomezoval, ale současně zachoval své hranice. and The author of the present study reflects upon the contemporary state of comparative literary studies and its perspectives. She repeats its elementary aims which were – in the stream on new methods and approaches – rather forgotten: on the basis of confrontation and comparison to deeper study a literary artefact and literary process. There are basically two ways: the widening of the platform of comparative literary studies by the application of new approaches and its transcendence towards other disciplines, such as area and cultural studies, literary feminism, imagology or cultural anthropology. Tertium datur: on the basis of classical concept of literary comparative studies as a textual comparison to internationalize the literary process through the accentuation of supranational contexts of national literatures which is extremely useful in literary history. The future of comparative literary studies might consist in the preservation of its methodological heterogeneity, plurality of approaches and a sufficiently wide framework which does not limit, but at the same time keeps its boundaries.
The transformation of literary studies and consolidation with cultural studies is forgone. It is connected with domination of cultural studies in (post)modern humanities. It is usually receipt as a danger for e.g. comparative literature. However, the aim of the paper is different. Herein I argue that this situation should not be noticed as a competition between comparative and cultural studies, and – as a consequence – loss of identity in literary studies. In presented paper I argue for a new project of such a consolidated studies, what is – in my opinion – especially important in the context of east and central europe. The starting point is culturalistic and constructivistic Jerzy Kmita's social-regulatory concept of culture (social-reputational theory of culture) supported by Stanley Fish's idea of interpretive communities, where culture is understood as a mental reality. Then, I focused on the issue of anthropologization of humanities, especially literary studies, and closely connected with that problem of intercultural translation. The key concept in presented herein idea is the category of intentional rationality (Michał Buchowski). In the final part of the paper I discuss those matters in the comparison to the recent reinterpretation of the world literature (e.g. by David Damrosch). As a conclusion it should be underline the necessity of reshaping and reinterpretation of comparative studies theory, which should go beyond – on the one hand – cultural studies, on the other – futile debate between local and global perspective, towards the idea of glocalization of theory
Autor přítomného příspěvku sumarizuje vědeckou aktivitu prof. Petra Liby, jež překračuje hranice literární vědy směrem ke kulturologii a interdisciplinaritě ve smyslu stálé prostupnosti a srovnávacího výzkumu. Autor komentuje tři části Libova myšlení manifestované v souboru studií Kultúra/Literatúra (2005): kulturní ráz společenské komunikace, jako je věda, globalizace, národní charakter kulturní tvořivosti a cesta ke kořenům tradice a duchovnosti včetně díla ruského náboženského filozofa Vl. Solovjova. Ve svých komentářích autor zdůrazňuje Libovu schopnost překračovat vrstvy lidského myšlení a jeho intuitivní uchopení všeho podstatného v kulturní činnosti lidstva. and The author of the present contribution summarizes the scholarly activity of professor Peter Liba who transcends the boundaries of literary criticism towards cultural studies and interdisciplinarity in the sense of the permanent permeability and comparative character of the research. The author comments upon the three parts of Liba's thought manifested in a volume of his studies Culture/Literature (2005): cultural character of social communication, such as science, globalization, the national character of cultural creativeness, and the way to the roots of tradition and spirituality including the works of the Russian religious poet and philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. In his comments the author accentuates Liba's ability to transcend the layers of human thinking and his intuitive grasp of all the substantial in cultural activity of mankind.
В наброске речь идет о сдвиге предмета изучения литературоведческой славистики в связи с масштабными переменами, произошедшими за последние десятилетия в области гуманитаристики. В особенности утверждается утрата литературой прежнего статуса в системе ценностей. and The outline treats the problem of the subject shift of Slavic literary studies as a result of the large-scale changes in humanities that have occurred in recent decades. It is highlighted the issue of the current loss of status in the system of values by the literature itself.