Paradygmat kulturowy w badaniach porównawczych : poza cultural studies
- Title:
- Paradygmat kulturowy w badaniach porównawczych : poza cultural studies
Cultural paradigm in comparative studies : beyond cultural studies - Creator:
- Kola, Adam F.
- Identifier:
- Subject:
- comparative studies, cultural studies, social-regulatory concept of culture, translation, anthropologization, intentional rationality, world literature, glocalization of theory, komparatystka, społeczno-regulacyjna koncepcja kultury, przekład, antropologizacja, racjonalność intencjonalna, literatura światowa, glokalizacja teorii, and Slavonic Studies
- Type:
- Article
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Description:
- The transformation of literary studies and consolidation with cultural studies is forgone. It is connected with domination of cultural studies in (post)modern humanities. It is usually receipt as a danger for e.g. comparative literature. However, the aim of the paper is different. Herein I argue that this situation should not be noticed as a competition between comparative and cultural studies, and – as a consequence – loss of identity in literary studies. In presented paper I argue for a new project of such a consolidated studies, what is – in my opinion – especially important in the context of east and central europe. The starting point is culturalistic and constructivistic Jerzy Kmita's social-regulatory concept of culture (social-reputational theory of culture) supported by Stanley Fish's idea of interpretive communities, where culture is understood as a mental reality. Then, I focused on the issue of anthropologization of humanities, especially literary studies, and closely connected with that problem of intercultural translation. The key concept in presented herein idea is the category of intentional rationality (Michał Buchowski). In the final part of the paper I discuss those matters in the comparison to the recent reinterpretation of the world literature (e.g. by David Damrosch). As a conclusion it should be underline the necessity of reshaping and reinterpretation of comparative studies theory, which should go beyond – on the one hand – cultural studies, on the other – futile debate between local and global perspective, towards the idea of glocalization of theory
- Language:
- Polish
- Rights:
- unknown
- Relation:
- - Harvested from:
- Digital Library of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University
- Metadata only:
- false
- Date:
- 2011
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- unknown