This study in Lithuania showed that the abundance dynamics of the common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) populations were comparatively “smooth”, without outbreaks and crashes. Decreases and increases of abundance continued for some years, and abundance differed no more than three-fold in two successive years. A close negative correlation was revealed between spring population density and percentage of juveniles in the autumnal population. The last parameter is a consequence of reproduction success, which determined the scale of population increase in autumn and was due to several factors. Among them, proportion of breeding adult females had the greatest significance and was inversely proportional to population density in spring. Some young-of-the-year females usually joined the breeding process, when population density was low. The proportion of late breeding cases, when juveniles were born in September, was also negatively correlated with spring population density. The number of litters produced by one female during the season, and the average litter size also influenced reproduction success. The negative correlation between population density and reproduction success shows the presence of a reproduction success based pattern of density dependent self-regulation in M. avellanarius in the populations investigated.
Field trials under rain-fed conditions at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia were conducted to study the comparative leaf photosynthesis, growth, yield, and nutrient use efficiency in two groups of cassava cultivars representing tall (large leaf canopy and shoot biomass) and short (small leaf canopy and shoot biomass) plant types. Using the standard plant density (10,000 plants ha-1), tall cultivars produced higher shoot biomass, larger seasonal leaf area indices (LAIs) and greater final storage root yields than the short cultivars. At six months after planting, yields were similar in both plant types with the short ones tending to form and fill storage roots at a much earlier time in their growth stage. Root yield, shoot and total biomass in all cultivars were significantly correlated with seasonal average LAI. Short cultivars maintained lower than optimal LAI for yield. Seasonal PN, across cultivars, was 12% greater in short types, with maximum values obtained in Brazilian genotypes. This difference in PN was attributed to nonstomatal factors (i.e., anatomical/biochemical mesophyll characteristics). Compared with tall cultivars, short ones had 14 to 24 % greater nutrient use efficiency (NUE) in terms of storage root production. The lesser NUE in tall plants was attributed mainly to more total nutrient uptake than in short cultivars. It was concluded that short-stemmed cultivars are superior in producing dry matter in their storage roots per unit nutrient absorbed, making them advantageous for soil fertility conservation while their yields approach those in tall types. It was recommended that breeding programs should focus on selection for more efficient short- to medium-stemmed genotypes since resource-limited cassava farmers rarely apply agrochemicals nor recycle residual parts of the crop back to the soil. Such improved short types were expected to surpass tall types in yields when grown at higher than standard plant population densities (>10,000 plants ha-1) in order to maximize irradiance interception. Below a certain population density (<10,000 plants ha-1), tall cultivars should be planted. Findings were discussed in relation to cultivation and cropping systems strategies for water and nutrient conservation and use efficiencies under stressful environments as well as under predicted water deficits in the tropics caused by trends in global climate change. Cassava is expected to play a major role in food and biofuel production due to its high photosynthetic capacity and its ability to conserve water as compared to major cereal grain crops. The interdisciplinary/interinstitutions research reported here, including, an associated release of a drought-tolerant, short-stem cultivar that was eagerly accepted by cassava farmers, reflects well on the productivity of the CIAT international research in Cali, Colombia., and M. A. El-Sharkawy, S. M. de Tafur
The basis of this paper is the expert processing of osteological material from several Moravian and one Bohemian Bronze Age settlement sites, selected in order that their durations covered the entire epoch. The aim of the work has been to describe domesticated animal husbandry in the Bronze Age in Moravia and Bohemia and to ascertain the changes in breeding methods that occurred during the same period. Emphasis was placed on three taxa of domesticated animals that appear important throughout the Bronze Age – the domesticated ox, small ruminants and the domesticated pig. While the breeding of domesticated oxen clearly predominated and the breeding of domesticated pig was by contrast somewhat peripheral in the Early Bronze Age, the rearing of pig expanded considerably during the Middle and Later Bronze Ages, and pork became an important source of animal protein for those living at the time. and Základem předložené práce je zpracování zvířecího osteologického materiálu doby bronzové z několika lokalit na Moravě a jedné v Čechách, které byly vybrány tak, aby dobou svého trvání dohromady pokrývaly celou dobu bronzovou. Práce si klade za cíl podle zjištěných dat popsat hospodaření s domácími zvířaty v době bronzové na Moravě a v Čechách a postihnout změny ve způsobu chovu, ke kterým v průběhu doby bronzové došlo. Důraz byl položen hlavně na tři taxony domácích zvířat, které se jeví pro dobu bronzovou jako stěžejní, jedná se o tura domácího, drobné přežvýkavce a prase domácí. Zatímco ve starší době bronzové byl ve sledovaných lokalitách chov tura domácího patrně dominantní a chov prasete domácího naopak víceméně okrajový, v průběhu střední a mladší doby bronzové se chov prasete domácího výrazně rozšířil a vepřové maso se stalo významným zdrojem živočišných bílkovin pro tehdejší obyvatele.
