Our experiment was carried out in order to explore effects of plant growth regulators (PGR; thidiazuron, paclobutrazol, and ascorbic acid) on physiological traits of wheat genotypes under water surplus and deficit conditions. Study revealed that relative water content, membrane stability index, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate (PN), and maximal quantum yield of PSII improved with PGRs application across the genotypes both under irrigation and water stress. The response of HD 2733 genotype was more positive toward PGRs treatment as compared to other genotypes under water stress. Higher PN and chlorophyll contents were observed in HD 2987 followed by C 306 genotype under water-stress conditions. Moreover, Rubisco small subunit (SSU) expression was lower in wheat genotypes under water stress as compared to irrigated conditions. Application of PGRs led to upregulation of SSU under water stress, while no significant change was found in Rubisco level and activity under irrigated condition in dependence on PGRs treatments. Yield-related traits showed also significant reduction under water-stress conditions, while application of PGRs enhanced the yield and its components. Results indicated that the PGRs exhibited a positive interaction and synergetic effect on water stressed wheat plants in terms of photosynthetic machinery and yield., S. K. Dwivedi, A. Arora, V. P. Singh, G. P. Singh., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The review sums up research conducted at CIAT within a multidiscipline effort revolving around a strategy for developing improved technologies to increase and sustain cassava productivity, as well as conserving natural resources in the various eco-edaphic zones where the crop is grown, with emphasis on stressful environments. Field research has elucidated several physiological plant mechanisms underlying potentially high productivity under favourable hot-humid environments in the tropics. Most notable is cassava inherent high capacity to assimilate carbon in near optimum environments that correlates with both biological productivity and root yield across a wide range of germplasm grown in diverse environments. Cassava leaves possess elevated activities of the C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) that also correlate with leaf net photosynthetic rate (PN) in field-grown plants, indicating the importance of selection for high PN. Under certain conditions such leaves exhibit an interesting photosynthetic C3-C4 intermediate behaviour which may have important implications in future selection efforts. In addition to leaf PN, yield is correlated with seasonal mean leaf area index (i.e. leaf area duration, LAD). Under prolonged water shortages in seasonally dry and semiarid zones, the crop, once established, tolerates stress and produces reasonably well compared to other food crops (e.g. in semiarid environments with less than 700 mm of annual rain, improved cultivars can yield over 3 t ha-1 oven-dried storage roots). The underlying mechanisms for such tolerance include stomatal sensitivity to atmospheric and edaphic water deficits, coupled with deep rooting capacities that prevent severe leaf dehydration, i.e. stress avoidance mechanisms, and reduced leaf canopy with reasonable photosynthesis over the leaf life span. Another stress-mitigating plant trait is the capacity to recover from stress, once water is available, by forming new leaves with even higher PN, compared to those in nonstressed crops. Under extended stress, reductions are larger in shoot biomass than in storage root, resulting in higher harvest indices. Cassava conserves water by slowly depleting available water from deep soil layers, leading to higher seasonal crop water-use and nutrient-use efficiencies. In dry environments LAD and resistance to pests and diseases are critical for sustainable yields. In semiarid zones the crop survives but requires a second wet cycle to achieve high yields and high dry matter contents in storage roots. Selection and breeding for early bulking and for medium/short-stemmed cultivars is advantageous under semiarid conditions. When grown in cooler zones such and as in tropical high altitudes and in low-land sub-tropics, leaf PN is greatly reduced and growth is slower. Thus, the crop requires longer period for a reasonable productivity. There is a need to select and breed for more cold-tolerant genotypes. Selection of parental materials for tolerance to water stress and infertile soils has resulted in breeding improved germplasm adapted to both favourable and stressful environments.
