Objectives. At the beginning of the War in East-ern Ukraine, military personnel of the Armed Forces, National Guard of Ukraine (NGU), and soldiers of volunteer battalions, who had no combat experience for the first time faced the death of their comrades. This study aims to de-termine the effects of posttraumatic stress and combat losses on the mental health of combat-ants and to develop the typology of their resil-ience to extreme events.Sample and settings.N = 117 NGU male offic-ers (76% of contract military members and 24% of officers) participated in the study. These com-batants were withdrawn from the combat zone in June 2014 due to combat losses and the death of the unit commander.Hypothesis. After participating in hostilities, military personnel developed different types of personality resilience to the effects of traumatic stress.Statistical analyses. The participants’ typification of resilience and adaptation to extreme events was determined by hierarchical cluster analysis. The differences between groups in mean values were determined using Student’s t-test.Results. Four types of personality resilience to combat stressors were identified: “Those who predicted danger” (68.38%), “Those who were open to danger” (21.37%), “Those who identified themself with the role of the vic-tim” (6.83%), and “Those who hid their fear” (3.42%). The results showed that self-identifi-cation of a personality with symptoms of acute stress disorder affects the features of the imple-mentation of the anxiety buffer role. Limitations. The conclusions on the anxiety buffer role for the formation of PTSD require clarification and further studies. and Cíle. Na začátku války na východní Ukrajině vojáci ukrajinské armády (NGU – Národní gar-da Ukrajiny) a vojáci dobrovolnických praporů, kteří neměli bojové zkušenosti, se poprvé setka-li se smrtí svých spolubojovníků. Cílem tohoto výzkumu bylo zjistit dopady posttraumatického stresu a ztrát v boji na mentální zdraví vojáků a vytvořit typologii jejich resilience vůči extrém-ním událostem.Soubor. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 117 mužů – dů-stojníků NGU (76 % smluvních vojáků a 24 % důstojníků z povolání). Tito vojáci byli staže-ni z bojové zóny v červnu 2014 kvůli ztrátám v boji a smrti velitele jednotky.Hypotéza. Po účasti v bojích si vojáci vyvinuli různé typy osobní resilience vůči dopadům trau-matického stresu.Statistická analýza. Typologizace resilience účastníků výzkumu a adaptace na extrémní události byla určena hierarchickou trsovou ana-lýzou. Získaná data byla popsána základními popisnými statistikami. Rozdíly mezi skupina-mi ve středních hodnotách byly zjištěny Studen-tovým t-testem.Výsledky. Byly vyčleněny čtyři typy resilience osobnosti vůči bojovým stresorům: „Ti, kdo predikovali nebezpečí“ (68,38 %), „Ti, kdo byli otevřeni nebezpečí“ (21,37 %), „Ti, kdo se identifikovali s rolí oběti“ (6,83 %), a „Ti, kdo skryli svůj strach“ (3,42 %). Výsledky ukázaly, že sebeidentifikace osoby se symptomy akutní stresové poruchy ovlivňuje prvky realizace ná-razníkové role úzkosti.Omezení studie. Závěry o nárazníkové roli úz-kosti pro utváření PTSD vyžadují objasnění a další výzkumy.
Hundreds of studies in last decades have aimed to compare the microbiome of patients suffering from diverse diseases with that of healthy controls. The microbiome-related component was additionally identified in pathophysiology of many diseases formerly considered to depend only on the host physiology. This, however, opens important questions like: “What is the healthy microbiome?” or “Is it possible to define it unequivocally?”. In this review, we describe the main hindrances complicating the definition of “healthy microbiome” in terms of microbiota composition. We discuss the human microbiome from the perspective of classical ecology and we advocate for the shift from the stress on microbiota composition to the functions that microbiome ensures for the host. Finally, we propose to leave the concept of ideal healthy microbiome and replace it by focus on microbiome advantageous for the host, which always depends on the specific context like the age, genetics, dietary habits, body site or physiological state.
This paper describes the post-disaster reconstruction in the Tohoku region after the 2011 earthquake. Nine years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami occurred, and many efforts have been made since to rebuild the devastated territories. Some Japanese architects and urban planners have seen the recovery as a window of opportunity to aim for more resilient cities. Nevertheless, building disaster-resilient communities remains a challenging task. This short paper presents the initiatives made to improve refugees’ social conditions in disaster-relief housing, using the case study of Iwanuma’s relocation project. Concluding remarks suggest that many efforts have been made to improve the social aspect of disaster-relief housing in Japan, for example through the development of community spaces or the pursuit of friendlier dwellings.
Resilience has become a policy and practical framework for addressing a range of threats from natural disasters and extreme weather events to political conflicts and terrorism. Focusing on the context of cities, this paper offers a conceptualisation of urban resilience, critically interrogating its use for urban governance and the political implications it has for individual agency. The paper also seeks to contribute to the existing critical literature on urban resilience. The second part of the paper focuses on the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities programme as implemented in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. Empirical data obtained through fieldwork and interviews with representatives of the public sector and civil society suggest that while creating an illusion of inclusiveness and empowerment, the ‘resilience approach’ has largely ignored the structural conditions of extreme social and spatial inequality in Santiago. Local political realities and private sector interests play an important part in this equation. The case study points to a general tendency to treat city resilience as a technical question, thereby downplaying its deeply political nature. It highlights the disconnection between the topography of risk on the one side and technological interventions on the other.
Ve studii se autoři zabývají prožitkem vdovství u starších lidí. Zachycují měnící se pohledy na zvládání zármutku a dokumentují posun v pohledech na efektivní strategie, které k němu vedou. Současné teorie kladou důraz na jedinečnost prožitku každého člověka, a proto připouštějí, že není možný přesný odhad průběhu vyrovnávání se se ztrátou životního partnera. Posun je patrný zejména v hodnocení důležitosti vzpomínek na zemřelého, resilienci a rozdílů mezi komplikovaným a nekomplikovaným truchlením. Pozornost věnují autoři také copingovým strategiím ovdovělých lidí, změně vztahů s blízkými lidmi, vnímané kvalitě manželství a existenciálnímu rozměru vyrovnávání se se ztrátou životního partnera., The study is focused on the experience of widowhood among the elderly. The changing views on coping with grief and related effective strategies are described. Contemporary theories emphasize the uniqueness of such an experience for each person and abandon the idea of strict predicting the shape of coping with the loss. The changes in assessment of importance of memories, resilience and differences between complicated and non-complicated mourning are argued. The study also deals with coping strategies of the widowers, change in relationships with the close ones, perceived quality of the marriage and existential dimension of coping with the loss of a spouse., Lenka Pauknerová, Ivo Čermák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The overview study sums up the contemporary knowledge concerning the psychological capital (PsyCap). It represents a relatively new but rapidly developing construct in the field of positive psychology and has applications in organizational, educational, and health psychology. The study starts with the theoretical conceptualization of PsyCap and presents its four components: hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resilience. It provides a comprehensive review of the positive outcomes and correlates of PsyCap across multiple life domains. Next, it describes the antecedents and possible interventions supporting the development of PsyCap. It takes notice of the PsyCap measurement and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of available methods. Finally, the study summarizes current trends in the study of PsyCap and formulates directives for research and practice in Czech organizations, education, and counselling. and Tato studie shrnuje současné poznání o psy-chologickém kapitálu (PsyCap). Jedná se o po-měrně nový, ale rychle se rozvíjející konstrukt z oblasti pozitivní psychologie, který má využití v psychologii práce a organizace, v pedagogické psychologii i v psychologii zdraví. Tato studie nejprve teoreticky vymezuje PsyCap a předsta-vuje jeho čtyři složky: naději, vědomí vlastní účinnosti, optimismus a nezdolnost. Poskytuje komplexní přehled konstruktů, s nimiž se Psy-Cap pojí, a uvádí jeho pozitivní důsledky pro různé oblasti pracovního i osobního života. Dále uvádí antecedenty PsyCap a možné intervence podporující jeho rozvoj. Popisuje nejpoužíva-nější metody měření PsyCap a hodnotí jejich silné stránky a rezervy. Závěrem studie shrnu-je aktuální světové trendy ve výzkumu PsyCap a formuluje doporučení pro výzkum i praxi v českých organizacích, ve vzdělávání a v po-radenství.
Pojem resilience označuje obecně schopnost jedince vyvíjet se v termínech normálního či zdravého vývoje navzdory přítomnosti výrazných negativních a rizikových okolností. V posledních desetiletích vznikla řada definic a modelů resilience, které se postupně měnily v návaznosti na nová zjištění. Resilience se od původní představy individuálního rysu osobnosti posunula ke konceptu multifaktorového, dynamického, s prostředím a kulturou interaktivního procesu. Při vývoji konceptu resilience se objevily i různé kritické poznámky. Mezi hlavní témata kritiky resilience patří především rozdílnost definic resilience a použité terminologie, multidimenzionální povaha konstruktu resilience a problémy šíře důkazů a zjištění o resilienci. Mezi odborníky je možné nalézt dva přístupy ke konceptu resilience. Rozdíl spočívá ve vztahu pojmu resilience a jednotlivých psychických faktorů a procesů, spojených s duševním zdravím. První přístup vnímá resilienci jako důsledek či efekt těchto procesů (postavení resilience je tak vůči těmto procesům souřadné či podřazené), druhý pak jako nadřazenou jednotku, spojující jednotlivé procesy a faktory. I přes tyto problematické otázky se resilience ukazuje být platným konceptem, který vyžaduje spíše zpřesnění a definiční sjednocení, než zamítnutí. Pro budoucí výzkum a využití tohoto konceptu je nutné především sjednotit názory na základní aspekty resilience, ujasnit, co který autor resiliencí chápe a také zvýšit důraz na kulturní specifičnost resilience.
