1a_It has been known for many years that baroreflex sensitivity is lowered in hypertensive patients. There are several known factors implicating this association, e.g. high blood pressure leads to remodeling of the carotid arterial wall, to its stiffness and to a diminished activation of baroreceptors; leptin released from a fatty tissue activates the sympathetic nervous system etc. On the other hand, low baroreflex sensitivity (BRS, usually quantified in ms/mmHg) can be inborn. Studies on primary hypertension in children and adolescents have brought new information about the role of baroreflex in the development of an early stage of primary hypertension. BRS lower than 3.9 ms/mmHg was found in 5 % of healthy subjects. This value approaches the critical value for the risk of sudden cardiac death in patients after myocardial infarction and corresponds to the value present in hypertensive patients. A decreased BRS and BRSf (baroreflex sensitivity expressed in mHz/mmHg, index independent of the mean cardiac interval), was found not only in children with hypertension, but also in those with white-coat hypertension. This is in accordance with a single interpretation. The decrease of BRS/BRSf precedes a pathological blood pressure increase., 2a_The contribution of obesity and BRS/BRSf to the development of hypertension in adolescents was also compared. Both factors reach a sensitivity and a specificity between 60 % and 65 %, but there is no correlation between the values of the body mass index and BRS either in the group of hypertensive patients or in healthy controls. If a receiver operating curve (sensitivity versus specificity) is plotted for both values together using logistic regression analysis, a sensitivity higher than 70 % and a specificity over 80 % are reached. This means that low baroreflex sensitivity is an independent risk factor for the development of primary hypertension. Studies demonstrate that adolescents with increased blood pressure and with BRS under 7 ms/mmHg should be given care and intensively motivated to change their lifestyle including a change in diet and increase in physical activity., and N. Honzíková, B. Fišer.
Obesity is a strong cardiometabolic (CM) risk factor in children. We tested potential CM risk in obese/overweight children and the effect of an intensive lifestyle intervention using newer CM markers: atherogenic index of plasma AIP [Log(TG/HDL-C)], apoB/apoAI ratio and a marker of insulin resistance HOMA-IR. The participants (194 girls, 115 boys, average age 13) were enrolled in an intensive, one-month, inpatient weight reduction program. The program consisted of individualised dietary changes and the exercise program comprised aerobic and resistance training. Anthropometrical and biochemical parameters in plasma and CM risk biomarkers - (AIP, apoB/apoAI ratio and HOMA-IR) were examined before and after the intervention. AIP and HOMA-IR significantly correlated with BMI while apoB/apoAI ratio did not. Only AIP and HOMA-IR showed systematic increases according to the level of obesity by BMI quartiles. Lifestyle intervention significantly improved anthropometrical and biochemical values and the biomarkers too. The response of lipid parameters to the intervention was considerably higher in boys than in girls. The children were stratified into three risk categories according to AIP, where 13.8 % of boys and 5.3 % of girls fell into high risk category. The monitored biomarkers may complement each other in the prognosis of CM risk. AIP was strongly related to obesity and to lipid and glycid metabolism, while the relationship of the apoB/apoAI ratio to obesity and glycid metabolism was not significant. The obese children benefited from the intensive lifestyle intervention which improved the anthropometrical and biochemical parameters and CM risk biomarkers., M. Vrablík, M. Dobiášová, L. Zlatohlávek, Z. Urbanová, R. Češka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This minireview briefly surveys the complexity of regulations governing the bone metabolism. The impact of clinical studies devoted to osteoporosis is briefly summarized and the emphasis is put on the significance of experimental mouse models based on an extensive use of genetically modified animals. Despite possible arising drawbacks, the studies in mice are of prime importance for expanding our knowledge on bone metabolism. With respect to human physiology and medicine, one should be always aware of possib le limitations as