The design and construction of amelioration systems (irrigation, drainage) should precede diagnosis of soil water regime (SWR), to estimate its need and design parameters. It means, it is needed to calculate cyclic course of so called soil water regime characteristics. As soil water regime characteristic can be used soil moisture of the soil root zone at some depth, soil water potential at certain depth, soil water content of the root zone, as they are affected by evapotranspiration and its components. Seasonal courses of soil water regime characteristics differ, therefore it is necessary to estimate statistical parameters of SWR characteristics during relatively long period of minimum twenty seasons. This paper presents method of plant transpiration regime assessment, based on seasonal canopy transpiration series, calculated retrospectively by mathematical model HYDRUS-ET. Novelty of this approach is using of the empirical relationship between the seasonal transpiration totals and biomass production (yield). Cumulative frequency distribution curve of seasonal transpiration was chosen as a basic characteristic. This approach allows to estimate cumulative frequency curves of yields and cumulative frequency of potential yields. The difference is cumulative frequency of yields optimized by irrigation system. This allows to transform expected yields increase to investment and operational price and to compare expenditure to profit. This approach is illustrated on loess soil with maize canopy during 31 seasons. and Predtým, ako sa vyprojektuje a vybuduje hydromelioračná stavba, je nevyhnutné diagnostikovať vodný režim pôdy (VRP), to znamená určiť vlastnosti cyklických chodov charakteristík VRP. Ako charakteristiky režimu vody v pôde môžu byť využité: vlhkosť koreňovej oblasti pôdy, vlhkostný potenciál vo vybraných hĺbkach pôdy, obsah vody v koreňovej oblasti pôdy, ktoré sú ovplyvnené evapotranspiráciou a jej zložkami - transpiráciou a výparom. Sezónne chody vybraných charakteristík VRP sa v jednotlivých rokoch výrazne líšia, preto je potrebné určiť štatistické vlastnosti charakteristík VRP za dostatočne dlhé obdobie, najmenej dvadsiatich rokov. Údaje pre analýzu boli získané matematickým modelovaním pohybu vody v pôde pomocou matematického modelu HYDRUS-ET. Ako základná charakteristika bola vybraná transpirácia porastu. Vlastnosti režimu odberu vody porastom určuje čiara prekročenia úhrnov transpirácie konkrétneho porastu za jeho vegetačné obdobie. Prínosom tejto práce je metóda kvantitatívneho hodnotenia vplyvu sezónnych úhrnov transpirácie na úrodu, prostredníctvom všeobecne akceptovanej empirickej závislosti medzi produkciou biomasy a úhrnom transpirácie za vegetačné obdobie. Prostredníctvom tejto závislosti boli určené čiary prekročenia úrod, potenciálnych úrod a rozdielov medzi nimi, čo reprezentuje možnosti zvýšenia produkcie biomasy hydromelioračným opatrením. Takto sa dali transformovať možné zmeny sezónnych úhrnov transpirácie na ekonomickú rovinu a porovnať ekonomický prínos zmeny VRP s nákladmi na jej uskutočnenie. Metodický postup je ilustrovaný analýzou VRP porastu kukurice počas 31 vegetačných období.
Current research on the effect of increased UV-B radiation on crop production has been limited to exposing plants to improbable UV-B dose or growth condition. The objective of this study was to test the effects of short-term modulated increased UV-B radiation on maize (Zea mays L.) growth, grain yield, and quality under field conditions for three years. A modulated irradiance system was used to maintain UV-B radiation at 30% above the ambient level and was applied daily between the elongation and silking stages of maize. The result indicated that increased UV-B radiation adversely affected maize growth and yield, especially on plant height when UV-B was enhanced at the elongation stage and on yield when UV-B was enhanced near the silking stage. Yield reduction that induced by enhanced UV-B radiation was associated with reductions in number of kernels per row and kernel mass. Protein content of grains was increased with enhanced UV-B radiation, but oil and starch contents were not affected. This study confirmed the sensitivity of maize to increased UV-B radiation under the field condition, and contributed to understand the full negative and positive effects of increased UV-B radiation on crop production., L. N. Yin, S. W. Wang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Fluorescence images of leaves of sugar beet plants (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Patricia) grown on an experimental field with different fertilisation doses of nitrogen [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 g(N) m-2] were taken, applying a new multicolour flash-lamp fluorescence imaging system (FL-FIS). Fluorescence was excited by the UV-range (280-400 nm, λmax = 340 nm) of a pulsed Xenon lamp. The images were acquired successively in the four fluorescence bands of leaves near 440, 520, 690, and 740 nm (F440, F520, F690, F740) by means of a CCD-camera. Parallel measurements were performed to characterise the physiological state of the leaves (nitrogen content, invert-sugars, chlorophylls and carotenoids as well as chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics and beet yield). The fluorescence images indicated a differential local patchiness across the leaf blade for the four fluorescence bands. The blue (F440) and green fluorescence (F520) were high in the leaf veins, whereas the red (F690) and far-red (F740) chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescences were more pronounced in the intercostal leaf areas. Sugar beet plants with high N supply could be distinguished from beet plants with low N supply by lower values of F440/F690 and F440/F740. Both the blue-green fluorescence and the Chl fluorescence rose at a higher N application. This increase was more pronounced for the Chl fluorescence than for the blue-green one. The results demonstrate that fluorescence ratio imaging of leaves can be applied for a non-destructive monitoring of differences in nitrogen supply. The FL-FIS is a valuable diagnostic tool for screening site-specific differences in N-availability which is required for precision farming. and G. Langsdorf ... [et al.].
