The aim of the current paper is to assess the Bulgarian reflections on T. G. Masaryk's death in 1937. I am going to apply the theoretical approach of the German historian Reinhart Koselleck, who asserted that the "political cult of the dead" should be explored in a certain historical context and the commemoration of the "dead hero" was intended to reconstruct historical events and images. Therefore, before approaching my main objective, I will make a brief overview of the Bulgarian image of TGM in the context of the Bulgarian-Czechoslovak political relationship during the interwar period. I rely mainly on Bulgarian and Czechoslovak periodical press as well as on archival sources, published documents, and secondary literature, related to the subject. In my case study the periodical press assumes the role of intercultural communication and a mechanism of constructing cultural and national stereotypes.
The aim of this document collection is to present heretofore unpublished documents describing the situation of the young men who decided to leave the Czech lands for Bulgaria in the late 19th century. These materials concern the Czech teachers active in Bulgaria in this period; there were over 30 such teachers. Meanwhile, the demand for work in Bulgaria exceeded the actual supply; not all of the candidates were ultimately accepted. From these documents we can also learn the reasons for their departure to the Balkans and the process they had to undergo in departing. and Cílem této edice je představit dosud nepublikované dokumenty, které přibližují situaci mladých mužů, kteří se v na sklonku 19. století rozhodli odejít za prací do Bulharska. Materiály se týkají českých středoškolských učitelů, kterých bychom zde v tomto období napočítali více než 30. Poptávka po práci v Bulharsku přitom převyšovala skutečnou nabídku, ne všichni kandidáti byli nakonec přijati. Mimo jiné se tak dozvídáme příčiny jejich odchodu na Balkán a proces, jakým při tom museli projít.
The present paper concerns long-term 3D monitoring of active fault structures in the Krupnik-Kresna seismic zone, SW Bulgaria with the use of extensometers TM71. The purpose is to establish the real rates of fault movements in the most seismically active area in Bulgaria. Three points were installed (B6 on Krupnik Fault, and K5 and K12 on Struma Fault), which indicate a recent activity. The fault movements are characteristic with “calm” periods, linear slips, accelerations and sudden displacements. Different regimes of dynamics have been established corresponding to different periods. The greatest dynamics is found at monitoring point B6 along Krupnik Fault: for the whole period of observation the trends are calculated as left lateral slip with 1.88 mm/a and a thrusting with 1.59 mm/a with high correlation coefficients. Co-seismic displacements from local and distant earthquakes were recorded. The significant impact was from M=7.4, 17 August, 1999, Izmit Earthquake, Turkey, showing a shortening of 8.34 mm, a right-lateral slip of 5.09 mm and a thrusting of 0.96 mm. After that, for a short period of time the regime of movement on fault was changed. Movements on the Struma system reveal lower rates. Both points show left-lateral movements, 0.28 mm/a at K5 and 0.09 mm/a at K12, and thrusting with 0.11 mm/a at K5 and 0.72 mm/a at K12., Nikolai Dobrev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Five species of acanthocephalans of the family Centrorhynchidae are recorded from birds in Bulgaria: Centrorhynchus amphihius Das, 1950 from Buteo buteo (L.) (new host record), C. glohocaudatus (Zeder. 1800) Luhe, 1911 from Falco tin-nunculus L. and F. vespertinus L, (new host record), Sphaerimstris picae (Rudolphi, 1819) Golvan, 1960 from Pica pica (L.) and Lanius excuhitor L. (new host record), S. lancea (Westrumb, 1821) Golvan, 1960 from Vanellus vanellus (L.), and S. turili (Yamaguti, 1939) Golvan, 1960 from Turdus merula L„ Cinclus cinclus (L.) (new host record) and Stumus vulgaris L. (new host record). New geographical record for Europe is this of C. amphihius, and for Bulgaria - this of S. lurdi. The species are described and figured on the basis of Bulgarian specimens. Sphaerimstris picae is recognized as a valid species and S. teres is considered its synonym. A male of S. picae with a copulatory cap is reported.