the experimental results may not be, or may be only to some extent, transposed to humans. If applicable to humans, results obtained in mice provide new clues for assessing un foreseen treatment strategies for patients. A recent publication representing in our opinion the important breakthrough in the field of bone metabolism in mice is commented in detail. It provides an evidence that skeleton is endocrine organ that affects energy metabolism and osteocalcin, a protein specifically synthesized and secreted by osteoblasts, is a hormone involved. If confirmed by other groups and applicable to humans, this study provides the awaited connection of long duration between bone disorders on one hand and obesity and diabetes on the other., O. Raška, K. Bernášková, I. Raška Jr., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Experimental and epidemiological studies suggest that calcium intake is inversely related to weight gain. Calcium of dairy origin has been shown to be more effective in promoting weight loss. However, clinical studies yielded controversial results concerning the role of calcium intake in weight change. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether the addition of calcium can affect the outcome of 3-week weight management (WM) with a hypocaloric diet characterized by a decreased calcium intake. Overweight/obese women (n=67; BMI 32.2±4.1 kg/m2; age 49.1±12.1 years) underwent a 4-week comprehensive WM program. WM included a 7 MJ/day diet resulting in a stable weight during the first week and a 4.5 MJ/day diet with mean daily calcium intake 350 mg during the second to fourth week. Participants were divided into three age- and BMI-matched groups who received placebo or calcium (500 mg/day). Calcium was administered either as carbonate or calcium of dairy origin (Lactoval). There was no significant difference in weight loss in response to WM between the placebo-treated and calcium-treated groups. However, addition of calcium to the diet resulted in a lower hunger score in the Eating Inventory as well as a decrease in plasma resistin levels. Body composition measured by bioimpedance demonstrated that added calcium leads to preservation of fat-free mass. Nevertheless, a greater loss of fat-free mass in the placebo group might be partly due to a greater loss of water., K. Kabrnová-Hlavatá, V. Hainer, M. Gojová, P. Hlavatý, V. Kopský, J. Nedvídková, M. Kunešová, J. Pařízková, M. Wagenknecht, M. Hill, J. Drbohlav., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Present study was aimed to investigate sympathetic responses to mental stress with hypothesis that the presence of obesity in patients with hypertension has a modifying effect. Young male subjects, 8 with hypertension grade I, with BMI<25 kg/m2 (HT), 10 with hypertension grade I, and BMI>30 kg/m2 (HT OB), 14 healthy controls with BMI<30 kg/m2 (OB), and 13 healthy controls with BMI<25 kg/m2 (C) underwent the Stroop test. ECG was recorded continuously to evaluate heart rate variability (HRV). Blood pressure (BP) and catecholamine concentrations were measured at baseline, at the end of mental stress test and 15 min thereafter. Patients with HT demonstrated increased adrenaline concentrations and enhanced stress-induced noradrenaline release compared to that in healthy controls. In obese subjects, stress-induced increase of systolicBP was lower compared to lean individuals. Stress exposure induced a significant rise in the low frequency power component of HRV, however the increase was lower in the HT OB group compared to C. Obesity in patients with hypertension did not lead to a different reaction in comparison with lean hypertensive subjects. The present data demonstrate higher sympathoadrenal activity in early-stage of hypertension. Obesity is connected with higher resting systolicBP and modifies the HRV response to mental stress., A. Garafova, A. Penesova, E. Cizmarova, A. Marko, M. Vlcek, D. Jezova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Short-term weight-reducing regimens were shown to influence fatty acid composition of serum lipids unfavorably. Adding long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC PUFA) to a low-calorie diet (LCD) could avoid these changes. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a short-term in-patient weight-reducing regimen including LCD with yogurt enriched by low doses of n-3 PUFA (n-3 LCD). The enriched yogurt contained 790 mg of fish oil, predominantly eicosapentaenoic (20:5n-3; EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6n-3; DHA). Forty obese women were randomly assigned to the group consuming LCD and joghurt either with or without n-3 enrichment. Following the 3-week diet in the n-3 LCD group a significantly higher increase in the proportion of n-3 LC PUFA (sum of n-3 FA, EPA and DHA) in serum lipids was confirmed. In phospholipids (PL) a significant difference in the sum of n-6 fatty acids was found, a decrease in the n-3 LCD group and an increase in LCD group. Significantly higher increase in the PL palmitate (16:0) was shown in the LCD group. The results suggest that low doses of n-3 fatty acid enrichment can help to avoid unfavorable changes in fatty acid composition in serum lipids after a short-term weight-reducing regimen., P. Hlavatý, M. Kunešová, M. Gojová, E. Tvrzická, M. Vecka, P. Roubal, M. Hill, K. Hlavatá, P. Kalousková, V. Hainer, A. Žák, J. Drbohlav., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
U diabetu jsou přítomny poruchy čichu a chuti. V případě chuti spíše porucha souvisí se specifickými komplikacemi diabetu, u čichu spíše s diabetickou makroangiopatií. Patologické pocení při jídle (gustatory sweating) je dnes nejdůležitějším fenoménem z oblasti čichu a chuti v diabetologii. Poruchy čichu a chuti hrají podle experimentů asi určitou úlohu v oblasti patogeneze diabetu a jeho komplikací. Ovlivnění čichu a chuti je i oblastí potenciální významnou pro léčbu diabetu., Štěpán Svačina, and Lit. 24
In this study, susceptibility of inbred C57BL/6 and outbred NMRI mice to monosodium glutamate (MSG) obesity or diet-induced obesity (DIO) was compared in terms of food intake, body weight, adiposity as well as leptin, insulin and glucose levels. MSG obesity is an early-onset obesity resulting from MSG-induced lesions in arcuate nucleus to neonatal mice. Both male and female C57BL/6 and NMRI mice with MSG obesity did not differ in body weight from their lean controls, but had dramatically increased fat to body weight ratio. All MSG obese mice developed severe hyperleptinemia, more remarkable in females, but only NMRI male mice showed massive hyperinsulinemia and an extremely high HOMA index that pointed to development of insulin resistance. Diet-induced obesity is a late-onset obesity; it developed during 16-week-long feeding with high-fat diet containing 60 % calories as fat. Inbred C57BL/6 mice, which are frequently used in DIO studies, both male and female, had significantly increased fat to body weight ratio and leptin and glucose levels compared with their appropriate lean controls, but only female C57BL/6 mice had also significantly elevated body weight and insulin level. NMRI mice were less prone to DIO than C57BL/6 ones and did not show significant changes in metabolic parameters after feeding with high-fat diet., R. Matyšková, L. Maletínská, J. Maixnerová, Z. Pirník, A. Kiss, B. Železná., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
This study aimed to examine relationships between DHEA(S), anthropometric parameters, oral glucose tolerance test derived data and lipid spectra in a Czech non-diabetic population. 380 healthy volunteers both with and without a family history of diabetes type 2 (DM2) were en rolled into the study (women: n=235, age 28.9±9.4 years, BMI 22.3±4.5 kg/m2, men: n=145, age 32.3±10.0 years, BMI 24.7±3.6 kg/m2). Spearman’s correlations (both without and with the adjustment for age, age and BMI), as well as ANCOVA were used. Non-adjusted data showed many “beneficial” correlations between DHEA(S) and both anthropometric and metabolic variables. Statistical analysis revealed that almost all correlations of DHEA(S) to adiposity and fat distribution in men as well as in women disappeared after the adjustment. There are, however, differences between men and women in the correlation of DHEA(S) to insulin sensitivity and lipid levels. The use of hormonal contraceptives (COC) is also an important factor in this relationship. In men and also in women using COC, DHEA-S after adjustment correlated positively with fasting and stimulated glucose, insulin and C-peptide, and negatively with insulin sensitivity. In this respect, the benefit of DHEA(S) supplementation seems - at least in terms of its alleged antiobesity and antidiabetogenic effects - to be more than controversial., B. Bendlová, J. Vrbíková, M. Hill, M. Vaňková, P. Lukášová, J. Včelák, D. Vejražková, K. Dvořáková, R. Hampl, K. Vondra, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy