Cílem studie bylo posouzení přítomnosti depresivní symptomatologie u dětí po léčbě nádorového onemocnění. Soubor tvořilo 91 bývalých dětských onkologických pacientů (47 dívek) ve věku 9 - 19 let. Vyšetření depresivity bylo provedeno v rozmezí dvou až pěti let od ukončení léčby v rámci monitorování pozdních následků léčby a kvality života bývalých dětských onkologických pacientů. Výsledky byly porovnány s kontrolní skupinou dětských pacientů s chronickým onemocněním a skupinou zdravých dětí. Vyšetření depresivity bylo provedeno prostřednictvím dotazníku CDI. Přínosem studie je srovnání skupin v rámci jednotlivých subškál dotazníku CDI (špatná nálada, interpersonální problémy, nevýkonnost, anhedonie, negativní sebehodnocení) za účelem přesnější identifikace okruhu případných problémů přeživších. Bývalí dětští onkologičtí pacienti mají významně nižší hodnoty depresivní symptomatologie v porovnání s oběma porovnávacími skupinami. Signifikantně nižší míra depresivity u dětí po léčbě onkologického onemocnění byla identifikována v oblastech špatná nálada, anhedonie a negativní sebehodnocení. Ve shodě se současnými výzkumnými poznatky nabízíme několik možných interpretací získaných výsledků., Objective. The purpose of this study was to explore symptoms of depression in childhood cancer survivors. Sample and setting. The study included 91 childhood cancer survivors (47 girls) aged 9-19. Depressiveness was measured by means of the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) within a period of two to five years after treatment completion while monitoring the late effects of oncological treatment and survivors’ quality of life. The data has been compared to a group of child patients with another chronic disease and a group of healthy children (comparison groups). Hypotheses. The aim of the study was to identify whether possible differences between the individual groups of respondents manifest themselves in some specific CDI subscales and thus help better identify possible complaints among the survivors. Statistical analysis. The sum scores for the whole CDI scale and its sub-scales were compared by factor analysis of variance. Results. Former oncological patients (study group) scored significantly lower in the CDI in comparison to both comparison groups, and the analysis of individual CDI subscales has established a significant difference between the study group and the two comparison groups in relation to the Negative Mood, Anhedonia and Negative Self-esteem subscales. The lowest depressiveness scores have been explored on the specified subscales for the cancer survivor group. Study limitation. The research has the usual limitations arising from the fact that a self-report method was used. CDI data should be verified using projective testing and an interview in future research., and Irena Komárková ... [et al.].
Autoři zjišťovali předpoklady díla Václava Příhody (Ontogeneze lidské psychiky, 1963-1974), který uvažoval o odlišnostech míry deprese a smutku v jednotlivých obdobích ontogeneze, s nejvyšší intenzitou v období postpubescence (15-19 let) a v kmetském věku (75 a výše). Na souboru z běžné populace (N = 200) ve věku 15-92 let blízkému populačnímu rozložení podle pohlaví, věku a vzdělání autoři ukazují změny depresivní a úzkostné symptomatiky (měřené pomocí Beckovy škály deprese, BDI-II a Beckovy škály úzkosti, BAI) v jednotlivých věkových obdobích. Autoři zjistili, shodně s Příhodovými předpoklady, maximální hodnoty depresivní i úzkostné symptomatiky v krajních věkových kategoriích dospělosti, v období postpubescence a v kmetském věku.