In this article, one tradition and one document, or more precisely, one tradition incarnated in one document is presented. This document is one particular copy of the Bible belonging to Barbora Čížková, who was born in Vojvodovo, a Czech village in north-western Bulgaria. Barbora Čížková's Bible may serve as a key to understanding her personal life, which was – thanks to her strong attachment to the Bible and its crucial position in her life – fully emblematic and typical for the whole particular tradition, which witnessed its heyday and most pronounced expression in Vojvodovo. Barbora Čížková used her Bible to keep records and take notes reflecting on events in her life (which was however integrally connected with the life of the whole Vojvodovo community). Thus, this copy of the Bible is an important and valuable document on several levels for analyzing Vojvodovo's religious tradition. and Text se zabývá pozicí a významem Bible v rámci (zdaleka nejen) náboženské tradice obyvatel jediné české vesnice v Bulharsku – Vojvodova, a to ve dvou hlavních polohách. Nejprve je popsána pozice Bible v uvedené tradici na úrovni celého příslušného společenství (s exkurzem do pre-vojvodovských dějin), následně je pak analyzována role, jakou Písmo hraje v konkrétním životě jedné z příslušnic dané komunity. Jako pramen příslušného rozboru přitom v daném případě slouží konkrétní výtisk Bible dotyčné vojvodovské rodačky, resp. její vpisky, zaznamenávané do jejího výtisku Písma již po několik desítek let. Jak ve vztahu ke kolektivním aspiracím, jakož i praxi vojvodovského společenství, tak i v kontextu konkrétního životaběhu jeho jedné členky přitom dospíváme ke strukturálně identickým závěrům, tedy ke zjištění, že na obou uvedených rovinách, tj. na rovině kolektivní, jakož i osobní, Bible představovala explicitní svorník a pilíř, tedy že pozice Písma byla v obou případech zcela klíčová. Studie je doplněna o krátký apendix na dané téma z pera uvedené vojvodovské pamětnice.
The present paper aims to map the history, development, and present state of the Czech colony named Gorna Oryahovitsa and to place the particular case of this community's sugar factory within the broader context of Czech migration to Bulgaria. Specifically, it summarizes certain findings from field research in Bulgaria (2016). These are supplemented by information from archive materials and literature. The field research was mainly focused on establishing contacts and interviewing local residents, seeking and collecting archive materials, and mapping and documenting this locality. and Cílem tohoto textu je zmapovat historii, osud ale i současný stav české kolonie, a zasadit konkrétní případ cukrovaru v Gorné Orjachovici do širšího kontextu migrace Čechů do Bulharska. Předkládaný příspěvek shrnuje některé poznatky z terénního výzkumu v Bulharsku (2016). Ty jsou doplněny informacemi z archivních materiálů a literatury. Terénní výzkum byl zaměřen zejména na navazování kontaktů a rozhovory s místními obyvateli, vyhledávání a sběr archivních materiálů, mapování a dokumentaci dané lokality.
The cold hardiness of individuals from overwintering populations of a freeze susceptible bug Pyrrhocoris apterus from central and southern Europe differed significantly. Supercooling point (SCP) correlated well with both lethal temperature (LT50) and lethal time (Lt50), and is agood index of cold hardiness of adults during and after diapause. In January, diapause terminated, but cold hardiness was similar to that recorded in November; cold hardiness decreased slightly in March and markedly in May. Short exposure (less than a week) to higher temperatures before termination of diapause did not reduce the cold hardiness. Cold hardiness did not closely follow air temperatures.The Bulgarian bugs retained lower cold hardiness regardless of acclimation to harsh field conditions in the Czech Republic. The interpopulation difference is therefore a heritable character representing an adjustment to local climates.
Příspěvek se snaží v sémiotickém přístupu zmapovat podoby cyrilometodějského kultu z hlediska jeho úlohy nejen v rámci formování moderní bulharské identity, ale také historické paměti. Práce se zabývá různými reflexemi tohoto kultu v bulharské (bulharsko-makedonské) literární historii, výtvarném umění a náboženském životě v průběhu "dlouhého" 19. století. V tomto kontextu je cyrilometodějský kult interpretován jako jedna z významných kategorií, které nutně spoluutvářejí rámec moderní bulharské identity. and This paper tries to understand on the semiotic analysis the forms of St. Cyril and Methodius cult in terms of its role not only in the process of formation of modern Bulgarian identity, but also its historical memory. The work deals with various reflections of this cult in the Bulgarian (Bulgarian-Macedonian) literary history, art and religious life during the "long" 19th century. In this context, the cult of St. Cyril and Methodius is interpreted as one of the major categories which necessarily constitute the framework of modern Bulgarian identity.