Two light treatments [ambient sunlight (L1) during the entire growth period and 40% shade (L2) from 40 d after sowing until 24 d after flowering] and two phosphate fertilizer treatments [no phosphate fertilizer application (P0) and a conventional phosphate fertilizer application (P1)] were used to determine how phosphate fertilizer regulates soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] photosynthesis under shading. We showed that phosphorus significantly increased chlorophyll content and grain yield under shading. The light-saturated net photosynthetic rate, apparent quantum yield, maximum electron transport rate, and maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate in P1 under L2 significantly increased. Moreover, phosphate fertilizer significantly improved the electron transfer and PSII reaction center performance under shading. Therefore, phosphate fertilizer increases low light-utilization efficiency by improving PSII performance, promoting ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration, ensuring a source of carboxylate substrates, and coordinating the balance between photochemical reaction and Calvin cycle under shading.
Field experiments were conducted under rain-fed conditions to study the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of transgenic Bt cotton hybrids during 2002-03 and 2003-04 seasons. Three Bt cotton hybrids (Bollgard 1) and their non-Bt (NBt) counterparts viz. MECH 12, MECH 162, and MECH 184 were grown along with a local hybrid NHH44. Growth parameters such as plant height, main-stem nodes, biomass accumulation, and physiological processes like stomatal conductance (gs), and rates of transpiration (E) and photosynthesis (PN) did not differ significantly between Bt and NBt hybrids up to 80 DAS (d after sowing). Squaring commenced at 50 DAS both in Bt and NBt. The loss of young fruiting forms by the entomological factors was three times less in Bt than NBt. As a consequence, Bt had more early formed bolls on the lower canopy which contributed to higher biomass and seed cotton yield. On the other hand, bolls distributed intermittently in NBt. Heavy boll load altered the growth and physiological processes, and as a result Bt had higher gs, E, and PN than NBt. Since developing bolls (sink) divert the saccharides and nutrients from other organs, Bt plants with heavy boll load senesced early and stopped the production of new squares and bolls. Thus, the boll load influenced the change in growth and physiological processes of Bt from NBt. and K. B. Hebbar, N. K. Perumal, B. M. Khadi.
Two foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) varieties were subjected to different shading intensity treatments during a grain-filling stage in a field experiment in order to clarify physiological mechanisms of low-light effects on the yield. Our results showed that the grain fresh mass per panicle, yield, photosynthetic pigment contents, net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, and electron transport rate decreased with the increase of shading intensity, whereas the intercellular CO2 concentration increased in both varieties. In addition, shading changed a double-peak diurnal variation of photosynthesis to a one-peak curve. In conclusion, the lower yield of foxtail millet was caused mainly by a reduction of grain mass assimilated, a decline in chlorophyll content, and the low photosynthetic rate due to low light during the grain-filling stage. Reduced light energy absorption and conversion, restricted electron transfer, and reduced stomatal conductance might cause the decrease in photosynthesis., X. Y. Yuan, L. G. Zhang, L. Huang, X. Qi, Y. Y. Wen, S. Q. Dong, X. E. Song, H. F. Wang, P. Y. Guo., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cell wall-bound phenolics (CWP) play an important role in the mechanisms of plant acclimation to soil drought. The study involved CWP analyses in 50 strains and 50 doubled haploid (DH) lines of winter triticale exposed to drought at their vegetative and generative stages. CWP in the plants experiencing drought at the generative stage positively correlated with their leaf water contents. The strains and DH lines characterized by high content of CWP showed higher leaf water content and higher activity of photosynthetic apparatus when exposed to drought at the generative stage compared to the strains and DH lines with the low CWP content. Furthermore, when drought subsided at the generative stage, the strains and DH lines richer in CWP demonstrated higher regeneration potential and their grain yield loss was smaller., K. Hura, A. Ostrowska, K. Dziurka, T. Hura., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and contents of some metabolites in two genotypes of jasmine (Jasminum sambac), single petal (SP) and double petal (DP) one, were analyzed during dehydration and re-hydration. Water stress significantly decreased net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) in both jasmine genotypes, but increased minimum fluorescence (F0) only in DP-jasmine. Water stress also decreased starch content, while increased contents of total soluble sugars and proline in leaves of both genotypes. SP-jasmine demonstrated higher drought tolerance as evidenced by maintaining higher gas exchange and photochemical efficiency and lower alteration of metabolites than DP-jasmine. Recovery analysis revealed that drought-induced injury in photosynthetic machinery in jasmine plants was reversible. DP-jasmine exhibited a slow recovery of drought-induced impairment in photosynthetic activity and associated metabolites, suggesting that this genotype had lower capacity to adapt to water limited condition. Higher yield stability of SP-than that of DP-jasmine under rain-fed condition finally confirmed higher drought tolerance of SP-jasmine. and H. Cai ... [et al.].