The study pays attention to the formation of the research into Nativ Americans, as well as to the ethical issues connected not only
with the discipline of cultural anthropology, but also of museology,
archaeology, or cultural studies. The study reflects the development
in the attitude to Nativ Americans since the second half of the 19th
century. It describes the foundation of the Institute of American Ethnology, the formation of anthropology in the USA as well as the era of Franz Boas, one of its founders. It also reflects the criticism by Indian academicians. It points out the interconnection between political ideologies, relation to Indians (and all indigenous inhabitants of North America) and definition of research, most visibly especially in connection with applied anthropology It also focuses on contemporary trends, ethical codes, and the role of the Native American and Indigenous Studies within the context of decolonization.
Text vykládá jednotlivé pojmy, které v Aristotelově díle představují kandidáty na protějšek moderního pojmu zdravého rozumu, a uvádí je do vzájemné souvislosti. Především v logických a rétorických textech Aristotelés pracuje s termínem endoxos, který používá pro výroky a osoby, které jsou v daném společenství uznávány. V epistemologii pracuje s termínem koiné aisthésis v souvislosti s vnímáním jako takovým. Autor poukazuje na vazbu, kterou u Aristotela díky jeho práci ve fyziologii má obecná schopnost vnímat třetí klíčový pojem, který patří do etiky, totiž na fronésis. V rámci výkladu fronésis má místo také poslední bezprostředně relevantní pojem – orthos logos. Aristotelova koncepce jednání, jež Aristotelés vykládá někdy pomocí tzv. praktického sylogismu, pak ukazuje na roli uznávaných výroků jako typických obecných premis v těchto sylogismech a roli osob uznávaných pro svou fronésis jako měřítek určujících kritéria pro to, co je dobré jednání., The text interprets the particular concepts in Aristotle’s work which present themselves as candidates for being the counterpart to the modern concept of common sense, and it introduces them in their mutual relatedness. Aristotle works with the term endoxos, particularly in his logical and rhetorical texts, which he uses for statements and persons which are recognised in a given community. In epistemology he works with the term koiné aisthésis in connection with perception as such. The author points to a third concept, which Aristotle, thanks to his work in physiology, has a general ability to perceive, and which belongs to ethics: this is fronésis In an interpretation of fronésis there is also a place for the last directly relevant concept – orthos logos. Aristotle’s conception of conduct, which he sometimes interprets with the help of a so-called practical syllogism, displays the role of recognised statements as the typical general premisses in these syllogisms, and the role of persons recognised for their fronésis as the measure of the determining criteria for what is good conduct., and Petr Glombíček.
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČR v posledních měsících opakovaně informuje veřejnost o svém záměru zpřístupnit asistovanou reprodukci (ART) osobám bez partnera. Zdůvodňuje to lidskými právy a demografickou situací. Článek je analýzou vyslovených důvodů a možných konsekvencí. Text volně navazuje na moje dvě předchozí analýzy v minulých číslech ČZPB 2016, první řešící záměr rozšířit platbu ART zdravotními pojišťovnami a legislativně ukotvit náhradní mateřství, druhá zaměřená na věkové limity pro samoplátce. and In recent months, Czech Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs repeatedly informs the public of its intention to make assisted reproduction techniques (ART) to single persons, reasoning that human rights and demographic situation. The article is an analysis of reasons expressed by the Ministry and possible consequences of the steps. Text loosely builds on my two previous analyzes published in ČZPB 2016, the first dealing with the intention to extend the health insurence payment of ART and to anchore legislatively surrogacy in CR. The other analysis is focused on age limits for ART at private patients.
The article examines the meaning of the other for Kant's idea of autonomy. Autonomy is interpreted, in relation to the universal demand of the ethical, as governing the will by principles. Autonomy as principled self-determination by means of the practical law cannot be understood as the standpoint of an isolated subject. Instead we must understand it as a standpoint taken towards others, which we treat as the aspect of spontaneity, and at the same time as a standpoint taken thanks to others, since others make possible its awakening and development - here the aspect of receptivity is discussed. In this two-way relation between autonomy (enabled by a self-determining goverment by principle) and the other, the character of dialogical mutuality is exhibited: autonomy is the principled considerateness of a good will towards others, and, in order for it to be such, it must be initiated by others., Ondřej Sikora., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Th e paper aims at identifying, explaining and illustrating the aff ordances of “creative nonfi ction” as a style of writing social science. Th e fi rst part introduces creative nonfi ction as a method of writing which brings together empirical material and fi ction. In the second part, based on illustrations from my ethnographic research of European “crisis reporters,” written in the form of a novel about a fi ctional journalist, but also based on a review of existing social science research that employs a creative method of writing, I identify several main aff ordances of creative nonfi ction in socialscientifi c research. In particular, I argue that creative nonfi ction allows scientists to illustrate their fi ndings, to express them in an allegorical way, to organize data into a narrative, to let their pieces of research act in the social world, and to permeate research accounts with self-refl exive moments. I also discuss some apparent negative aff ordances: challenges that creative nonfi ction poses to readers and to the institutionalized academic discourse. Finally, I suggest that writing about sociological problems in the style of creative nonfi ction can help to produce more engaging and engaged texts, and I discuss the ethical implications of the approach. and Článek identifi kuje, vysvětluje a ilustruje afordance „kreativní nonfi kce“ jako stylu psaní o sociální vědě. V první části představuji kreativní nonfi kci jako metodu psaní, která kombinuje empirický materiál a imaginaci. Ve druhé části na základě ukázek z vlastního etnografi ckého výzkumu evropských “krizových reportérů”, psaného formou románu o fi ktivním novináři, a také na základě jiných sociálněvědných výzkumů, které používají kreativní metody psaní, identifi kuji několik hlavních afordancí kreativní nonfi kce v sociálněvědním výzkumu. Kreativní nonfi kce zejména umožňuje vědkyním a vědcům jinak a někdy lépe ilustrovat jejich zjištění, vyjádřit tato zjištění alegoricky, organizovat data a vytvářet narativ, podpořit efektivitu výzkumů v sociálním světě nebo také proložit výzkumný narativ seberefl exivními prvky. Text ale diskutuje i zjevné negativní afordance, tedy výzvy, které potenciálně plynou ze setkání kreativní nonfi kce se čtenářstvem a s institucionalizovaným akademickým diskurzem. Nakonec diskutuji některé etické implikace představeného přístupu a tvrdím, že psát o sociologických problémech ve stylu kreativní nonfi kce může pomoct vytvářet texty, které budou angažované i poutavé.
