Východiska. Trenéři národního týmu vzpírání deklarují, že jejich svěřenci vykazují nedostatky v mentálních dovednostech, což vede k nevyrovnaným výkonům na vrcholných soutěžích. Na základě poznatků o efektivitě mentálního tréninku (MT) v jiných sportech je možné usoudit, že má MT potenciál ve vrcholovém vzpírání. Cíl. Cílem autorů bylo vytvořit a ověřit program založený na technikách mentálního tréninku implementovaných do sportovního tréninku vzpěračů juniorské kategorie České republiky a také reflektovat vliv temperamentových rysů závodníka na implementaci MT program v jeho sportovním tréninku. Metody. Byly provedeny polostrukturované rozhovory se vzpěračem a trenérem před a po realizaci programu mentálního tréninku. Byly použity psychodiagnostické testy – Test pozornosti d2 a TEZADO měřící pozornost resp. dimenze temperamentu, a to za účelem doplnění subjektivních výpovědí. Další metodou doplňující kvantitativní data byly sebehodnotící škály. Výsledky. Z výsledků vyplývá, že některé techniky mentálního tréninku měly pozitivní vliv na úroveň deficitních mentálních dovedností. Tyto mentální dovednosti jsou klíčové při přípravě reprezentanta vzpírání a mohou mít významný vliv na sportovní výkon. Nejvýznamnější rozdíl byl dosažen v dovednosti opětovného zaměření pozornosti a nejmenší v imaginaci. Podle probanda byl vliv temperamentových rysů na program mentálního tréninku významný v souvislosti s opětovným zaměřením pozornosti a zvládáním vzteku a agrese. Závěry. Techniky mentálního tréninku mohou pomoci špičkovým vzpěračům překonat nedostatky v mentálních dovednostech používaných ve sportovní přípravě, což může mít pozitivní vliv na výkonnost v tréninku i soutěžích. Aby byl program úspěšný, je důležité sebepoznání temperamentových rysů. and Background. According to the coaches, the weightlifters of the national team show deficiencies in mental skills, which leads to unbalanced performance at top competitions. Based on the knowledge of the efficacy of mental training (MT) from other sports, it is possible to conclude the potential of the MT in top weightlifting. Objective. The main aim of the authors was to create and verify a program based on mental training techniques implemented in sports training of weightlifter of the junior category of the Czech Republic, and also to reflect the influence of the competitor's temperamental dimensions on the implementation of the MT program in her sports training. Methods. Semi-structured interviews with the athlete and the coach before and after the implementation of the mental training program were conducted. A psychodiagnostic tests – Test of attention d2 and TEZADO measuring attention resp. temperamental dimensions were used in addition to subjective statements. Self-assessing scales were also used to obtain more quantitative data. Results. Results showed that some of the mental training techniques had a positive effect on deficient mental skills. These mental skills are crucial in the preparation of the weightlifting representative and can have a significant influence on a sports athlete's performance. The most significant difference was achieved in the skill of refocusing and the smallest difference in imagination. According to the subject, the influence of the temperamental dimensions on the mental training program had a significant impact in connection with the refocusing and anger coping. Conclusion. Mental training techniques can help top weightlifters to overcome the mental skills deficiencies used in their sports training, which may have a positive influence on performance in both training and competitions. Self-knowledge of the temperamental dimensions is significant to the success of the program.
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study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament The aim of the study was to analyse relationship between resilience and temperament characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. 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The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. The research sample consisted of 96 college students aged 19 to 30 years (M = characteristics. 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Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. Negative affectivity is negatively differentiated relationship between temperament and resilience. 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Studie se zabývá vztahem mezi mírou prožívané smysluplnosti života a osobnostními rysy. Většina dosud provedených výzkumů má korelační charakter a nevypovídá proto o příčinnosti vztahů. Autoři využili data z Brněnské longitudinální studie celoživotního vývoje člověka a hledali nejen současné koreláty životní smysluplnosti, ale i její antecedenty. Analyzovány byly údaje od 72 dospělých (41 žen) ve věku 41 – 44 let, kteří vyplnili Logo-test E. Lukasové a Cloningerův TCI. Dále byly od respondentů k dispozici Eysenckův dotazník MPI, který respondenti vyplnili v 16 letech svého věku, a posouzení jejich temperamentu ve věku 12 – 30 měsíců. Míra prožívané smysluplnosti života souvisí pozitivně s úrovní persistence a sebeřízenosti respondentů, s extraverzí v 16 letech a dětskou disinhibovaností a negativní afektivitou.