The present paper concerns long-term 3D monitoring of active fault structures in the Krupnik-Kresna seismic zone, SW Bulgaria with the use of extensometers TM71. The purpose is to establish the real rates of fault movements in the most seismically active area in Bulgaria. Three points were installed (B6 on Krupnik Fault, and K5 and K12 on Struma Fault), which indicate a recent activity. The fault movements are characteristic with “calm” periods, linear slips, accelerations and sudden displacements. Different regimes of dynamics have been established corresponding to different periods. The greatest dynamics is found at monitoring point B6 along Krupnik Fault: for the whole period of observation the trends are calculated as left lateral slip with 1.88 mm/a and a thrusting with 1.59 mm/a with high correlation coefficients. Co-seismic displacements from local and distant earthquakes were recorded. The significant impact was from M=7.4, 17 August, 1999, Izmit Earthquake, Turkey, showing a shortening of 8.34 mm, a right-lateral slip of 5.09 mm and a thrusting of 0.96 mm. After that, for a short period of time the regime of movement on fault was changed. Movements on the Struma system reveal lower rates. Both points show left-lateral movements, 0.28 mm/a at K5 and 0.09 mm/a at K12, and thrusting with 0.11 mm/a at K5 and 0.72 mm/a at K12., Nikolai Dobrev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper describes the results of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) study of Sambia peninsula. The idea of this work was to verify the hypothesis whether any terrain surface deformation that occur in Sambia area, could be interpreted as related to tectonic processes. Moreover, if any movements are detected what is their relationship to the 21 September 2004 earthquake? To answer these questions SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data from European satellites ERS-1 and ERS-2 acquired from 1992 to 2001 were processed with interferometric techniques to archive independent data about terrain surface deformation. The obtained results - 4 sets of PS (Persistent Scatterers) points with calculated movement velocities (mm/yr) according to linear model were compared with published results of terrestrial measurements. The analysis of PS results confirms the occurrence of terrain deformations of tectonic origin of few mm/yr. The distribution of deformation velocities suggest its relationship to the recent activity occurring along two E-W trending seismoactive sub-zones located along Pregola river valley and possibly in the northern coast of Sambia Peninsula., Zbigniew Perski and Marek Mróz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Západní část Českého masivu se z hlediska recentní geodynamiky a geologické stavby řadí mezi unikátní přírodní laboratoře v Evropě. Zdejší opakující se zemětřesné roje a hojný výskyt minerálních pramenů s vysokou produkcí CO2 magmatického původu jsou předmětem trvalého zájmu geofyziků. Studium seismické aktivity za posledních 20 let ukázalo, že ohniska se zde vyskytují v několika oblastech v hloubkách od 6 do 25 km pod povrchem. Nejaktivnější je oblast Nového Kostela, kde se ohniska řadí podél plochy severojižního směru strmě ukloněné směrem na západ. Detailní analýza ohniskových mechanismů a časoprostorových vztahů mezi zemětřeseními v této oblasti ukazuje na vysoký pórový tlak v hornině a možnou aktivitu stlačené kapaliny při vzniku a vývoji rojové aktivity. Geodynamické procesy jsou zde také indikovány na základě přesných geodetických a gravimetrických měření., Josef Horálek, Tomáš Fischer, Jan Mrlina, Alena Boušková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury