Longer term monitoring of soil water content at a catchment scale is a key to understanding its dynamics, which can assist stakeholders in decision making processes, such as land use change or irrigation programs. Soil water monitoring in agriculturally dominated catchments can help in developing soil water retention measurements, for assessment of land use change, or adaptation of specific land management systems to climate change. The present study was carried out in the Pannonian region (Upper-Balaton, Hungary) on Cambisols and Calcisols between 2015 and 2021. Soil water content (SWC) dynamics were investigated under different land use types (vineyard, grassland, and forest) at three depths (15, 40, and 70 cm). The meteorological data show a continuous decrease in cumulative precipitation over time during the study with an average of 26% decrease observed between 2016 and 2020, while average air temperatures were similar for all the studied years. Corresponding to the lower precipitation amounts, a clear decrease in the average SWC was observed at all the land use sites, with 13.4%, 37.7%, and 29.3% lower average SWC for the grassland, forest, and vineyard sites, respectively, from 2016 to 2020 (measured at the 15 cm depth of the soil). Significant differences in SWC were observed between the annual and seasonal numbers within a given land use (p < 0.05). The lowest average SWC was observed at the grassland (11.7%) and the highest at the vineyard (28.3%). The data showed an increasing average soil temperature, with an average 6.3% higher value in 2020 compared to 2016. The grassland showed the highest (11.3 °C) and the forest soil the lowest (9.7 °C) average soil temperatures during the monitoring period. The grassland had the highest number of days with the SWC below the wilting point, while the forest had the highest number of days with the SWC optimal for the plants.
The design and construction of amelioration systems (irrigation, drainage) should precede diagnosis of soil water regime (SWR), to estimate its need and design parameters. It means, it is needed to calculate cyclic course of so called soil water regime characteristics. As soil water regime characteristic can be used soil moisture of the soil root zone at some depth, soil water potential at certain depth, soil water content of the root zone, as they are affected by evapotranspiration and its components. Seasonal courses of soil water regime characteristics differ, therefore it is necessary to estimate statistical parameters of SWR characteristics during relatively long period of minimum twenty seasons. This paper presents method of plant transpiration regime assessment, based on seasonal canopy transpiration series, calculated retrospectively by mathematical model HYDRUS-ET. Novelty of this approach is using of the empirical relationship between the seasonal transpiration totals and biomass production (yield). Cumulative frequency distribution curve of seasonal transpiration was chosen as a basic characteristic. This approach allows to estimate cumulative frequency curves of yields and cumulative frequency of potential yields. The difference is cumulative frequency of yields optimized by irrigation system. This allows to transform expected yields increase to investment and operational price and to compare expenditure to profit. This approach is illustrated on loess soil with maize canopy during 31 seasons. and Predtým, ako sa vyprojektuje a vybuduje hydromelioračná stavba, je nevyhnutné diagnostikovať vodný režim pôdy (VRP), to znamená určiť vlastnosti cyklických chodov charakteristík VRP. Ako charakteristiky režimu vody v pôde môžu byť využité: vlhkosť koreňovej oblasti pôdy, vlhkostný potenciál vo vybraných hĺbkach pôdy, obsah vody v koreňovej oblasti pôdy, ktoré sú ovplyvnené evapotranspiráciou a jej zložkami - transpiráciou a výparom. Sezónne chody vybraných charakteristík VRP sa v jednotlivých rokoch výrazne líšia, preto je potrebné určiť štatistické vlastnosti charakteristík VRP za dostatočne dlhé obdobie, najmenej dvadsiatich rokov. Údaje pre analýzu boli získané matematickým modelovaním pohybu vody v pôde pomocou matematického modelu HYDRUS-ET. Ako základná charakteristika bola vybraná transpirácia porastu. Vlastnosti režimu odberu vody porastom určuje čiara prekročenia úhrnov transpirácie konkrétneho porastu za jeho vegetačné obdobie. Prínosom tejto práce je metóda kvantitatívneho hodnotenia vplyvu sezónnych úhrnov transpirácie na úrodu, prostredníctvom všeobecne akceptovanej empirickej závislosti medzi produkciou biomasy a úhrnom transpirácie za vegetačné obdobie. Prostredníctvom tejto závislosti boli určené čiary prekročenia úrod, potenciálnych úrod a rozdielov medzi nimi, čo reprezentuje možnosti zvýšenia produkcie biomasy hydromelioračným opatrením. Takto sa dali transformovať možné zmeny sezónnych úhrnov transpirácie na ekonomickú rovinu a porovnať ekonomický prínos zmeny VRP s nákladmi na jej uskutočnenie. Metodický postup je ilustrovaný analýzou VRP porastu kukurice počas 31 vegetačných období.
