When the nationalities of the multiethnic Austrian Empire began to demand national self-determination "on their own territory“, they
started the struggle for the national "Besitzstand“. The great nations like the Magyars, Czechs, Poles and Croats claimed for their historical "Staatsrecht“. The Austrian governments answered with the concept of national autonomy in national homogeneous districts on the basis of the existing historical "Kreise“. Palacky on the Krensierer Reichstag, Stadion in the Reichsverfassung of 1849, Ernest von Körber in the context of his deliberations to solve the "Bohemian question“ presented concepts for realization. When the
governments of Stürgkh, Clam Martinic and Seidler/Hussarek declarated the "Kreisordnung“ for Bohemia, there was no chance for acceptance, because the question of the settlement of a Czechoslovak State was decided., Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou, and V křestním jméně pod názvem je chybně napsáno Helmt místo správného Helmut
The study focuses on "pictorial topographies", i.e. series of vedutas, the creators of which aimed, at least to a certain extent, for topographic accuracy. Based on the works mentioned in Přehled vývoje vlastivědného popisu Čech [The development of homeland studies description of Bohemia] by František Roubík and works mostly published in the last 20 years, the author proposes various ways of classifying the series, which facilitates more accurate historical research. It also examines the transformation in their typology, which was compiled at the turn of the 19th century and was influenced by the Enlightenment and Romanticism.
Rudolf Pokorný, český podporovateľ česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti, uskutočnil cesty na Slovensko, ktoré zásadným spôsobom ovplyvnili jeho nasledujúci profesijný vývoj a literárnu tvorbu. Predložená štúdia na základe archívnych materiálov objasňuje pozadie realizovaných príprav, prispieva k poznaniu osobných kontaktov autora a jeho ďalších aktivít. Zároveň sa zameriava na vybrané aspekty zobrazenia česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti v cestopise Z potulek po Slovensku I a II. Text českému čitateľovi objasňoval napríklad slovenskú geografiu a folklór, sociálnu otázku alebo literárne pomery. Aj z pohľadu aktuálneho, aj historického. Slovenské prostredie autor zobrazil ako "iné", ale predsa stále blízke. Zachytené reakcie osobností a dobovej tlače sa stali dôležitým svedectvom o autorových aktivitách. To neskôr ovplyvnilo budovanie česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti, pretože "základný kameň" už existoval. and Rudolf Pokorný, the Czech supporter of Czech-Slovak reciprocity in the 19th century, executed several trips to Slovakia. Those fundamentally influenced his subsequent professional development and literary work. The study clarifies the background of the implemented preparations, contributes to the knowledge of the author's personal contacts and other activities. It also focuses on selected aspects of depicting Czech-Slovak reciprocity in the travel book Wanderings across Slovakia I and II (Z potulek po Slovensku). The text explain Slovak geography and folklore, the social question and literary conditions, specifically intended for the Czech readers (that was the author's goal). The author portrayed the Slovak environment as "different", but still "same". The captured reactions of personalities and contemporary press became an important testimony to the author's activities.
Fictional King of Morocco is mythical figure of Biblical proportions, herald of Apocalypse, usually associated with prophetical songs of Tolerance Sectarians from eastern Bohemia. Presented article deals with the motif of King of Morocco in these songs and tries to analyze its origin. Various sources of this oral tradition are discussed, like great influence of Protestant political prophecies, heterodox prophecies and folklore narratives of the period. The character of King of Morocco represents an affiliated motif to a specific corpus of oral traditions, consisting of apocalyptical narrative pattern about the Judgment Day. Origin of the motif of King of Morocco remains obscure; however, the popular reception of diplomatic visit of envoy of Sultan of Morocco to Vienna in 1783, combined with misinterpreted news about Tolerance Decree, seems to be the most probable source. Although associated with oral culture of Tolerance Sectarians, the whole narrative pattern was disseminated more widely and lived on in Czech oral tradition at least until 1848.
The almanacs represented an important source and constituent part of the popular culture in the „long“ nineteenth century. The text focuses on the by now slightly studied almanacs of Czech Protestants and, as a supplement, also contains its register. First Protestant calendars were published after the authorization of Protestant denominations at the end of the eighteenth century, but due to the economic weakness of these minorities soon ceased to exist. The next wave of their publishing was connected with liberalism of the middle of the nineteenth century and the social emancipation of Protestants. But the defeat of the revolution of 1848 again caused their demise. Systematic publishing of Protestant almanacs took place only in the last third of the nineteenth century, when their principal role was the gradual deepening of the confessional consciousness. From the beginning of the twentieth century these almanacs were used in the efforts for uniting of Czech Lutheran and Reformed Churches. This union was realized after the constitution of Czechoslovakia in the year 1918. Later Protestant almanacs were mostly regular ecclesiastical yearbooks without broader implications.
