In order to enhance the mass production of the house fly, Musca domestica, five aspects of its oviposition biology were analyzed. Oviposition substrate and the manner of its presentation, the composition of the diet of the adults, size of the pupae and numbers of flies in a cage were identified as critical. Females preferred to lay eggs on a substrate which was presented within a shelter and with increased linear edges against which the flies could oviposit. Different types of oviposition substrate resulted in comparable yields of eggs. The presence of an oviposition attractant (ammonia) in the manure was found to have a potentially positive effect on female fecundity. Egg yield increased when two protein sources (yeast and milk) were included in the adult diet. However, flies fed a mixture of sugar and yeast laid over 50% fewer eggs than those fed the same proportion of sugar and milk. The fecundity of flies decreased with increase in the number of flies per cage, but the highest total number of eggs per cage was obtained when the flies were most crowded (14.2 cm3 per fly). The size of the pupae did not significantly affect egg production. and Berta Pastor, Helena Čičková, Milan Kozánek, Anabel Martínez-Sánchez, Peter Takáč, Santos Rojo.
Psychosociálne faktory sú súčasťou komplexného funkčného postihnutia pri rôznych chronických ochoreniach. Cieľom práce bolo zistiť, ako sa líšia pacientky od zdravých žien v depresii a kvalite života a ako vzájomne súvisia funkčné poruchy, depresia a kvalita života pacientiek s diagnózou karcinóm prsníka. Skupina 35 pacientiek s karcinómom prsníka bola porovnávaná s kontrolnou skupinou 35 zdravých žien. Posudzovali sme funkčné poruchy, ktoré vychádzali z Medzinárodnej klasifikácie funkcií, dizabilít a zdravia WHO. Použili sme špecifické dotazníky ICF pre pacientov a zdravotníckych pracovníkov, kvality života (SF-36) a depresie (SDS). Štatisticky významný rozdiel sa ukázal v úrovni depresie, ako aj vo všetkých dimenziách SF-36 medzi skupinou žien s rakovinou prsníka a kontrolnou skupinou. Bol zistený signifikantný negatívny vzťah medzi skóre depresie a sumárnou psychickou subškálou SF-36, ako aj medzi ICF doménami porúch telesných funkcií a obmedzení aktivity a participácie a kvalitou života SF-36 u skúmaného súboru. Tieto výsledky je potrebné zahrnúť do konceptu komprehenzívnej rehabilitácie a psychologických intervencií. and Defects in functions, depression, and quality of life in patients with breast cancer
Psycho-social factors represent the part of complex functional handicap in different chronic diseases. The goal of the study was to assess how the patients differ from healthy women in depression and quality of life and how mutually interrelate the defects in functions, depression, and quality of life in patients with the breast cancer diagnosis. The group of 35 patients with breast cancer was compared to equivalent group of 35 healthy women. The defects in functions issued from International classification of functions, disabilities and health of WHO were assessed. Specific questionnaires ICF for patients and medical workers, quality of life (SF-36), and depression were used. A statistically significant difference was showed in depression level, as well as in all dimensions of SF-36 between the group of women with breast cancer and the control group. A negative significant relation of the depression score to summary mental subscale SF-36 was assessed as well as the relation of ICF domains of defects in body functions and restrictions on activity and participation and the quality of life SF-36 in surveyed group. These results should be taken in the concept of comprehensive rehabilitation and psychological interventions.