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of different vegetation on the distribution of rainfall (due to throughfall and stemflow), water regime, and Al and SO4 2- leaching from forest soils. The water flow and Al and SO4 2- transport were modeled using HYDRUS-1D. The study was performed at two elevation transects on the Paličník and Smědava Mountain in Jizera mountains. Podzols and Cambisols were prevailing soil units in this area. It was shown that the effect of the precipitation redistribution on water regime was considerable in the beech forest, while it was almost negligible in the spruce forest. Redistribution of precipitation under trees caused runoff (in one case), increased water discharge through the soil profile bottom, reduction of water storage in the soil, and thus reduction of root water uptake. Simulated Al leaching from the soil profile was determined mainly by the initial Al content in the soil profile bottom. Leaching of SO4 2- was mainly determined by its initial content in the soil and to a lesser extent by redistributed precipitation and SO4 2- deposition.
The present article demonstrates the impact of water content in the soil profile on the formation of rain-water outflow below the soil profile. The example of the soil water regime during the vegetation season is applied to show two alternative types of soil water movement: the diffusion type flow (DTF) in drier soils and the instability-driven flow (IDF) in soils with a higher soil moisture content. This responds to two phases of soil water regime alternation - the percolation phase (IDF is taking place) and the accumulation phase (DTF is taking place). In the course of the percolation phase, the infiltrating rain water flows through the soil without causing any considerable increment of water content in the soil profile. During the accumulation phase rain water accumulates in the soil, without practically flowing through the soil profile. The soil profile functions like a reservoir filled with rain water and emptied by the withdrawal of water for plant transpiration. and Príspěvek ukazuje, jak aktuální zásoba půdní vody rozhoduje o tvorbě odtoku srážkové vody z půdy do podloží. Na příkladu vodního režimu půdy ve vegetační sezóne je vyvozeno, že střídavě dochází ke dvěma odlišným typům proudění vody v půdě: proudění difuzního typu DTF v pude sušší a nestabilitou hnané proudění (perkolační) IDF v půdě vlhčí. Tomu odpovídá střídání dvou fází vodního režimu půd - fáze perkolační (probíhá IDF) a fáze akumulační (probíhá DTF). V perkolační fázi infiltrující srážková voda půdou protéká, aniž by se v ní významně akumulovala. V akumulační fázi se srážková voda v půdě zadržuje, téměř neodtéká do podloží. Půda se chová jako nádrž, která se zaplnuje srážkovou vodou a prázdní odběrem vody na transpiraci rostlin.
Wetlands are sensitive ecosystems with groundwater table close to the soil surface and they are characteristics with specific biotops, corresponding to the continuous and high soil water content. The National Natural Reserve (NNR) Kláštorské lúky is one of those types of ecosystems in the catchment of Turiec River, Central Slovakia. Social changes in Slovakia led to the management changes of this reserve, and its consequence is replacement of original plants by invasive ones, particularly by weeds. Another unfavourable phenomenon is continuous decrease of groundwater table level, probably as a part of global changes. This work is focusing on evaluation of possible influence of changes in canopy properties due to wetland management on evapotranspiration and its structure, on soil water content changes and on changes of groundwater table level at this area. and Mokrade sú citlivé ekosystémy charakteristické výskytom hladiny podzemnej vody v blízkosti terénu alebo aj na jeho povrchu. Významným mokradným systémom je aj národná prírodná rezervácia (NPR) Kláštorské lúky, ležiaca v povodí rieky Turiec. Zmena vo vlastníckych vzťahoch spôsobila aj zmenu obhospodarovania mokrade a vzácne travinno-bylinné porasty sú postupne nahrádzané spoločenstvami inváznymi, najmä tŕstím. Ďalším nepriaznivým javom, ku ktorému došlo v poslednom období v NPR, je pokles hladiny podzemnej vody (HPV). Táto práca je zameraná na zistenie možného vplyvu manažmentu na evapotranspiráciu a jej štruktúru, na zmeny chodov HPV a na zmeny obsahu vody vo vrchnej vrstve pôdy, spôsobené nahradením pôvodného porastu trávy inváznym porastom - tŕstím.