Česká verze Dotazníku stavu a rysu deprese (STDI ) zahrnuje 20 položek, 10 položek pro měření Stavu – deprese (S-Dep) a 10 položek pro měření Rysu – deprese (T-Dep). Obě stupnice zahrnují 5 položek, které měří nepřítomnost deprese, euthymii, resp. přítomnost deprese, dysthymii. Každá položka byla přeložena několikrát. Po zpětném překladu vybral autor původního STDI 61 položek, které sémanticky odpovídaly testovaným konstruktům. Položky byly administrovány 268 středoškolským a vysokoškolským studentům (172 žen, 96 mužů). Faktorová analýza poskytla vždy dva faktory stavu a rysu, Dysthymii a Euthymii. Česká verze STDI odpovídá třem požadavkům: 1) Žádné položky nejsou drobnou obměnou téhož výroku. 2) Ke každé položce původního STDI je přiřazen pouze jeden český překlad. 3) Z kombinací položek, které, splňují kritéria 1) a 2), mají stupnice STDI nejvyšší hodnoty Cronbachova koeficientu vnitřní konsistence alfa, S-Dep 0,84 a T–Dep 0,86. Souběžná validita je zhruba stejná, jako u původní verze STDI . Česká verze STDI je určena výlučně pro nekomerční účely. and State-Trait Depression Inventory – Czech version
Czech version of STDI involves 20 items, 10 items measure Depression – State (S-Dep), and 10 items measure Depression – Trait (T-Dep). Both scales involve 5 items measuring absence of depression, Euthymia, and 5 items measuring presence of depression, Dysthymia. Each item was translated several times, and backward translated to English. The author of the original STDI selected 61 backward translated items that semantically correspond to the tested constructs. These items were administered to 268 secondary school and university students (172 female, 96 male). The factor analysis has shown two factors of state and trait for both Dysthymia and Euthymia. The Czech version of STDI corresponds to 3 criteria: 1) Items are not visibly similar. 2) Each item of the Czech STDI corresponds to exactly one item of the original STDI . 3) Factors including items that fulfill criteria 1) and 2) and reach the highest Cronbach’s A lpha levels have been chosen for Czech version STDI . The Alpha of S-Dep is 0.84, for T-Dep is 0.86. A concurrent validity is approximately the same as in the original STDI . The Czech version of STDI is available for research purposes only.
Numerous recent studies show that vitamin D deficiency potentiates various chronic physical and psychiatric disorders and diseases. It has been shown that a similar range of disorders is also associated with latent infection with Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908). For instance, among cancer, diabetes and schizophrenia patients, we find a higher prevalence of both toxoplasmosis and vitamin D deficiency. Theoretically, therefore, vitamin D deficiency could be the missing link between toxoplasmosis and these disorders. We tested this hypothesis by searching for decreased vitamin D levels in the serum of subjects infected with T. gondii (furthermore called Toxoplasma-infected subjects) in two cross-sectional and one case-control study. Results of the first cross-sectional study (N = 72) suggest that Toxoplasma-infected neurasthenic patients have non-significantly lower levels of calcidiol than Toxoplasma-free patients (study A: P = 0.26 in women, P = 0.68 in men). However, two other studies (study B: N = 400; study C: N = 191) showed a non-significantly higher concentration of vitamin D in Toxoplasma-infected subjects than in Toxoplasma-free subjects both in men (study B: P = 0.70, study C: P = 0.55) and in women (study B: P = 0.64, study C: P = 0.12). Taken together, our preliminary results thus do not support the hypothesis that toxoplasmosis could be associated with vitamin D decrease.
In this study we compared the levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in population samples characterized by a high or low level of self-reported depression. We measured serum IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-α in two cohorts which differed in scoring on the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSDS). The group with a high score in ZSDS (average SDS index = 62.9) was called DEP (n=27), the group with a low score in ZSDS (average SDS index = 29.9) was called NDEP (n=16). The groups did not significantly differ in age, waist circumference and body mass index. For the assessment of serum cytokine levels multiplex immunoanalytic xMAP(LUMINEX) technology was used. We found lower IL-6 in the DEP group (medians; DEP 4.08 pg/ml vs. NDEP 6.11 pg/ml) on the border of statistical significance in multiple regression analysis (p=0.049). Serum levels of all other studied cytokines were not significantly different (medians; IL-8: DEP 2.18 pg/ml vs. NDEP 2.61 pg/ml; IL-10: DEP 2.85 pg/ml vs. NDEP 2.94 pg/ml; TNF-α: DEP 2.32 pg/ml vs. NDEP 2.30 pg/ml). These results are in contradiction to the prevailing opinion that proinflammatory cytokine levels are elevated in people with symptoms of depression. and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Depression is a complex disorder related to chronic inflammatory processes, chronic stress changes and a hippocampal response. There is a increasing knowledge about the role of glial cells in nutrient supply to neurons, maintenance of synaptic contacts and tissue homeostasis within the CNS. Glial cells, viewed in the past as passive elements with a limited influence on neuronal function, are becoming recognized as active partners of neurons and are starting to be discussed as a possible therapeutic target. Their role in the pathogenesis of depressive disorders is also being reconsidered. Attention is devoted to studies of the different types of antidepressants and their effects on transmembrane signaling, including levels of α subunits of G proteins in C6 glioma cells in vitro as a model of postsynaptic changes in vivo. These models indicate similarities in antidepressant effects on G proteins of brain cells and effector cells of natural immunity, natural killers and granulocytes. Thus, an antidepressant response can exhibit certain common characteristics in functionally different systems which also participate in disease pathogenesis. There are, however, differences in the astrocyte G-protein responses to antidepressant treatment, indicating that antidepressants differ in their effect on glial signalization. Today mainstream approach to neurobiological basis of depressive disorders and other mood illnesses is linked to abnormalities in transmembrane signal transduction via G-protein coupled receptors. Intracellular signalization cascade modulation results in the activation of transcription factors with subsequent increased production of a wide array of products including growth factors and to changes in cellular activity and reactivity., M. Páv, H. Kovářů, A. Fišerová, E. Havrdová, V. Lisá., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Olfactory bulbectomy in rodents is considered a putative model of
