This text is a reflection on the production and reception of the first-of-its-kind anthology of autonomist Marxist texts in Bulgaria, published in 2013. After a brief examination of the anthology’s content, the text focuses on four major “problems of translation” that significantly overdetermined the book’s reception and circulation: what the author calls the problems of semantics, history, politics, and ontology. The article concludes that autonomist Marxism might have a unique role to play in radical conversations in the country and identifies the “work of translation” as a key ingredient in expanding the coalitional possibilities of the left in Eastern Europe.
Monkey, Arthur Waley’s English translation of a sixteenth-century Chinese novel Xiyou ji (Journey to the West), plays an important role in the canonization of the original novel as a masterpiece of world literature. This study seeks to explore Waley’s multiple relationship with Xiyou ji and highlight various factors that contribute to the canonization of the novel in a larger space of world literature. Through examination of Waley’s personal configuration of the novel (and his following engagement with the Xiyou ji tradition), it demonstrates how Monkey becomes what Damrosch calls “the locus of a negotiation between two different cultures,” and how Waley’s engagement with the novel serves as a strategy for addressing his multi-dimensional concerns and especially the construction of the self as translator, scholar, and creative writer.
In this article, I explore the relationship between the reproduction of hegemonic discourses of national representation in the reception of literature in translation and processes of canonization. I argue that World Literature as a paradigm hinders our efforts of overcoming the burdens of canonization. As a case study, I analyze the implications of building and reproducing a canon of Japanese literature in translation in the United States for the way Japan has been represented in public discourse in the last thirty years. I will focus on the reception of Murakami Haruki as the contemporary representative of the canon of Japanese literature in translation. My goal is to examine how the circumstances of Japanese literature in translation perpetuate mechanisms of canonization in their engagement and legitimation of an ongoing logic of representation that is non-confrontational with agents in power. I aim to test the extent to which studying the reception of East Asian literature in translation can help us promote a broader discussion on the appropriateness of such frameworks in our understanding of the contemporary literary phenomenon.
This paper presents the most frequent marked position of attribute in Čapek’s novel Hordubal - the postposition of the unextended congruent adjective attribute - in its functions in the novel text. The inverse position of adjective attribute is mainly used to epmhasize the semantics of the postpositional adjective or its leading noun and for the contrastive accenting of the postposed attribute. It also works as a vehicle for poetisation and vivification of the text or is motived by the rhythm of the sentence. The postpositions used by Čapek are confronted with the translation solutions of three different German authors, that have translated the novel into German during several periods of the 20th century. The extent of preservation of the form and the function of the Czech postpositions in the translation process is evaluated. Special attention is paid to the efforts of the German translators to reproduce Čapek’s word order. and Příspěvek představuje nejčastější příznakové postavení atributu v Čapkově románu Hordubal - postpozici nerozvitého shodného adjektivního přívlastku - v jejích funkcích v textu díla. Inverzní postavení přívlastku je užito zejména ke zdůraznění sémantiky postponovaného adjektiva či jeho řídícího substantiva a ke kontrastivnímu vyzdvižení postponovaného atributu. Postpozice přívlastku je také prostředkem poetizace a oživení textu nebo je motivována rytmicky. Čapkem užité postpozice jsou konfrontovány s překladatelskými řešeními tří německých autorů, kteří román v různých obdobích 20. století přeložili do němčiny. Je posuzována míra zachování formy a funkce těchto postpozic při překladu. Zvláštní pozornost je přitom soustředěna na snahy překladatelů o napodobení Čapkova slovosledu.