Geographically peripheral populations are likely to experience suboptimal conditions, and several population characteristics may be influenced. The aim of the present study was to assess characteristics of the populations of hazel, forest and fat dormice on the northern periphery of their ranges in continental Europe in comparison to populations situated in the rest of their ranges. The dormouse populations analysed were found to be distinct from other populations in many aspects of their ecology. On this northern periphery of the ranges, the dormouse activity season is shorter and ends earlier. The population density is also lower, but inter-annual abundance dynamics are comparatively stable. Except the shorter breeding season however, there is no clear general pattern regarding other aspects of reproduction. The composition of the vegetable food used by dormice is rather specific. Contrary to expectations, the proportion of food of animal origin is not increased in the dormouse diets. The main habitat requirements of dormice are similar to those in other parts of their ranges, though the composition of woody plant species in the dormouse habitats is different. Dormice living on the northern periphery of their ranges show a high degree of adaptability to local conditions, but factors limiting their distribution are not clear yet.
In a field rain-fed trial with 15 cassava cultivars, leaf gas exchanges and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) of the same leaves were determined to evaluate genotypic and within-canopy variations in these parameters. From 3 to 7 months after planting leaf gas exchange was measured on attached leaves from upper, middle, and lower canopy layers. All gas exchange parameters varied significantly among cultivars as well as canopy layers. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) decreased from top canopy to bottom indicating both shade and leaf age effects. The same trend, but in reverse, was found with respect to Δ, with the highest values in low canopy level and the lowest in upper canopy. There were very significant correlations, with moderate and low values, among almost all these parameters, with PN negatively associated with intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), ratio of C i to ambient CO2 concentration C i/C a, and Δ. Across all measured leaves, Δ correlated negatively with leaf water use efficiency (WUE = photosynthesis/stomatal conductance, gs) and with gs, but positively with Ci and Ci/Ca. The later parameters negatively correlated with leaf WUE. Across cultivars, both PN and correlated positively with storage root yield. These results are in agreement with trends predicted by the carbon isotope discrimination model. and M. A. El-Sharkawy, S. M. de Tafur.
Field trials with a large group of cassava germplasm were conducted at the seasonally-dry and hot environments in southwest Colombia to investigate photosynthetic characteristics and production under drought conditions. Measurement of net photosynthetic rate (PN), photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE), mesophyll conductance to CO2 diffusion (g m), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activity of upper canopy leaves were made in the field. All photosynthetic characteristics were significantly correlated with final dry root yield (Yield). Correlations among the photosynthetic traits were also significant. PEPC activity was highly significantly correlated with PN and PNUE, indicating the importance of the enzyme in cassava photosynthesis and productivity. Among a small selected group from the preliminary trial for yield performance, the second year Yield was highly significantly correlated with PN measured on the first year crop. Thus variations in the measured photosynthetic traits are genetically controlled and underpin variations in yield. One short-stemmed cultivar M Col 2215 was selected for high root dry matter content, high harvest index, and tolerance to drought. It was tested under the semi-arid conditions of the west coast of Ecuador; participating farmers evaluated cultivar performance. This cultivar was adopted by farmers and officially released in 1992 under the name Portoviejo 650. and M. A. El-Sharkawy, Y. Lopez, L. M. Bernal.
Wolves are currently recolonising their historic range in France. The collection of scats is a widely used a non-invasive survey method to monitor wolf population size. However, seasonal changes in wolf faecal deposition patterns might affect the results of surveys. We used a detection dog and camera trapping (CT) to compare wolf scat detectability during winter and the nursing season. We collected 113 scats deposited by adult wolves at 29 marking sites on forest roads in the Sainte-Baume Regional Park, Provence, France. After parturition, the mean number of adult wolf scats increased by 160% inside the nursing territory and decreased by 80% outside of it. Around the time the pups are born, changes in faecal deposition patterns of adults make it easier to find scats around the wolf den (87% probability per wolf marking site) and harder to find scats outside the nursing territory (11% probability). During winter, the chance to find scats is equal (38 to 40% probability per wolf marking site) inside vs. outside the nursing territory. The combined use of a detection dog and camera traps allowed us to gather data on wolf defecation patterns non-invasively. Detectability of adult wolf scats during the nursing season is highly variable compared to winter due to seasonal behavioural changes affecting scat location. We conclude that surveys to collect samples and estimate wolf population size should be conducted exclusively during winter to avoid sampling biases.
We tested the usefulness of chlorophyll a fluorescence quenching analysis for the selection of maize parental inbred lines able to produce F1 hybrids with a high CO2 assimilation rate during growth at suboptimal temperature. Fifty inbred lines, grown at 15 °C, showed at 6 °C a broad genetic variability regarding the quantum yield of photosynthetic electron transport (ΦPS2). A decrease of ΦPS2 in sensitive lines was caused more by reduction of the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open photosystem 2 (PS2) reaction centres (Fv'/Fm') than by a drop in photochemical quenching (qP). Selected inbred lines with the highest (H) and the lowest (L) values of ΦPS2 were used for separate crossings in a diallelic arrangement. Twenty-one of H×H hybrids and 21 of the L×L hybrids were grown at 15 °C. The H×H hybrids showed at suboptimal temperature a significantly higher transport of photosynthetic electrons than the L×L hybrids at lower (400) as well as at higher [800 μmol(photon) m-2 s-1] irradiance. The mean net photosynthetic rate (PN) in H×H and L×L hybrids amounted to 8.4 and 5.8 (second leaf) and 8.5 and 7.6 μmol(CO2) m-2 s-1 (third leaf), respectively. Among the best 20 hybrids with regard to PN (values larger than the average) of second leaves, as many as 15 were derived from H lines (75 % of hybrids), whereas among the best 21 hybrids with regard to PN of the third leaves, 16 were derived from H lines (76 % of hybrids). The intensive PN of H×H hybrids was most often accompanied by less water lost via transpiration in relation to photosynthesis than in the hybrids of L lines. Hence an analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence quenching enables the selection of inbred lines, which can produce hybrids with improved CO2 fixation and with efficient water management during growth at suboptimal temperature. and J. Kościelniak, F. Janowiak, Z. Kurczych.
The review sums up research conducted at CIAT within a multidiscipline effort revolving around a strategy for developing improved technologies to increase and sustain cassava productivity, as well as conserving natural resources in the various eco-edaphic zones where the crop is grown, with emphasis on stressful environments. Field research has elucidated several physiological plant mechanisms underlying potentially high productivity under favourable hot-humid environments in the tropics. Most notable is cassava inherent high capacity to assimilate carbon in near optimum environments that correlates with both biological productivity and root yield across a wide range of germplasm grown in diverse environments. Cassava leaves possess elevated activities of the C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) that also correlate with leaf net photosynthetic rate (PN) in field-grown plants, indicating the importance of selection for high PN. Under certain conditions such leaves exhibit an interesting photosynthetic C3-C4 intermediate behaviour which may have important implications in future selection efforts. In addition to leaf PN, yield is correlated with seasonal mean leaf area index (i.e. leaf area duration, LAD). Under prolonged water shortages in seasonally dry and semiarid zones, the crop, once established, tolerates stress and produces reasonably well compared to other food crops (e.g. in semiarid environments with less than 700 mm of annual rain, improved cultivars can yield over 3 t ha-1 oven-dried storage roots). The underlying mechanisms for such tolerance include stomatal sensitivity to atmospheric and edaphic water deficits, coupled with deep rooting capacities that prevent severe leaf dehydration, i.e. stress avoidance mechanisms, and reduced leaf canopy with reasonable photosynthesis over the leaf life span. Another stress-mitigating plant trait is the capacity to recover from stress, once water is available, by forming new leaves with even higher PN, compared to those in nonstressed crops. Under extended stress, reductions are larger in shoot biomass than in storage root, resulting in higher harvest indices. Cassava conserves water by slowly depleting available water from deep soil layers, leading to higher seasonal crop water-use and nutrient-use efficiencies. In dry environments LAD and resistance to pests and diseases are critical for sustainable yields. In semiarid zones the crop survives but requires a second wet cycle to achieve high yields and high dry matter contents in storage roots. Selection and breeding for early bulking and for medium/short-stemmed cultivars is advantageous under semiarid conditions. When grown in cooler zones such and as in tropical high altitudes and in low-land sub-tropics, leaf PN is greatly reduced and growth is slower. Thus, the crop requires longer period for a reasonable productivity. There is a need to select and breed for more cold-tolerant genotypes. Selection of parental materials for tolerance to water stress and infertile soils has resulted in breeding improved germplasm adapted to both favourable and stressful environments.
The review is done to summarise the history of the discoveries of the many anatomical, agronomical, and physiological aspects of C4 photosynthesis (where the first chemical products of CO2 fixation in illuminated leaves are four-carbon dicarboxylic acids) and to document correctly the scientists at the University of Arizona and the University of California, Davis, who made these early discoveries. The findings were milestones in plant science that occurred shortly after the biochemical pathway of C3 photosynthesis in green algae (where the first chemical product is a three-carbon compound) was elucidated at the University of California, Berkeley, and earned a Nobel Prize in chemistry. These remarkable achievements were the result of ground-breaking pioneering research efforts carried out by many agronomists, plant physiologists and biochemists in several laboratories, particularly in the USA. Numerous reviews and books written in the past four decades on the history of C4 photosynthesis have focused on the biochemical aspects and give an unbalanced history of the multidisciplinary/multinstitutional nature of the achievements made by agronomists, who published much of their work in Crop Science. Most notable among the characteristics of the C4 species that differentiated them from the C3 ones are: (I) high optimum temperature and high irradiance saturation for maximum leaf photosynthetic rates; (II) apparent lack of CO2 release in a rapid stream of CO2-free air in illuminated leaves in varying temperatures and high irradiances; (III) a very low CO2 compensation point; (IV) lower mesophyll resistances to CO2 diffusion coupled with higher stomatal resistances, and, hence, higher instantaneous leaf water use efficiency; (V) the existence of the so-called "Kranz leaf anatomy" and the higher internal exposed mesophyll surface area per cell volume; and (VI) the ability to recycle respiratory CO2 by illuminated leaves.