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2. Care at home : voluntary care in the lives of those who provide and need help in three (post)socialist states
- Creator:
- Hachmeister, Maren
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- social care, volunteering, home, socialism, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- During the state socialist era in the GDR, the People's Republic of Poland and Czechoslovakia, care for the elderly and people in need of help was often provided at home. Volunteers from the national Red Cross societies, the East German organization People's Solidarity or neighborhood helpers from the residential area cared for needy people in the place that determined their reality of life – their own home. The way in which the home shaped social voluntary care for helpers and those in need before and after 1989 will be the subject of this paper. Keywords: care, elderly, home, volunteering, state socialism, German Democratic Republic, People's Republic of Poland, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
3. Co říká dům: možnosti k symetrickému přístupu k materialitě domova
- Creator:
- Pauknerová, Karolína
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- agency, home, material culture, materiality, and symmetrical approach
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The article discusses the possibility of a symmetrical approach in the anthropological study of the materiality of home. After an overview of the development in material culture studies and anthropological research of home, the author discusses two examples of anthropological writing about home: a description of home from Margaret Mead´s autobiography and Inge Daniels´ contemporary anthropological study from Japan.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
4. Domov a svět člověka: Mezi Kosíkem a Kohákem
- Creator:
- Trnka, Jakub
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Erazim Kohák, Karel Kosík, home, world, dialectics, and phenomenology
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Author focuses on conception of world as simultaneously constituted and lived by humans in the thought of Karel Kosík and Erazim Kohák. He seeks first an overall interpretation of the thought of Karel Kosík which would bridge the apparent gap between his early Marxist thought and his later essayistic critique of modern age. He comes to the conclusion that both phases of Kosík’s thought share substantive traits and even that Kosík’s later criticism of global capitalism is possible only on the foundations laid in his early works. Susequently the author presents phenomenologically oriented thought of Erazim Kohák which in spite of differences in overall philosophical framework manifests numerous parallels with Kosík’s thought. In Kohák’s work the author traces the problem of values and of valuing in general. On that basis he then analyses Kohák’s idea of home and offers it as a possible answer to the question of anchoring and orientating of lived experience in the dynamics of a world constituted by human being and living.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
5. Na počátku byl domov : fenomén domova jako inspirační zdroj jednání některých členů Opus bonum
- Creator:
- Bakeš, Ondřej
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Opus Bonum, exile, home, Anastáz Opasek, Vladimír Neuwirth, Petr Spielmann, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- For the exiles, who were active co-workers of the exile organization Opus Bonum, the phenomenon of the home was one of the most important issues in life. We will examine how this fact influenced the attitudes of the Opus Bonum meeting's participants. We are interested in how much it was a conscious or, on the contrary, unreflected inspiration and whether its application in different social positions differs. We will outline the influence of the idea of a happy home on further work in exile on the examples of the priest Anastáz Opasek, lay Catholic activist Vladimír Neuwirth and art theorist Petr Spielmann.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
6. Nature-Home-Housing: Greening and Commoning of Urban Space
- Creator:
- Gibas, Petr
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- greening, commoning, home, and nature
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
7. Non-home: theoretical approach to migrants' dwellings
- Creator:
- Łukasiuk, Magdalena and Jewdokimow, Marcin
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- věda, domov, science, home, přistěhovalecké obydlí, ne-domov, ne-místo, migrants’ dwelling, non-home, non-place, 12, and 00
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- In this article we introduce the notion of non-home as an attempt of meaningful insight into the migrants’ dwelling constructed from elements of diff erent provenance (family homes, social housing institutions, etc.), depending on tenants housing experiences, defi nitions (knowledge) and the very materiality of a living space. In developing the idea of a non-home we refer to the theoretical concepts of non-places and heterotopias., V tomto článku představujeme pojem ne-domova jako pokus o smyslupný náhled do bydlení migrantů, jenž je zkonstruováno z prvků různé provenience (rodinné domovy, instituce sociálního bydlení apod.) v závislosti na obyvatelských zkušenostech nájemníků, defi nicích (vědění) a samotné materialitě prostoru obydlí. Při rozvíjení myšlenky ne-domova se odvoláváme na teoretické koncepty ne-míst a heterotopií., and Magdalena Łukasiuk, Marcin Jewdokimow.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
8. Obraz domova v denících čs. legionářů
- Creator:
- Varaďa, Ondřej
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- the Czechoslovak Legion, home, First World War, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This paper analyses the image of home in memoirs of members of the Czechoslovak Legion. It focuses not only on retrospective memories recorded during the service, but also on introductory, biographical and closing sections that are a part of many memoirs, as well as on the visions of the future free state and home they hoped to return to. The paper utilizes sampling method, picking three memoirs of members of the Legion and submitting to comparison the temporary and situationally diverse ideas of home found in them, as well as their development in time. Upon this sample are then demonstrated the repetitive motives and development tendencies observed in memoirs of members of the Legion and hypotheses are drawn to identify the background and causality of such tendencies. The article concludes with summarizing the results and outlining the possible further research in this yet sparsely researched field.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
9. Recepce ideje státu jako šťastného domova v náboženských obcích Církve československé v Brně v letech 1948–1960
- Creator:
- Marša, Jakub
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Brno, the Czechoslovak Church, home, World War II, communism, KSČ, peace movement, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Years after February 1948 was a difficult period for the Czechoslovak Church. Although the ideologically divided church had a partially negative attitude towards the communist regime, another significant part of ordinary believers and priests (including church leadership) saw the communist state as an opportunity to fulfill the idea of Christian socialism. Czechoslovakia was to become a happy home for unbelievers and Christians alike. The paper is focused on the daily life of the religious communities of the Czechoslovak Church in Brno between 1948 and 1960. It seeks answers to the questions of how the vision of the coexistence of the communist state and the Czechoslovak Church was accepted among the believers themselves at the local level and how the relationship of believers to their new home developed during the dynamic 1950s.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown