The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of troglitazone (TRO) - a new insulin-sensitizing agent - on some metabolic parameters in an experimental model of hypertriglyceridemia and insulin resistance, hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats, and to compare its effects with those of vitamin E, an antioxidant agent. Three groups of the above rats were fed diets with a high content of sucrose (70 % of energy as sucrose) for four weeks. The first group was supplemented with TRO (120 mg/kg diet), the second one with vitamin E (500 mg/kg diet), and the third group served as the control. Vitamin E supplementation did not lower serum triglycerides (2.42±0.41 vs. 3.39±0.37 mmol/l, N.S.) while TRO did (1.87±0.24 vs. 3.39±0.37 mmol/l, p<0.01). Neither TRO nor vitamin E influenced the serum levels of free fatty acids (FFA). Both drugs influenced the spectrum of fatty acids in serum phospholipids - TRO increased the levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) n-6 (36.04±1.61 vs. 19.65±1.56 mol %, p<0.001), vitamin E increased the levels of PUFA n-3 (13.30±0.87 vs. 6.79±0.87 mol %, p<0.001) and decreased the levels of saturated fatty acids (32.97±0.58 vs. 51.45±4.01 mol %, p<0.01). In conclusion, TRO lowered the level of serum triglycerides but vitamin E did not have this effect in hypertriglyceridemic rats. Compared with TRO, vitamin E had a different effect on the spectrum of fatty acids in serum phospholipids., Š. Chvojková, L. Kazdová, J. Divišová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Obezita je v kombinaci s dalšími složkami syndromu inzulinové rezistence výrazným rizikovým faktorem aterosklerózy a jejich komplikací. Přesné mechanizmy propojení uvedených onemocnění jsou dosud objasněny pouze zčásti. Jedním z možných pojítek je porucha endokrinní funkce tukové tkáně, která při obezitě produkuje zvýšené množství prozánětlivých a proaterogenních hormonů a cytokinů a méně faktorů protektivních. Prakticky jediným z hormonů tukové tkáně s prokázaným protizánětlivým a antiaterosklerotickým účinkem je hormon adiponektin. Tento hormon je produkován převážně adipocyty a jeho hladiny jsou sníženy právě u pacientů s obezitou, inzulinovou rezistencí a aterosklerózou. Cílem tohoto článku je shrnout současné experimentální a klinické poznatky o vztahu adiponektinu k ateroskleróze a diskutovat možné využití tohoto hormonu v predikci aterosklerózy a případné perspektivy jeho využití v prevenci a léčbě tohoto onemocnění., Denisa Haluzíková, T. Roubíček, Martin Haluzík, and Lit. 39
Kyselina močová je u človeka biologicky aktívny koncový produkt metabolizmu purínov. Zvýšené koncentrácie kyseliny močovej sprevádzajú metabolický syndróm a jeho komponenty už u detí a mladistvých. K hyperurikémii prispieva konzumácia nápojov prisládzaných fruktózou, nakoľko je jediným sacharidom, pri ktorého metabolizme vzniká kyselina močová. Súčasné vedomosti neumožňujú odlíšiť, či je hyperurikémia kauzálnou príčinou komponentov metabolického syndrómu, alebo len sprievodným znakom naznačujúcim zvýšené riziko vzniku kardiovaskulárnych ochorení. V súčasnosti neexistuje konsenzus či a ako liečiť asymptomatickú hyperurikémiu u detí a mladistvých. Zaujať zásadný postoj k týmto otázkam umožnia len výsledky randomizovaných kontrolovaných prospektívnych štúdií, ktoré poskytnú dôkazy o prospešných účinkoch tejto liečby na prevalenciu metabolického syndrómu a incidenciu kardiovaskulárnych chorôb., In humans, uric acid represents a biologically active end-product of purine nucleotides. Several studies in children and adolescents documented an association between hyperuricaemia and the components metabolic syndrome. High intake of fructose-sweetened beverages might increase uricaemia, since fructose is the only saccharide which metabolism results in the formation of uric acid. Current knowledge does not allow distinguishing whether hyperuricaemia is causally related to the components of metabolic syndrome, or rather represents a marker of an enhanced risk, and poor outcome. No guidelines exist whether or not to treat asymptomatic hyperuricaemia in the adolescents. Randomized controlled prospective clinical studies are needed to elucidate whether uric acid-lowering management would beneficially affect the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, and the incidence of cardiovascular disease., and Ivana Koborová, Radana Gurecká, Anna Hlavatá, Katarína Šebeková