a1_Úvod. Štúdia sa zaoberá výskumom reziliencie ako črty u uchádzačov o štúdium psychológie na Katedre psychológie FF UK v Bratislave v roku 2012. Metódy. 609 uchádzačov vyplnilo okrem vedomostnej a výkonovej skúšky aj Škálu reziliencie (Wagnild, Young, 1993). O niekoľko mesiacov (v prvom roku ich štúdia) 52 z prijatých uchádzačov vyplnilo v sérii dvoch retestov výkonový variant prijímacej skúšky a taktiež ďalšie dotazníky – Škála reziliencie, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, MOS Social support scale, Life Orientation Test-Revised a Rosenbergovu škálu sebaúcty. Hypotézy. Autori predpokladali, že úspešní uchádzači skórujú vyššie v Škále reziliencie a signifikantný vzťah medzi rezilienciou a výkonom v testoch. U prijatých uchádzačov očakávali stabilitu skóre v Škále reziliencie v čase a taktiež dobrú konvergentnú a obsahovú validitu. Štatistická analýza. Autori použili korelačnú a regresnú analýzu. Prostredníctvom konfirmačnej faktorovej analýzy analyzovali štruktúru Škály reziliencie., a2_Výsledky. Vyššia úroveň reziliencie nesúvisela s lepším skóre na prijímacích pohovoroch. Škála reziliencie vykazuje veľmi dobré psychometrické vlastnosti. Škála je dostatočne reliabilná α = 0,818. Skóre zároveň signifikantne koreluje s konštruktmi ako optimizmus, sebaúcta, sociálna opora a zároveň s Connor-Davidsonovej škálou reziliencie, čo poukazuje na jej dobrú konvergentnú validitu. Limity štúdie. Použitie Škály reziliencie je limitujúce v dôsledku formulácie položiek, nakoľko je veľmi ľahké odpovedať takým spôsobom, aby človek pôsobil veľmi rezilientne. Vo vysoko kompetitívnom prostredí, ako sú prijímacie pohovory, môže situačný kontext a motivácia významne ovplyvniť výsledky., b1_Objectives. The study focuses on resilience in candidates for study of psychology in Dpt. of Psychology, FF UK Bratislava in 2012. Sample and setting. 609 candidates filled in besides the series of knowledge and performance tasks also Resilience Scale (Wagnild, Young, 1993). 52 of successful candidates (several months later during the 1st year of the studies), in the series of two retests filled in performance part of original exam and also further questionnaires - Resilience Scale, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, MOS Social Support Scale, Life Orientation Test-Revised and Rosenberg Selfesteem scale. Hypotheses. It was expected that successful candidates will have higher score on the Resilience Scale and the significant relationship between resilience and performance task. Good testretest reliability, content and concurrent validity of Resilience Scale in successful candidates was expected, too. Statistical analysis. The series of correlational and regression analyses were conducted using confirmatory factor analysis to assess factor structure of the Resilience Scale., b2_Results. Higher score on the Resilience Scale was not associated with performance on the tests. Resilience Scale shows good psychometric properties. Scale is reliable enough (α=0,818). Score on the Resilience Scale significantly correlates with optimism, self-esteem, social support and also with Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale which points on good concurrent validity of the Resilience Scale. Study limitation. The limitation of using examined Resilience Scales is formulation of items – it is too easy to answer in such a way, that you “look” very resilient. In highly competitive setting such as entrance exams are, the situational context and motivation significantly affect the results., Barbora Mesárošová, Michal Hajdúk, Anton Heretik ml., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
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study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). 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Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale 21.75, SD = 2.07). Adults Temperament Questionnaire and Resilience Scale for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. for Adults were used. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The study results correspond with previous findings. The regression The regressionThe regressionThe regressionThe regressionThe regressionThe regression The regression The regressionThe regression analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a analysis revealed a differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively correlated with correlated with correlated with correlated with correlated with correlated with correlated with resilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception oresilience factors Perception oresilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception oresilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception oresilience factors Perception oresilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception oresilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception o resilience factors Perception of self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the f self and Planned future (35 % 21 of the explained variance). explained variance). explained variance). explained variance). explained variance). explained variance). explained variance). explained variance). explained variance). 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Tento článek pojednává o volnosti poskytované vychovatelem jako o konkrétním výchovném prostředku, který ovlivňuje utváření psychické odolnosti u předškolních dětí. Teoretický rámec práce tvoří koncepce vlastní vnímané účinnosti (self-efficacy) A. Bandury. Empirická část se zaměřuje na instituci mateřské školy. Za pomoci kvantitativních i kvalitativních metod mapuje prostředí mateřské školy z hlediska rozvíjení psychické odolnosti. Cílem je zjistit, jaké možnosti zvyšování self-efficacy poskytuje mateřská škola oproti rodinnému prostředí. Zajímá nás míra volnosti, kterou dopřávají dětem na jedné straně učitelé v mateřské škole a na druhé straně rodiče. and The purpose of this article is to investigate the influence of liberty in upbringing on self-efficacy and resilience in preschool children. As a theoretical framework of this paper we chose the concept of selfefficacy created by A. Bandura. The empirical part is focused on the institution of kindergarten. It maps the background in kindergartens by means of both quantitative and qualitative research. The aim is to define which opportunities of increasing self-efficacy are provided in kindergartens, in comparison to the family milieu. We are interested in degree of liberty given in kindergartens and in families.