depression. Depression is often associated with drug addiction. Our previous studies demonstrated that methamphetamine (MA) administration to rat mothers affects both, mothers and their pups. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of bulbectomy, as a model of depression, and MA administration on behavior of rat mothers and postnatal development of their pups. Adult female Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: bulbectomized (OBX) and sham-operated (SH). A period of 20 days was allowed for the development of the depressive-like phenotype. Animals were tested in the motor activity test and 2 % sucrose preference for anhedonia and hyperactive locomotor response to a novel environment, respectively. After then females were impregnated. Pregnant females were exposed to daily subcutaneous (s.c.) injection of MA (5 mg/kg) or saline (SA) during the entire gestation period. Postnatally, maternal behavior and pup development was examined. The effect of a challenge dose of MA (1 mg/kg, s.c.) on behavior was further examined in adult male offspring. Our results showed no differences in the maternal behavior as a matter of bulbectomy, only OBX rats slept more than all the SH controls. Pups from OBX mothers were born with lower birthweight and gained less weight during the postnatal development than pups from SH controls. Both, bulbectomy and MA administration, delayed the eyes opening. As a matter of functional development of the pups, maternal OBX procedure impaired the performance in the Bar-holding test, but only in saline group. OBX/SA group was the worst in the Bar-holding test relative to all the other groups. In addition, pups
from OBX mothers dropped more boluses during the Bar-holding test, suggesting that they were more stressed. In adult male offspring, bulbectomy increased immobility only in the SA/SA group. Prenatal MA exposure increased locomotion, while decreasing immobility. In addition, challenge dose of MA in adulthood increased distance traveled, locomotion, rearing, and average and maximal velocity, while decreasing immobility and grooming. In conclusion, our results suggest that depressive-like phenotype of rat mothers induces impairment in somatic and functional development of their male offspring.
In this study we analyzed the effects of melatonin (Mel, 1 mg/kg ip) on behavioral changes as well as cell and oxidative damage prompted by bilaterally olfactory bulbectomy. Olfactory bulbectomy caused an increase in lipid peroxidation products and caspase-3, whereas it prompted a decrease of reduced glutathione (GSH) content and antioxidative enzymes activities. Additionally, olfactory bulbectomy induced behavioral changes characterized by the enhancement of immobility time in the forced swim test and hyperactivity in the open field test. All these changes were normalized by treatment of Mel (14 days). Our data show that Mel has a beneficial neuropsychiatric action against oxidative stress, cell damage and behavior alterations., I. Tasset ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Psychosociálne faktory sú súčasťou komplexného funkčného postihnutia pri rôznych chronických ochoreniach. Cieľom práce bolo zistiť, ako sa líšia pacientky od zdravých žien v depresii a kvalite života a ako vzájomne súvisia funkčné poruchy, depresia a kvalita života pacientiek s diagnózou karcinóm prsníka. Skupina 35 pacientiek s karcinómom prsníka bola porovnávaná s kontrolnou skupinou 35 zdravých žien. Posudzovali sme funkčné poruchy, ktoré vychádzali z Medzinárodnej klasifikácie funkcií, dizabilít a zdravia WHO. Použili sme špecifické dotazníky ICF pre pacientov a zdravotníckych pracovníkov, kvality života (SF-36) a depresie (SDS). Štatisticky významný rozdiel sa ukázal v úrovni depresie, ako aj vo všetkých dimenziách SF-36 medzi skupinou žien s rakovinou prsníka a kontrolnou skupinou. Bol zistený signifikantný negatívny vzťah medzi skóre depresie a sumárnou psychickou subškálou SF-36, ako aj medzi ICF doménami porúch telesných funkcií a obmedzení aktivity a participácie a kvalitou života SF-36 u skúmaného súboru. Tieto výsledky je potrebné zahrnúť do konceptu komprehenzívnej rehabilitácie a psychologických intervencií. and Defects in functions, depression, and quality of life in patients with breast cancer
Psycho-social factors represent the part of complex functional handicap in different chronic diseases. The goal of the study was to assess how the patients differ from healthy women in depression and quality of life and how mutually interrelate the defects in functions, depression, and quality of life in patients with the breast cancer diagnosis. The group of 35 patients with breast cancer was compared to equivalent group of 35 healthy women. The defects in functions issued from International classification of functions, disabilities and health of WHO were assessed. Specific questionnaires ICF for patients and medical workers, quality of life (SF-36), and depression were used. A statistically significant difference was showed in depression level, as well as in all dimensions of SF-36 between the group of women with breast cancer and the control group. A negative significant relation of the depression score to summary mental subscale SF-36 was assessed as well as the relation of ICF domains of defects in body functions and restrictions on activity and participation and the quality of life SF-36 in surveyed group. These results should be taken in the concept of comprehensive rehabilitation and psychological interventions.
