This paper deals with the problem of secret non-catholicism in the northeast Bohemia at the end of the first third of the 18th century and its connection with the religions movement of local serfs. It points out the role of reading religious literature like the Bible, prager-books and hymn-books on secret non-catholics meetings. That was an irreplaceable part of their speeches as was the role of religious legates from the milieu of Sorbian pietistical communities. A sudden abnormal concentration of religious emissaries in a small part of Opočno's manor, the spectre of newle smuggled books sold by emigrants even their apparent help with the formulation of requests of serfs to autorities and maybe the autorships of the creed of the religion gives evidence of a strong influence of emigration. In the Memorial's formal dogmatics we can find clear symptoms of the pietistical influence on the formulation of official request. We can assume that the text of the creed of the religion is not a local non-catholics production. It evidently grew out of a remarkably vague awareness of former faith of ancestors influenced by Lutheran pietism in the 18th century. The fading influence of the ideas of Czech reformations of 16th century can be seen even in the structure of non/catholic books. Contraband books prevails at the end of the first third of the 18* century. These books had a great influence on formalization of dogmatic that necessary to refer to the leading local figures of Opočno events that happened in the September of 1732. A use of catholics production was not an Exception. The reading of secret non/catholics in privat and meetings and its structure deals ill-definated dogmatics positions of this rural community.
This study focuses on the concept of reading culture. The authors attempt to define its content and scope, while setting it within the context of contemporary issues (such as the digital revolution). They also take account of the key fixed ideas associated with the “reader” and “reading” concepts, while paying specific attention to the opposition of the empirical reader and model reader. They also base their conception of reading culture on a critical comparison with such associated concepts as book culture, written culture, literary culture and media culture, while focusing on the concept of culture itself, particularly on why they have decided on it, as culture might even be considered — in the sense of British cultural studies — to be anything that is communicated (read), and not just produced (written). Hence culture involves the circulation, range, extent and the entire ecosystem of relations and their media. It is the sphere of meaning that is received and not just emitted. One of the features of reading culture — according to the authors — involves the not entirely straightforward search for trace /testimonies, so the authors present a table showing individual trace /testimonies classified from direct empirical proofs to quite indirect ones. The main advantage of the reading culture concept is considered by the authors to be that it integrates all the activities associated with reception (direct and mediated, clear and disputed, complete and partial), so that it presents the entire range of personal testimonies, statistical data, institutions such as school and censorship, the book market and public libraries, discourse on reading, reader iconography and so forth. and Studie se zaměřuje na koncept čtenářské kultury. Autoři se snaží vymezit jeho obsah a dosah, to vše pak zasadit do problémů současné doby (digitální revoluce). Všímají si také základních utkvělých představ, s nimiž je koncept čtenáře a čtení spojován; specifickou pozornost věnují protikladu čtenáře empirického a modelového. Svou koncepci čtenářské kultury opírají také o kritické srovnání s příbuznými koncepty, jako jsou knižní kultura, kultura písma, literární kultura, mediální kultura. Věnují se i samotnému pojmu kultura, především proč se pro ni rozhodli. Za kulturu je totiž možno považovat – v duchu britských cultural studies – až to, co je sdíleno (čteno), nikoli pouze produkováno (psáno). Kultura tak představuje oběh, dosah, rozsah, čili ekosystém vztahů a jejich nositelů. Je to sféra významu recipovaných, nikoli pouze emitovaných. Jedním z rysů čtenářské kultury – soudí autoři – je ne úplně snadné vyhledávání stop/svědectví, proto nabízejí tabulku, v níž jsou jednotlivé stopy/svědectví seřazeny od empirických přímých důkazů až k těm zcela nepřímým. Za hlavní výhodu konceptu čtenářské kultury autoři považují, že integruje všechny činnosti týkající se recepce (přímé i zprostředkované, jasné i sporné, celostní i dílčí); je tedy úhrnem osobních svědectví, statistických dat, institucí jako škola či cenzura, knižní trh či veřejné knihovny, diskurs o čtení, čtenářská ikonografie atd.
