The article discusses the theoretical and methodological considerations as well as the partical application of two incarnations of the rhetorical turn in socio-cultural anthropology. Rhetorical turn is understood as a linguistic and constructivist turn, which marks a substantial part of contemporary thinking in the social sciences and humanities.
В наброске речь идет о сдвиге предмета изучения литературоведческой славистики в связи с масштабными переменами, произошедшими за последние десятилетия в области гуманитаристики. В особенности утверждается утрата литературой прежнего статуса в системе ценностей. and The outline treats the problem of the subject shift of Slavic literary studies as a result of the large-scale changes in humanities that have occurred in recent decades. It is highlighted the issue of the current loss of status in the system of values by the literature itself.