Readers of Levinas are often puzzled by the move from the ethical to the political. The ethical relation is that of the face-to-face. It is marked by inequality and exclusivity. The political, however, is characterized by equality and universality. Since the Enlightenment, its ideal has been a justice that is no respecter of persons; the touchstone of the political has been equal justice for all. How, then, are we to move from the ethical to the political? Does Levinas provide us with a way to mediate between the two? The very notion of mediation presupposes that there are levels that intervene between the individual and the political. For Levinas, such levels are provided by the family. This, I argue, is the import of Levinas’s account in Totality and Infinity of the erotic origin of society. In the final sections of this article, I draw out the implications of Levinas’s account of fecundity for the concept of the political.
If the motif of sociality has its roots in sexuality, then sexuality itself is situated in the ambiguous throbbing of immanence and transcendence. Desirous Eros thus brings us to fundamental immanence, and also elevates us to the Other, to a love without desire. The deformalization of time undergoes several registers in Totality and Infinity. It goes from the “the night of the erotic”, to “the equivocal […, that] allows profanation”, bringing us to Eros, which delivers us from “encumberment” and “it goes toward a future which is not yet and which I will not merely grasp, but I will be […]”. Here, Levinas alludes to the eroticism of time, to fecundity, which manifests the social structure of enamored subjectivity. The affected identity is truly fecund, and that with the fecundity of voluptuosity, which never withdraws into itself. The time variations described in such a manner culminate the movement of the deformalization of time, from the first generative cell (sexuality) to the highest ethical demand (Justice).
The well-known book by Peter Singer The Liberation of Animals has not only inspired a series of texts defending the rights and interests of animals, but has also provoked a discussion about what humanity is, what meaning can our belonging to the human kind have for us, and whether Singer’ critique of the “human prejudice” is justified. The paper considers two important defenders of “human prejudice”, B. A. O. Williams and C. Diamond, who both claim the concept of human being to be a basic ethical concept. In the first part, we will present Williams’s argument that solidarity and identity with one’s species doesn’t have the structure of a blameworthy privilege similar to sexism and racism. In the second part, we will proceed to Diamond’s conception of human being that is founded in relations and responses towards the other. Just as our treatment of a human being depends on whether we see this person as our fellow, so our treatment of an animal depends on how we see it. In the last part, we will consider Diamond’s illustration of how it is possible to change our perception of an animal and thus to change our treatment of it., Kamila Pacovská., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
One part of the theme ”ethics and folklorism” concerns the ethnologist and his/her research, the other one folklorism itself.
Ethics is not a frequented word in the other part, although this
phenomenon - because of its importance it has in the society -
would deserve it. In the dominating part of the entire phase of
folklorism, there is no extensive awareness of ethical effect of several activities. Today, it is very difficult to differ in particular regions or locations, what has survived as a relic of older
traditions, what has been included in them for various reasons, how the first arrangers, choreographers, whose results were often passed off as transmissions of original materials, proceeded at their flights of imaginations. The phenomenon that we could call as “folk culture free for use” remains big problem as well. Here we are also missing an ethica codex that, however, does not concern just ethnology. The general need for ethics in relation to cultural tradition is not deep-rooted at all by us. It is a widely social matter and it should concern cultural tradition in the legal sense of the word - not to exploit it, not to misuse it commercially, to understand it as a part of national culture. In addition to the research principles, it is thus necessary to promote generally the fact that nobody may behave destructively or unethically to cultural heritage of any nature.
The issue of ethics is reflected in all UNESCO conventions.
For ethnology, Convention on Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Convention on the Protection and Promotion of
the Diversity Cultural Expressions, Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage are the most important ones. UNESCO is based on faith in universal values on which it also builds itsattitude to ethical aspects of the research. It tries to establish common values and criteria for all countries, taking into a
special account the development countries. It is the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) that deals with the issue
of ethics in relation to traditional knowledge, traditional cultural
expressions, and folklore. The most important aspects for the
protection of cultural heritage include the respect for cultural
diversity among nations, and the protection from the misuse of
traditional knowledge and awareness including their