Visfatin was originally described as an adipokine with insulin mimetic effects. Recently, it was found that visfatin is identical with the Nampt (nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase) gene that codes for an intra- and extracellular NAD biosynthetic enzyme and is predominantly expressed outside the adipose tissue. In the current study, we found strong protein and mRNA expression of visfatin in rat heart, liver, kidney, and muscle, while the expression of visfatin in visceral fat was significantly lower and undetectable in subcutaneous fat. The insulin-mimetic effects of visfatin (extracellular form of Nampt or eNampt) are controversial and even less is known about autocrine effects of visfatin (intracellular form of Nampt or iNampt). Since liver plays a major role in glucose metabolism, we studied visfatin effects on insulin-stimulated cellular glucose uptake in Fao rat hepatocytes using RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi-mediated downregulation of visfatin expression in Fao cells was associated with significantly reduced NAD biosynthesis (0.3±0.01 vs. 0.5±0.01 mmol/h/g, P<0.05) and with significantly decreased incremental glucose uptake after stimulation with insulin when compared to controls with normal expression of visfatin (0.6±0.2 vs. 2.2±0.5 nnmol/g/2 h, P=0.02). These results provide evidence that visfatin exhibits important autocrine effects on sensitivity of liver cells to insulin action possibly through its effects on NAD biosynthesis., V. Škop ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (A-FABP) is a novel adipokine involved in the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism and inflammation. To evaluate its potential role in the development of postoperative hyperglycemia and insulin resistance we assessed A-FABP serum concentrations and mRNA expression in skeletal and myocardial muscle, subcutan eous and epicardial adipose tissue and peripheral monocytes in 11 diabetic and 20 age- and sex-matched non-diabetic patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. Baseline serum A-FABP did not differ between the groups (31.1±5.1 vs. 25.9±4.6 ng /ml, p=0.175). Cardiac surgery markedly increased serum A-FABP in both groups with a rapid peak at the end of surgery foll owed by a gradual decrease to baseline values during the next 48 h with no significant difference between the groups at any timepoint. These trends were analogous to postoperative excursions of plasma glucose, insulin and selected proinflammatory markers. Cardiac surgery increased A-FABP mRNA expression in peripheral monocytes, while no effect was observed in adipose tissue or muscle. Our data suggest that circulating A-FABP might be involved in the development of acute perioperative stress response, insulin resistance and hyperglycemia of critically ill irrespectively of the presence of diab etes mellitus., T. Kotulak ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes often display high levels of the anti-diabetic factor fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF21), suggesting that the overproduction of FGF21 may result from increased adiposity in an attempt by white adipose tissue (WAT) to counteract insulin resistance. However, the production of FGF21 diabetes in the absence of WAT has not been examined. In this study, we investigated the effects of lipodystrophy in A-ZIP F-1 mice on FGF21 production in relation to diabetes. A-ZIP F-1 mice displayed high FGF21 plasma levels resulting from enhanced FGF21 mRNA expression in the liver. Concomitant enhancement of FGF21 receptor (FGFR1) and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) mRNA expression was observed in the muscles of A-ZIP F-1 mice. Furthermore, the activation of hypothalamic NPY and AgRP mRNA expression positively correlated with plasma levels of FGF21 but not active ghrelin. Our study demonstrates that an increased FGF21 plasma level in lipodystrophic A-ZIP F-1 mice results mainly from up-regulated liver production but does not suffice to overcome the lipodystrophy-induced severe type 2-diabetes and insulin resistance in the liver linked to the augmented liver fat deposition., A. Špolcová, M. Holubová, B. Mikulášková, V. Nagelová, A. Štofková, Z. Lacinová, J. Jurčovičová, M. Haluzík, L. Maletínská, B. Železná., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We assessed the effect of the previously uncovered gap junctio n protein alpha 8 (Gja8) mutation present in spontaneously hypertensive rat - dominant cataract (SHR - Dca ) strain on blood pressure, metabolic profile, and heart and renal transcriptomes. Adult, standard chow-fed male