Uvádíme a porovnáváme názory největších myslitelů antiky a středověku - Platóna, Aristotela, Augustina a Tomáše Akvinského - na povahu a vlastnosti času. Všímáme si, jak se jimi formulované názory a problémy odrážejí v současné fyzice., Pavel Macků, Jan Novotný., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Text vykládá jednotlivé pojmy, které v Aristotelově díle představují kandidáty na protějšek moderního pojmu zdravého rozumu, a uvádí je do vzájemné souvislosti. Především v logických a rétorických textech Aristotelés pracuje s termínem endoxos, který používá pro výroky a osoby, které jsou v daném společenství uznávány. V epistemologii pracuje s termínem koiné aisthésis v souvislosti s vnímáním jako takovým. Autor poukazuje na vazbu, kterou u Aristotela díky jeho práci ve fyziologii má obecná schopnost vnímat třetí klíčový pojem, který patří do etiky, totiž na fronésis. V rámci výkladu fronésis má místo také poslední bezprostředně relevantní pojem – orthos logos. Aristotelova koncepce jednání, jež Aristotelés vykládá někdy pomocí tzv. praktického sylogismu, pak ukazuje na roli uznávaných výroků jako typických obecných premis v těchto sylogismech a roli osob uznávaných pro svou fronésis jako měřítek určujících kritéria pro to, co je dobré jednání., The text interprets the particular concepts in Aristotle’s work which present themselves as candidates for being the counterpart to the modern concept of common sense, and it introduces them in their mutual relatedness. Aristotle works with the term endoxos, particularly in his logical and rhetorical texts, which he uses for statements and persons which are recognised in a given community. In epistemology he works with the term koiné aisthésis in connection with perception as such. The author points to a third concept, which Aristotle, thanks to his work in physiology, has a general ability to perceive, and which belongs to ethics: this is fronésis In an interpretation of fronésis there is also a place for the last directly relevant concept – orthos logos. Aristotle’s conception of conduct, which he sometimes interprets with the help of a so-called practical syllogism, displays the role of recognised statements as the typical general premisses in these syllogisms, and the role of persons recognised for their fronésis as the measure of the determining criteria for what is good conduct., and Petr Glombíček.
In the Middle Ages, Pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum secretorum was an exceptionally widespread text, both in Latin and vernacular versions. It was a thematically varied treatise, a kind of sum of knowledge, containing information from statecraft, natural sciences, medicine and health science. The main attention of the study is focused on the spread of this treatise in medieval Bohemia. It follows not only its manuscript preservation and its context, but also the milieu in which this text was received, or which parts were received in the given, specific milieu. An important theme is also the translations into Czech and the reception of this treatise in texts written in Czech., Pavlína Cermanová., and Obsahuje poznámky pod čarou
The prehistory of clay mineralogy is highlighted from the beginnings in ancient Greece to the mineralogical works of Agricola, in particular his famous handbook of mineralogy, entitled De natura fossilium (1546). Starting with a few scattered hints in the works of Archaic and Classic Greek authors, including Aristotle, the first treatment of clays as a part of mineralogy is by Theophrastus. This basic tradition was further supplemented by Roman agricultural writers (Cato, Columella), Hellenistic authors (the ge ographer Strabo and the physicians Diosco rides and Galen), the Roman engineer-architect Vitruvius, and finally summarized in Pliny’s encyclopedia Naturalis historia, which has become the main source for later authors, including Agricola. It is shown to what extent Agricola’s work is just a great summary of this traditional knowledge and to what extent Agricola’s work must be considered as original. In pa rticular, Agricola’s attempt to a rational, combinatorical classification of "earths" is recalled, and aplausible explanation is given for his effort to include additional information on Central European clay depos its and argillaceous raw material occurre nces. However, it is shown that - in contrast to common belief - Agricola was not the first to include "earths" in a mineralogical system. This had been done almost one thousand years earlier by Isidore of Seville., Willi Pabst and Renata Kořánová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The chief protagonist in the fragments of the Old Czech Alexandreida is usually interpreted as a hero embodying the virtues of a sovereign. This study offers an alternative reading in a comparison with Gautier de Châtillon’s Alexandreida and Ulrich von Etzenbach’s Alexander. The passages set in Troy, Jerusalem and Libya show that the Old Bohemian Alexander rises high only to fall again. This fall is not brought about by any prideful intemperance, as in other versions, but takes the form of a betrayal of the sovereign ruler, the Lord, which mirrors the betrayal to which succumbed Alexander’s father Philip and is underpinned by the fickleness of Alexander’s gigantesque heart.