V období medzi 15. a 19. rokom, kedy je typické hľadanie prijateľného zmyslu existencie, sú prítomné výkyvy v prežívaní a správaní. Početnosť pokusov, aj dokonaných samovrážd sa zvyšuje. Vyšetrených bolo 533 adolescentov (62,5 % žien, priemerný vek 17,8±1,0 rokov, vekové rozpätie 15-21 rokov), ktorým boli zadané otázky ohľadom sociodemografických údajov, suicidálneho správania, ďalej Zungov dotazník depresie (SDS), Beckov dotazník úzkosti (BAI) a Liebowitzova škála sociálnej fóbie (LSAS). Práca skúma úroveň afektivity a jej vzťah k suicidálnemu správaniu u mužov a žien v období adolescencie. Dáta boli štatisticky spracované pomocou t-testu dvoch nezávislých výberov. Výskyt suicidálnych myšlienok a pokusov za posledný rok bol u mužov aj žien v skúmanom súbore približne rovnaký. Suicidálne myšlienky za posledný rok u mužov pozitívne štatisticky významne súviseli s depresiou, anxietou a sociálnou fóbiou. Čím bola závažnejšia úroveň depresie a anxiety u mužov, tým častejšie vypovedali o suicidálnom pokuse za posledný rok. U žien sa hlbšia religiozita spájala s menším výskytom suicidálnych myšlienok za posledný rok; závažnejšia depresia, anxieta a nárast vyhýbavého správania súviseli významne s vyšším počtom suicidálnych pokusov za rok. Významné rodové rozdiely v suicidálnom správaní neboli zistené, aj keď hlbšie veriacimi boli ženy, boli depresívnejšie, úzkostnejšie, prežívali závažnejšiu sociálnu fóbiu než muži. Redukcia depresívnej a úzkostnej symptomatiky v súbore adolescentov môže zohrávať významnú úlohu ako protektívny faktor suicidálneho správania. Predložená práca je prierezovou štúdiou, výsledky nie je možné interpretovať kauzálne. Nemožno ani generalizovať výsledky na celú populáciu adolescentov, keďže do prieskumu bola zahrnutá len časť z jej populácie. and Survey of suicidal behavior in adolescence
Objectives. In time span between 15 and 19 years, when looking for satisfactory meaning of life is typical, the changes in affectivity and behaviour have been occured. Frequency of suicide attempts and death due to suicide increases.
Subjects and setting. Five hundred and thirty three adolescents participated (62.5 % women, mean age 17.8±1.0, range 15-21 years). They filled in the questions on sociodemographic data, suicidal behavior, Self-rating Depression Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory and Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale.
Hypotheses. This study evaluates relationships between affectivity and suicidal behavior in men and women in adolescent period.
Statistical analysis. Data were statistically assessed using t-test for two independent samples.
Results. Incidence of suicide ideation and attempts in the last year in men and women was comparable. Suicide ideation in last year in men was statistically positively associated with depression, anxiety and social phobia. More suicidal attempts in last year in men were asociated with higher levels of depression and anxiety. Religiosity was related to less incidence of suicidal ideation in last year, and higher levels of depression, anxiety and avoidant behavior in women. Significant suicidal behavior gender differences were not revealed. Anyway, women were more religious, depressive, anxious, reported higher social phobia than men. Decreasing depressive and anxious symptoms in the sample of adolescents might be an important protective factor in their suicidal behavior. Study limitation. As the design of this study is cross-sectional, the findings cannot be causally interpreted, neither generalized to the whole population of adolescents, forasmuch as part of this population was participated in this study.