rats of SHR and SHR - Dca strains were used. We found a significant, consistent 10-15 mmHg decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures in SHR - Dca compared with SHR (P<0.01 and P<0.05 , respectively; repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)). With immunohistochemistry, we were able to localize Gja8 in heart, kidney, aorta, liver, and lungs, mostly in endothelium; with no differences in expression between strains. SHR - Dca rats showed decreased body weight, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations and basa l insulin sensitivity in muscle. There were 21 transc ripts common to the sets of 303 transcripts in kidney and 487 in heart showing >1.2-fold difference in expression between SHR and SHR - Dca. Tumor necrosis factor was the most significant upstream regulato r and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor family ligand-receptor interactions was the common enriched and downregulated canonical pathway both in heart and kidney of SHR - Dca. The connexin 50 mutation L7Q lowers blood pressure in the SHR - Dca strain, decr eases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and leads to substantial transcriptome changes in heart and kidney., O. Šeda, F. Liška, M. Pravenec, Z. Vernerová, L. Kazdová, D. Křenová, V. Zídek, L. Šedová, M. Krupková, V. Křen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Insulin resistance associated with dyslipidemia enhances cardiovascular risk. Several atherogenic indexes have been suggested to give more precise information about the risk. The aim of our study was to estimate, which atherogenic index correlates better with parameters of insulin resistance. Furthermore, we compared the parameters of lipid metabolism and insulin resistance between smokers and non-smokers. In our cross-sectional study we enrolled 729 patients with dyslipidemia which were divided into two groups - non-smokers (586) and smokers (143). We measured lipid profile, parameters of insulin resistance (fasting glycemia, insulin, HOMA-IR, C-peptide, proinsulin) and calculated atherogenic indexes - atherogenic index of plasma (log (TAG/HDL-C), AIP), ApoB/ApoA1 index and nonHDL-C. AIP was found out to show stronger correlations with parameters of insulin resistance (p<0.001, correlation coefficients ranging between 0.457 and 0.243) than other indexes (ApoB/ApoA1 or nonHDL cholesterol). AIP correlated with parameters of insulin resistance both in smokers and nonsmokers, but after adjustment (for age, body mass index, waist circumference) persisting only in non-smokers. Smokers had a wider waist circumference and a proatherogenic lipid profile. Smoking increases the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. AIP can be used in daily praxis for predicting insulin resistance in patients with dyslipidemia, predominantly in non-smokers., L'. Cibičková, D. Karásek, K. Langová, H. Vaverková, J. Orság, J. Lukeš, D. Novotný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study aimed to examine relationships between DHEA(S), anthropometric parameters, oral glucose tolerance test derived data and lipid spectra in a Czech non-diabetic population. 380 healthy volunteers both with and without a family history of diabetes type 2 (DM2) were en rolled into the study (women: n=235, age 28.9±9.4 years, BMI 22.3±4.5 kg/m2, men: n=145, age 32.3±10.0 years, BMI 24.7±3.6 kg/m2). Spearman’s correlations (both without and with the adjustment for age, age and BMI), as well as ANCOVA were used. Non-adjusted data showed many “beneficial” correlations between DHEA(S) and both anthropometric and metabolic variables. Statistical analysis revealed that almost all correlations of DHEA(S) to adiposity and fat distribution in men as well as in women disappeared after the adjustment. There are, however, differences between men and women in the correlation of DHEA(S) to insulin sensitivity and lipid levels. The use of hormonal contraceptives (COC) is also an important factor in this relationship. In men and also in women using COC, DHEA-S after adjustment correlated positively with fasting and stimulated glucose, insulin and C-peptide, and negatively with insulin sensitivity. In this respect, the benefit of DHEA(S) supplementation seems - at least in terms of its alleged antiobesity and antidiabetogenic effects - to be more than controversial., B. Bendlová, J. Vrbíková, M. Hill, M. Vaňková, P. Lukášová, J. Včelák, D. Vejražková, K. Dvořáková, R. Hampl, K. Vondra, L. Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy