This study attempts to illustrate the document production of the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava in the significant first phase of its rich history in the years 1920 to 1950. In this period, Comenius University in Bratislava underwent a fundamental change - its de jure demise and the subsequent establishment of the Slovak University in Bratislava. Paradoxically, however, this only had a slight effect on the internal organization and it did not fundamentally change documentation practices at the faculty. The article focuses not only on the written production of the faculty, but, in relation to the legislation in force at the time, it clarifies the faculty's activities and the functioning of its governing bodies and their mutual relations and powers. The work is based on information that was drawn mainly from preserved archival materials, which are now stored in the permanent archival custody and administration of the Archives of Comenius University in Bratislava. We also drew on archive documents from the National Archive in Prague.
In the well-established tradition of the critical editing of correspondence between distinguished Slavonic scholars, their letters are not regarded as mere documents but interpreted as literary texts with potential stylistic qualities. Both the aspects - documentary and literary values - thus combine in the correspondence of Frank Wollman (1888–1969) and Jiří Polívka (1858–1933), evidencing the genesis and gradual formation of Czech-Slovak, or Central European, comparative literature and Slavonic philology, as well as their intergenerational rapport which gave rise to the phenomenon in literary historiography labelled "Czech school of comparative literature". Altogether there are 41 correspondence units (34 letters; 6 postcards; and 1 visiting card) written by F. Wollman to J. Polívka between 1912 and 1932. and Издание корреспонденции значительных представителей славянской филологии в критическом плане имеет уже многолетнюю традицию. Корреспонденция научных работников не только воспринимается как документ, но и интерпретируется как литературный текст с потенциальными стилистическими качествами. Оба эти аспекта – документальный и литературно-словесный – взаимосвязаны в славистической корреспонденции Франка Волльмана (1888–1969) и Иржи Поливки (1858–1933), которая документирует возникновение и постепенное формирование чешско-словацкой (или центральноевропейской) литературоведческой компаративистики и славянской филологии, а также их межпоколенческое взаимодействие, которое стояло у истоков феномена, обобщённо называемого в литературной историографии "чешской школой литературной компаративистики". Всего сохранилась 41 единица корреспонденции (из них 34 письма, 6 открыток и 1 визитная карточка) Ф. Волльмана, адресованной им И. Поливке в 1912–1932 гг.