Dysfunction of mitochondria induced by ischemia is considered to be a key event triggering neuronal cell death after brain ischemia. Here we report the effect of ischemia-reperfusion on mitochondrial protein synthesis and activity of cytochrome c oxidase (EC, COX). By performing 4-vessel occlusion model of global brain ischemia, we have observed that 15 min of global ischemia led to the inhibition of COX subunit I (COXI) synthesis to 56 % of control. After 1, 3 and 24 h of reperfusion, COXI synthesis was inhibited to 46, 50 and 72 % of control, respectively. Depressed synthesis of COXI was not a result of either diminished transcription of COXI gene or increased proteolytic degradation of COXI, since both Northern hybridization and Western blotting did not show significant changes in COXI mRNA and protein level. Thus, ischemia-reperfusion affects directly mitochondrial translation machinery. In addition, ischemia in duration of 15 min and consequent 1, 3 and 24 h of reperfusion led to the inhibition of COX activity to 90.3, 80.3, 81.9 and 83.5 % of control, respectively. Based on our data, we suggest that inhibition of COX activity is rather caused by ischemia-induced modification of COX polypeptides than by inhibition of mitochondrial translation., P. Racay ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This paper sheds light on the main trends in translation of Japanese literature in contemporary Hungary and theorize the role of Haruki Murakami’s works in making Japanese literature widely recognized. Firstly, the paper gives a general overview on translations of Japanese literature in Hungary in the post-1989 era. I argue that after a decline in translation in the 1990’s, the spread of anime and manga combined with the popularity of Haruki Murakami’s novels generated a growing interest in Japanese literature and culture in Hungary resulting in changed translation strategies. While translations were limited to pieces of the so-called junbungaku (pure literature) in the pre-1989 era, numerous pieces of taishūbungaku (popular literature) have been translated since the 2000’s, attracting a wider range of readers than ever. Based on book reviews from critics and readers published in traditional and social media, the second part of this paper will explore the main platforms of Japanese literature and analyze its reception. I argue that the magical realist setting combined with dialogues on fundamental questions of life create a specific literary mode which satisfy the Western readers’ desire for the exotic Other, ensuring the place of Japanese literature in the Western literary world.
Text se zabývá Latourovým pojetím překladu. Poukazuje na některé epistemologické problémy, které vyplývají ze zohledňování překladu jako předmětu zájmu. Tyto problémy lze redukovat na otázku, zda se na výsledné podobě překladu podílí jen poznávající subjekt, nebo také studovaná skutečnost. Podle způsobu řešení této otázky lze rozlišit mezi lingvistickým a nelingvistickým přístupem. Latourovu snahu o systematičtější vymezení překladu lze chápat jako odklon od lingvistické tradice ve prospěch nelingvistických forem podílejících se na vymezení programu epistemologického obratu. V textu jsou v tomto směru diskutovány především problémy redukcionismu, asymetrie, zobecněné symetrie, aktérství a role badatele ve výzkumném procesu. V Latourově perspektivě tento proces není záležitostí fakticity, nýbrž ontologické politiky, v níž dochází k vyjednávání o tom, co činí svět reálným., The article deals with translational concept of Bruno Latour, focusing on some epistemological issues that arise from the consideration of translation as object of interest. These issues can be reduced to the question whether the final form of translation involves only the knowing subject, or the studied reality as well. Based on the solution to this question, we can distinguish between linguistic and nonlinguistic approaches. Latour's attempt at systematic conceptualization of translation can be seen as a deflection from the linguistic tradition in favor of non-linguistic forms involved in the program of the ontological turn. In this sense, the text describes primarily the issues of reductionism, asymmetry, generalized symmetry, agency and the role of researcher in the research process. In Latour's view, this process is not the matter of facts, but matter of concerns, in which ontological politics consists of the process of negotiation over what makes up the real world., and Tomáš Kobes.
The topic of the presented paper is the discussion of possible approaches to the homogenization of synaptic information functions from the system-engineering point of view. Homogenization is a significant step to the construction of effective models that should enable understanding synaptic information functions. An attempt of a pragrnatic language translation within the niultilingual environrnent is proposed and briefly discussed.
This corpus contains annotations of translation quality from English to Czech in seven categories on both segment- and document-level. There are 20 documents in total, each with 4 translations (evaluated by each annotator in paralel) of 8 segments (can be longer than one sentence). Apart from the evaluation, the annotators also proposed their own, improved versions of the translations.
There were 11 annotators in total, on expertise levels ranging from non-experts to professional translators.
This study summarizes a corpus-based analysis of tendencies in register variation of Czech-written fiction texts in the period from 1992 to 2018. The analysis is based on projection of the results from a large sample of Czech prose texts (1070 texts, 12.7 mil. words) on a general register model (established by previous research using multidimensional analysis). The major tendencies found in the material are a decrease of cohesion level, addressee coding and retrospective narration, and increased polythematicity/lexical richness. These findings are supplemented by additional analyses of the role of translation, the position of a text excerpt in the original text (beginning, middle and end) and type of text in the results