Cieľom výskumu bolo popísanie motívov, ktoré adolescentov vedú k, respektíve brzdia v čítaní, ako aj zistenie možných rozdielov v motivácii a preferenciách žánrov z hľadiska veku. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 375 respondentov, z čoho čitateľov bolo 130 (34,66 %). Motivácia k čítaniu bola meraná prostredníctvom dotazníka Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motívy, ktoré vedú respondentov k čítaniu, respektíve ich od čítania odrádzajú, boli zisťované otvorenými otázkami. Výsledky ukázali, že medzi staršími a mladšími adolescentmi sa v rámci motivácie k čítaniu nenachádzajú rozdiely. K najčastejším motívom, ktoré vedú mladších respondentov k čítaniu kníh, patria: získavanie nových informácii z kníh, skutočnosť, že čítanie považujú za zábavnú a zaujímavú aktivitu a súčasne za možnosť na chvíľu uniknúť z reality. U starších dominovalo získavanie nových informácii, možnosť oddychu a únik z reality. V skupine nečítajúcej mládeže mladší respondenti uviedli, že nečítajú hlavne preto, lebo ich táto aktivita nebaví, knihy považujú za nudné a nechce sa im. Starších adolescentov od čítania odrádza presvedčenie, že čítanie je nudná aktivita a ďalším významným dôvodom je nedostatok času. Medzi mladšími čitateľmi sú populárne dobrodružné romány, fantasy a dievčenské romány. U starších čitateľov dominujú žánre podobné, a to žáner dobrodružný, fantasy a detektívny. and The aim of this study was to describe motives that lead adolescents to read, or which make them refuse to read. Furthermore, it aimed to find out potential differences in motivation and reading preferences due to age group. Totally 375 respondents participated in this study from which 130 (34,66%) were readers. Reading motivation was measured by the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motives that lead adolescents to read or which make them refuse to read were detected with open questions. Results show that there are no differences between younger and older adolescents in reading motivation. The most common reading motives in younger readers were: reaching new information from books, opinion, that reading is a funny and interesting activity and reading represents an opportunity to escape from the reality for a while. In the group of older adolescents were most common motives reaching new information, the way how to relax and escape from the reality. Nonreading younger adolescents refuse to read because they are not interested in reading, they consider the book boring and they do not have the will to read. Older adolescents do not read because they consider reading as a boring activity and they do not have enough time for it. The most popular genres among younger readers are the adventurous genre, fantasy, and novels for girls. Older readers prefer the adventurous genre, fantasy, and detective novels.
Poruchám čtení u nevidomých dětí není v ČR věnována dostatečná pozornost a výzkum této oblasti je zatím na počátku. Tento příspěvek proto poskytuje úvod do problematiky poruch čtení u žáků s vrozeným těžkým zrakovým postižením. Snaží se odpovědět na otázku, zda i u nevidomého žáka můžeme diagnostikovat dyslexii. Článek mapuje tuto problematiku od prevence poruch čtení, přes jejich diagnostiku a také nastiňuje možné metody práce se selhávajícími čtenáři bodového písma. Klíčovou roli zde hraje analýza možných příčin poruch čtení Braillova písma. Text se také zabývá vztahem mezi různými technikami čtení bodového písma a selháváním ve čtení. Nedílnou součástí této práce je pohled na některé současné zahraniční výzkumy. and Reading disorders of blind children are not well known in the Czech Republic and research in this area is still at it´s start. This paper therefore provides an introduction to the problems of reading disorders of children with congenital severe visual impairment. It tries to answer the question whether a blind schoolchild can be diagnosed with dyslexia. The article describes the issues of reading disorders from prevention to diagnostics and also outlines the possible methods of working with failing braille readers. The text also deals with the relationship between the different techniques of reading Braille and failing in reading. An integral part of this work is a short summary of current international researches.
The study focuses on the history of the regional, royal and dowry town of Hradec Králové in the latter years of the Enlightenment, at the end of the first stage of the formation of the modern Czech nation. Within the small territory of this fortress town, the seat of both regional authorities and a bishopric, there was a tertiary, secondary and primary school, a printing house and a theatre. At the episcopal seminary, grammar school (Gymnasium) and main school (Hauptschule), the teaching staff were connected with a petite bourgeoisie that had potential to participate in the future national movement. Graduates of the episcopal seminary and the Hradec Králové grammar school became an educated social elite who later used their cultural and social capital in various areas of religious and cultural life, in state or ecclesiastical administration. Although taught in Latin and German, and despite the growing importance of the German language as a means of communication among state and private employees, these men went on to play an active part in the formation of the modern Czech nation. At the same time, the Hauptschule provided essential skills in literacy and numeracy for multitudes of young people, teaching them the fundamentals of Czech and biblical history, natural science, and even the basics of Latin. The development of amateur theatre (the first documented amateur theatre performance in Hradec Králové, in which townspeople and officers participated, dates back to 1790; the theatre company acquired its own building six years later), and the establishment of a publishing house (formerly a printers), as well as the creation of a readers’ community, were important for the acceleration of social communication – a prerequisite for the formation of a civic society.