The article treats of the discussion of democracy in the Czech intellectual context of the first half of the 20th century. Its starting point is the thesis that the nature of this discussion is determined by two clearly defined types of approach. One of them understood democracy as the concerning the general level which alone enabled free discussion and the dignified life of citizens (E. Beneš, E. Rádl, F. X. Šalda, F. Peroutka, K. Čapek and others). The second approach is an attempt to found democratic social-political practice on reflected philosophical theory. This conception is represented by T.G. Masaryk and J.L. Fischer. Masaryk is the “ontotheologian” of democracy which is, for him, an expression of the active presence of Providence in history. J. L. Fischer is the “onto-epistemologist” of democracy. He understands democracy as the realisation of the hierarchical Order of Reality, interpreted along the lines of structural functionalism. For Masaryk a crisis of democracy is ex definitione impossible, for Fischer it is a real threat because “pathological structures”. In both cases, however, there is an attempt to legitimise everyday reality by Transcendence.
If the motif of sociality has its roots in sexuality, then sexuality itself is situated in the ambiguous throbbing of immanence and transcendence. Desirous Eros thus brings us to fundamental immanence, and also elevates us to the Other, to a love without desire. The deformalization of time undergoes several registers in Totality and Infinity. It goes from the “the night of the erotic”, to “the equivocal […, that] allows profanation”, bringing us to Eros, which delivers us from “encumberment” and “it goes toward a future which is not yet and which I will not merely grasp, but I will be […]”. Here, Levinas alludes to the eroticism of time, to fecundity, which manifests the social structure of enamored subjectivity. The affected identity is truly fecund, and that with the fecundity of voluptuosity, which never withdraws into itself. The time variations described in such a manner culminate the movement of the deformalization of time, from the first generative cell (sexuality) to the highest ethical demand (Justice).
Dodržování protiepidemických opatření určuje, jak se společnost vypořádá s pandemií nového koronaviru. K objasnění, proč někteří lidé opatření nedodržují, využíváme teorii osobních konstruktů. Ta předpokládá, že stresující události v pandemii invalidizují do té doby smysluplný obraz světa (konzistentní konstruování). Pokud se jedinec snaží invalidizované konstruování zachovat místo jeho změny, uplatňuje strategii hostility – například devalvuje informace a názory, které jsou s jeho/jejím konstruováním nekompatibilní. Tím dochází k upevňování nedůvěřivých postojů vůči institucím a k nerespektování opatření, která vyhlašují. Tento model konfrontujeme s informacemi z rozhovorů s 20 respondenty. Analýza dospěla k pěti kategoriím, které odráží, jak respondenti pandemické situaci rozumí: zodpovědnost, kritika, odstup, produktivní dialog, neproduktivní dialog. Respondentky z kategorie „kritika“ čelily výrazným stresujícím/invalidizujícím změnám. Své kritické postoje k protiepidemickým opatřením udržovaly prostřednictvím hostilního pohledu na osoby s jiným názorem a prostřednictvím nedůvěry v instituce a média. Většina ostatních respondentů opatření dodržovala. Ve svém pohledu na pandemickou situaci brali v potaz různé perspektivy, neuplatňovali hostilní pohled a vyjadřovali určité porozumění lidem s jinými názory. Hostilita tedy může být základním neadaptivním mechanizmem k udržení smysluplného obrazu světa v nepřehledné pandemické době, která však vede k nedůvěře, společenské polarizaci a nedodržování opatření. and Non-adherence to public health measures determines how society copes with the new coronavirus pandemic. In this study, we apply the personal construct theory to answer why some people comply with anti-epidemic measures. The theory assumes that stressful events in the pandemic situation invalidate an individual’s worldview (individual’s construing). If the individual attempts to maintain this construing instead of its reconstruction, s/he may apply the hostility strategy. For example, s/he dismisses information or opinions that are incompatible with his/her original construing. This leads to an elaboration of distrust and critical attitudes towards institutions and to non-compliance with measures they order. We investigate this model by an interview analysis with 20 respondents. The analysis yielded five categories showing how respondents construe the pandemic situation: responsibility, criticism, distance from the subject, productive dialogue, and unproductive dialogue. Respondents from the category “criticism” were facing substantial stressful/invalidating changes. They maintained their critical attitude towards anti-epidemic measures through a hostile view of those with differing opinions and a strong distrust in institutions and media. The other respondents mostly complied with the measures. In their construing of the pandemic situation, they took different perspectives into the account, did not experience hostility, and expressed some degree of understanding to people with different opinions. Thus, hostility could be a fundamental psychological principle to preserve a meaningful worldview in times of the pandemic. Hostility, however, leads to distrust, opinion polarization, and non-compliance with anti-epidemic measures.
Scent marking is widely recognised to have a crucial function in many species. Most research has focussed on adults and very little is known about scent marking patterns during juvenile development. Using video records of juvenile red fox Vulpes vulpes across six years, we tested whether scent marking rates varied with age or sex, or whether juveniles remaining on the natal territory (philopatry) marked more frequently than those that disappeared. Our data show that male juvenile red foxes scent marked more than females during early development, but rates rapidly declined as they aged. In contrast, females showed a significantly later and slower rate of decline. Within females, individuals that remained in the natal area had higher scent marking rates than those that disappeared,suggesting that scent marking has a role in social group affiliation within litters. These results demonstrate that scent marking plays an important role in juveniles, including their intra-litter social interactions.