The presented study is trying to analyze the development of the image of the president's birthday celebrations in 1919–1953. The day was one of the most important rituals during the common year. It was also one of the key factors in forming of the collective memory of the Czechoslovak society at that time. That was especially valid in the years when the independent Czechoslovak state was endangered. By comparison, the study is trying to show, how the form of the feast has changed during the reflected period, which was characteristic by dynamic changes of regimes and ideologies.
The article deals with a dissent discourse against celebrations of October 28th in the era of the First Czechoslovak republic found in court records. Primarily, is researched a discourse of members of the German and Polish community in the Czech lands. Besides ways of shaping a negative image of the celebrations there are researched also attempts to create alternative festivities which could connect the citizens with certain political movements.