This minireview briefly surveys the complexity of regulations governing the bone metabolism. The impact of clinical studies devoted to osteoporosis is briefly summarized and the emphasis is put on the significance of experimental mouse models based on an extensive use of genetically modified animals. Despite possible arising drawbacks, the studies in mice are of prime importance for expanding our knowledge on bone metabolism. With respect to human physiology and medicine, one should be always aware of possib le limitations as the experimental results may not be, or may be only to some extent, transposed to humans. If applicable to humans, results obtained in mice provide new clues for assessing un foreseen treatment strategies for patients. A recent publication representing in our opinion the important breakthrough in the field of bone metabolism in mice is commented in detail. It provides an evidence that skeleton is endocrine organ that affects energy metabolism and osteocalcin, a protein specifically synthesized and secreted by osteoblasts, is a hormone involved. If confirmed by other groups and applicable to humans, this study provides the awaited connection of long duration between bone disorders on one hand and obesity and diabetes on the other., O. Raška, K. Bernášková, I. Raška Jr., and Obsahuje seznam literatury