The essay attempts to point out the benefits of reading Peter Sloterdijk's works from the perspective of German studies. In the course of the paper, Sloterdijk is introduced in his various individual roles. First, his early steps in German studies are described, followed by an assessment of the influence of his German-studies works on the formulation of philosophical problems and stances. After that, Sloterdijk is presented as an exponent of certain typical development, as a diagnostician of problems that post-war Germany faced in its transformation into a civic society. The final part consists of reflections on his observational abilities in descriptions of interdisciplinary misunderstandings and in the creation of transdisciplinary analogies.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the image of the city as represented and conceptualized in the works of prominent modern Arab poets, mainly since the 1950s. In this article, I will argue that the attitude of these modernists toward the city is characterized by a unique ambivalence. On the one hand, many of them (particularly those who migrated from provincial towns and rural areas to a capital city) unequivocally depict the city or metropolis as a harsh and cruel prison. On the other hand, these same poets recognize the immeasurable possibilites and the immense cultural space the big city offers its inhabitants, especially its poets and artists. Accordingly, a more incisive reading of their works reveals that modern Arab poets are also enthralled and captivated by the modern city. They feel that they have to put up with the metropolis, awe inspiring as it may be, distant from the "firsts sky" as it may be, because it allows them to confront paradox and incongruity, thus eliciting creativity. Therefore, as far as most Arab modernist poets are concerned, having been uprooted from their home village has put them face to face with "the other". In their eyes, it is exactly this challenge to their comfortable and somewhat stolid existence that propels them to the forefront of artistic creation.
This article deals with the literary and publishing activity of Dmitry Sverchkov, a member of the Executive Committee of the Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies, 1905. It is connected with his memory of the creation, activity and termination of the Soviet. Based on archival documents and the published works, it is shown that during the period after the revolutionary events of 1917, Sverchkov sought to keep the memory of the Soviet in works of prose and in cinema. The plots of his script "October Revolution 1905 and the first St. Peterburg's Soviet of Workers' Deputies" (1924) and his play "But Are Not Defeated!" (1931) are analyzed. The most important point is that the writer shows the people as participants of the revolutionary events in 1905. The article is also based on shorthand reports of Sverckov's speeches at The Vseroskomdram's Plenums. and Статья посвящена литературной и публицистической деятельности Дмитрия Сверчкова, члена исполнительного комитета Петербургского Совета рабочих депутатов 1905 г. Эта деятельность связана с его памятью о создании, деятельности и поражении Совета. На основе архивных документов и опубликованных работ показывается, что в течение периода, последовавшего за революционными событиями 1917 г., Сверчков стремился сохранить память о Совете посредством прозаических произведений и в кинематографе. Анализируются сюжеты его киносценария "Октябрьская революция 1905 года и первый Санкт-Петербургский Совет рабочих депутатов" (1924 г.) и его пьеса "Но не побеждены!" (1931 г.). Наиболее важным в данном случае представляется то, что писатель показывает народ как участника революционных событий 1905 г. Кроме того, статья написана с привлечением стенографических отчётов речей Д. Ф. Сверчкова на Пленуме Всероскомдрама.
The present article concentrates on an analysis of the structure of the opening passages and means of address in the Amarna Letters, one of the largest sources of epistolary documents, written during the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium B.C. From the first look at the Amarna corrpus, those familiar with the topic will notice a formal structure very similar to the one found in other letters written in Peripheral Akkadian. However, the discussion on the formal structure usually limits itself to several short statements and general descriptive comments.
This article focuses on periodicals of the Czechoslovak-South Slavic League and the Czechoslovak-South Slavic Revue, which were published from 1920 to 1929 and 1930 to 1939 and contributed significantly to the development of relations between interwar Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. These periodicals were published by the association of the same name. The main topics were culture, arts, tourism, literature, and economy. and Příspěvek se zabývá periodiky Československo-jihoslovanská liga a Československo-jihoslovanská revue, které vycházely v letech 1920–1929 a 1930–1939 a jež výrazně přispívaly k rozvoji meziválečných československo-jugoslávských styků. Časopisy vydával stejnojmenný spolek Československo-jihoslovanská liga a mezi hlavní témata časopisů patřila kultura, umění, turismus, literatura či hospodářství.
The study pursues the process of the Czech Modernism development at the end of the 19th century, observing three streams of thought: realism, progressive movement and modernist literature, whose interconnection in various configurations created the specific shape of the emerging modernism. The well-known "Czech Modernism" proclamation of October 1895 completed the constitutive process and at the same time it was its epitaph. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
This paper deals with the problem of secret non-catholicism in the northeast Bohemia at the end of the first third of the 18th century and its connection with the religions movement of local serfs. It points out the role of reading religious literature like the Bible, prager-books and hymn-books on secret non-catholics meetings. That was an irreplaceable part of their speeches as was the role of religious legates from the milieu of Sorbian pietistical communities. A sudden abnormal concentration of religious emissaries in a small part of Opočno's manor, the spectre of newle smuggled books sold by emigrants even their apparent help with the formulation of requests of serfs to autorities and maybe the autorships of the creed of the religion gives evidence of a strong influence of emigration. In the Memorial's formal dogmatics we can find clear symptoms of the pietistical influence on the formulation of official request. We can assume that the text of the creed of the religion is not a local non-catholics production. It evidently grew out of a remarkably vague awareness of former faith of ancestors influenced by Lutheran pietism in the 18th century. The fading influence of the ideas of Czech reformations of 16th century can be seen even in the structure of non/catholic books. Contraband books prevails at the end of the first third of the 18* century. These books had a great influence on formalization of dogmatic that necessary to refer to the leading local figures of Opočno events that happened in the September of 1732. A use of catholics production was not an Exception. The reading of secret non/catholics in privat and meetings and its structure deals ill-definated dogmatics positions of this rural community.
Dalit literature is a literary movement born out of the social movement of the Dalits, the "downtrodden", former "untouchables", the lowest segment of the Hindu caste hierarchy, called Harijan ("Children of God") by Mahatma Gandhi. Since 1935, when the British government in India grouped all the low castes under the category S.C. (scheduled castes), the term Scheduled Castes has been officially applied to these people. In independent India, they are supported and encouraged in many ways by the government, but their literature tells us a lot about the reality of their situation.