This study offers a revised classification of the movements involved in Teréza Nováková’s work, with specific reference to the novel Děti čistého živého (Children of Pure Living Spirit). Reference is made to the literary-historical and period metanarrative, emphasizing the presence of the ideal in the author’s work, which, however, was somewhat sidelined in the historical context, so that with the passage of time, Nováková was categorized under documentary realism. In the context of recent literary-history debates over the term ideal realism, and making use of the reception at that time, we demonstrate the stylization techniques Nováková used to construct, through her acknowledged work with oral and written documents, a text referring to the idea of nation-building based on culturally accepted paradigms.
This paper covers J.U. Jarník's life and his work in albanology. His focus was primarily Albanian dialectology and folklore. He authored two monographs, several articles and reviews, and many unpublished manuscripts. Also, he planned to make an expedition to Albania with G. Meyer, but did not succeed in realizing this plan. and Příspěvek se věnuje životu a dílu J. U. Jarníka v oblasti albanistiky. Zabýval se především dialektologickou problematikou albánštiny a albánskou lidovou slovesností. Je autorem dvou monografií, několika článků a kritik a množství nikdy nepublikovaných rukopisů. Zamýšlel také podniknout s G. Meyerem expedici do Albánie, kterou se mu nepodařilo realizovat.
The reasons for conversion or withdrawal from traditional churches could be different in every historical period. Historians should recognize the secondary or contrary historical processes like foundation of small movements and "free" churches, and also appreciate individual motives of a convert. e author of this paper researches conversion on the basis of 1) religious term and its different meanings in historical contexts, 2) study of the convert‘s "Lebenswelt" and his local church and religious culture. At first he compares the similar meanings of the term conversion in different theological encyclopedias (change of religion) and puts forward
Karl Rahner’s notion of internal conversion as Bekehrung
(a change of the involved man in his spiritual relationship to God) as an inspiring tool for the methodology of ecumenical or comparative church history. A summary of church development and the legislative status of different denominations in the Habsburg monarchy in the 19th century follows. The author approaches that the wave of religious changes in the late 19th century was truly brought about by the internal pluralization of religious culture. He demonstrates his point by analysing conversion in the Prague diocese in 1900. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Článek definuje charakteristické rysy Anněnkovovy literární kritiky. Pavel V. Anněnkov (1813–1887) patřil v padesátých letech 19. století k výrazným odpůrcům literárněkritických koncepcí radikálních demokratů. Anněnkov bývá považován za významného obhájce estetické stránky literárního díla, která podle něj nesmí být zastíněna diskusemi o politických či společenských otázkách. Avšak jeho hodnocení literárních děl nelze redukovat pouze na estetické hledisko. Autor dokládá, že Anněnkov ve svých literárních kritikách kladl důraz také na harmonii a mravní hledisko, a upravuje tak převládající zjednodušující vnímání Anněnkovova jako literárního kritika. Článek uvádí Anněnkovovy estetické a umělecké postoje do souvislostí dobového ruského liberálního myšlení a ukazuje, že vlivy evropského liberalismu je v ruském prostředí nutno hledat i mimo politickou sféru. and This study describes the characteristic features of Annenkov's literary criticism. Pavel V. Annenkov (1813–1887) was one of the key opponents of the concepts of literary criticism proposed by the radical democrats. He used to be regarded as a strong advocate of the aesthetic qualities of literature, which, in his opinion, could not be superseded by discussions about political or social issues. However, his assessment of literary works can not only be reduced to an aesthetic point of view. The author reports that in his literary criticisms Annenkov also puts emphasis on harmony and on moral viewpoint and thus he adjusts prevailing simplified perception of Annenkov as a literary critic. The study draws parallels between Annenkov's aesthetic and artistic views and the then-current Russian liberal thinking and shows that the influence of European liberalism on the Russian society can also be found outside the sphere of politics.
The preserved correspondence of Božena Němcová can be used as a source for an analysis of her attitude to her children. The letters enable us to reflect if these attitudes diverged from the conventions of the time, to what degree her personal experiences reflected in her raising of the children and what priorities she envisioned for them. The principles Němcová quoted can be to a certain degree seen as representing a clash of only slowly changing social norms (i.e. the notion of the patriarchal family with father-provider) and the rapidly changing social and economic reality. Němcová herself was forced to submit to the economic situation of her family and through her own income tried to improve its situation. As for the raising of the children, she mostly advocated traditional views. However, we can consider modern her conviction of the importance of first-rate education, without regard to gender. As for the future professions of her children, she viewed this question in a practical way, considering the possibilities for professional fulfilment and salary. There is a marked difference in the approach of Němcová to her sons and to her only daughter, influenced of course by the fact of their greater or shorter distance from home, but also probably by certain traditional and gender-stereotypical thinking. The educational style of Němcová should not be considered liberal, as she most often reminded her children of their duties, moral principles, obedience, respect and responsibility.