There was published a pamphlet called Aké bude Slovensko o sto rokov? (1920), [What will Slovakia be like in 100 years?] just a century ago. It offered a vision of Slovak national state's future – the state flourishing with social welfare, scientific and technological progress and moral maturity of citizens. Adaptation of "happy national home" idea for future, written by engineer Jozef Dohnány (1873 – 1947), carries marks characteristics for utopias. The conference paper approaches to Dohnány's vision as to a branch of modern dynamic utopic phenomenon, creating a communication space, especially in the and century, for expressing desires and ideals, testing possibilities of mental borders and calling for social or political mobilization in favour of achievement realistic, or even unrealistic aims. The paper uses interdisciplinary interpretative approach for analysis of Dohnány vision's ideological structure, compares it in relation to More's prototype of utopia and refers to representations of "period's presence" in utopic genre.
The aim of the current paper is to assess the Bulgarian reflections on T. G. Masaryk's death in 1937. I am going to apply the theoretical approach of the German historian Reinhart Koselleck, who asserted that the "political cult of the dead" should be explored in a certain historical context and the commemoration of the "dead hero" was intended to reconstruct historical events and images. Therefore, before approaching my main objective, I will make a brief overview of the Bulgarian image of TGM in the context of the Bulgarian-Czechoslovak political relationship during the interwar period. I rely mainly on Bulgarian and Czechoslovak periodical press as well as on archival sources, published documents, and secondary literature, related to the subject. In my case study the periodical press assumes the role of intercultural communication and a mechanism of constructing cultural and national stereotypes.
Libuše Bráfová, granddaughter of František Palacký and daughter of František Ladislav Rieger, decided to set up a museum in the house where her family had lived for several generations. In my paper I will focus on the following questions: What did the idea of home mean to Bráfová? Why did she decided to open her house to public? What were functions and purpose of the museum and why was setting it up so difficult? Besides, I will be interested in the functionig of the museum in the first years of its existence, the popularity of this institution among the Czech public and the experiences of visitors of the home of the most important Czech family in the 19th century.
The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was a period of growing interest in historical topography and local history. At that time, two substantial topographical works were being created in Moravia: the collective work Vlastivěda Moravská and the topography of Ladislav Hosák. Although some had intentions, a comparable work was not produced for Bohemia. This article presents one of the few attempts at a topography for the whole of Bohemia, the work of the peasant and politician Jan Barták (1861–1941) from the village of Kaliště near Ondřejov. In the years 1895–1941, Barták wrote and prepared for publication 193 volumes of his topography of Bohemia, based on extensive archival research and study of regional literature. During his lifetime, the author only managed to have one volume published, the one for the Jílové district near Prague. His topographical work, stored today in the State District Archive in Prague-West, based in Dobřichovice, has subsequently fallen into obscurity. The article provides information about Barták himself, his family, education, career, and political views. It focuses on Barták 's motivation for his topographical work, his inspiration, goals, sources, and methods of work. It also describes the scope and content of the work and its destiny after Barták' s death.
The presented study is trying to analyze the development of the image of the president's birthday celebrations in 1919–1953. The day was one of the most important rituals during the common year. It was also one of the key factors in forming of the collective memory of the Czechoslovak society at that time. That was especially valid in the years when the independent Czechoslovak state was endangered. By comparison, the study is trying to show, how the form of the feast has changed during the reflected period, which was characteristic by dynamic changes of regimes and ideologies.
During the state socialist era in the GDR, the People's Republic of Poland and Czechoslovakia, care for the elderly and people in need of help was often provided at home. Volunteers from the national Red Cross societies, the East German organization People's Solidarity or neighborhood helpers from the residential area cared for needy people in the place that determined their reality of life – their own home. The way in which the home shaped social voluntary care for helpers and those in need before and after 1989 will be the subject of this paper. Keywords: care, elderly, home, volunteering, state socialism, German Democratic Republic, People's Republic of Poland, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
The study focuses on "pictorial topographies", i.e. series of vedutas, the creators of which aimed, at least to a certain extent, for topographic accuracy. Based on the works mentioned in Přehled vývoje vlastivědného popisu Čech [The development of homeland studies description of Bohemia] by František Roubík and works mostly published in the last 20 years, the author proposes various ways of classifying the series, which facilitates more accurate historical research. It also examines the transformation in their typology, which was compiled at the turn of the 19th century and was influenced by the Enlightenment and Romanticism.
The study focuses on the development of topographic works in Bohemia and Moravia in the period after the publication of Schaller's topography. Based on these works, the study reconstructs the types of outputs and forms of presentation of topographic data. It identifies various inventory topographies, statistical lexicons, homeland studies presentations, thematic lexicons, specialized topographic studies, cartographic representations, the publishing of vedutas and old photographs, and the preparation of dictionaries of local names.
The author of this study focuses on the issue of the church topography of the city of Nitra, which has not been adequately addressed until now, as the research of the earlier history of this important Slovak city was hindered by an absence of relevant sources. The old archive of the city was destroyed by fire before 1679 and also the city and many of its sacral buildings were destroyed during the Ottoman occupation. The author focuses on the localization and patronage of key sacral objects in the privileged Lower Town (St Peter's Chapel, St Andrew's Church, the Monastery of the Virgin Mary, the Church of the Virgin Mary at Calvary and others). His conclusions allow us to correct the topographical map of the city and to draw up a new map of the topography of Nitra before the end of the 16th century, capturing definitively located sacral buildings in the privileged Lower Town.
The goal of the article is to present the database and to outline its structure, content and feasible outputs. The research background for the creation of the database is briefly mentioned, and the basic structure of the database is described along with the current state of data retrieval. The keystones of the study are samples of database outputs. They are presented from simple searching and filtering to the broader application of statistical methods, and supplemented with examples of the map presentation of topographical themes.