Předkládaná studie se věnuje specifikům dětské výpovědi. Mapuje možné zdroje její nespolehlivosti (nízká schopnost zapamatovat si a vybavit si události, vysoká sugestibilita, snadnost vzniku falešných vzpomínek, neporozumění pro procesy a interakce v okolí, možnost záměrného lhaní). Jsou uvedeny některé postupy, které mohou pomoci zkvalitnit, nebo naopak znehodnotit informace, podané dítětem. Schopnost dítěte porozumět své vlastní motivaci, prožívání a chování, stejně tak jako chování a prožívání jiných lidí je často zpochybňována. Ukazuje se však, že dětský úhel pohledu na události, které zažívá, a na sociální interakce, kterým je vystaveno, je obohacující. Přináší smysluplné informace, je jedinečný a přispívá jak k pochopení prožívání a chování dítěte a jeho aktuálních potíží, tak ke hlubšímu porozumění rodinným vztahům a jiným skutečnostem., The present study maps the possible sources of unreliability of child,s testimony (lower ability to remember and recall events, high suggestibility, easier formation of false memories, misunderstanding of the processes and interactions in surroundings, probability of deliberate lying) as well as its potential benefits in research and counselling practices. There are some procedures that can help improve or conversely depreciate information given by child. Child,s ability to understand their own motivation, experience and behaviour as well as behaviour and feelings of others are often questioned. But despite all mentioned risks, child,s testimony is very useful not only in judicial proceedings in which the child may be the only witness to the events but also in psychological research and counselling. It turns out that a child is more sensitive to some aspects of family life (conflicts) than an adult and gives even more accurate information than its parents. Child,s view of family life is important for understanding its behaviour and experience., Xenie Uholyeva., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This article deals with the issue of competence of so-called vulnerable persons and the possibility of making valid informed consent. The theory of competence is here perceived as a task oriented competence. Subsequently, the capacity of the patient to give informed consent is analyzed. Here, the difference between the so-called general competence and specific competence is analyzed, as well as the difference between degree conception of competence and threshold conception of competence. The relation between competence and consequences of performed medical procedure is also specified. Finally, the article describes how these theoretical approaches are reflected in medical as well as legal practice. and Tento článek se zabývá problematikou kompetence tzv. vulnerabilních osob a možnosti učinit validní informovaný souhlas. V článku je řešena nejprve teorie kompetence, která je vnímaná jako kompetence k plnění určitého úkolu (task oriented competence). Následně je rozebírána přímo kompetence pacienta k udělení informovanému souhlasu. Rozebrán je rozdíl mezi tzv. obecnou kompetencí a specifickou kompetencí, dále rozdíl mezi stupňovitou kompetencí a kompetencí hraniční. Specifikován je i poměr mezi kompetencí a následky provedeného zdravotního výkonu. Konečně je pak popsáno, jak se tyto teoretické přístupy odrážejí do medicínské, ale i právní praxe.
Tento článek se zabývá institutem informovaného souhlasu, zásadního právního i etického institutu v oblasti medicíny. Zkoumána je jeho etymologie, jeho ontologický status, jeho normativní síla a konečně i jeho charakteru jako komunikačního aktu. Text má prokázat tezi, že informovaný souhlas je komunikačním aktem - nikoliv pouhým mentálním stavem - který má za určitých podmínek normativní sílu. Tato normativní síla se plně projeví pouze v případě splnění základních podmínek: dostatečného poučení, dostatečného porozumění, svobodné a vážné vůle a kompetence pacienta., This article deals with the institute of informed consent, a fundamental legal and ethical institute in the field of medicine. Its etymology, ontological status, its normative power and, finally, its character as a communication act are studied. The text shows that informed consent is a communicative act - not just an inner mental state and that it has significant normative power. This normative power is manifesting itself only when certain conditions are met: sufficient disclosure, sufficient understanding, voluntariness and competence of the patient., and Adam Doležal.
Unlike the pre-White Mountain period, the development of the city administration in the royal city of Brno has not yet been systematically studied for the decades of the early modern period post-1620. The present contribution thus represents a kind of first probe into the mode of operation, structure and competences of the city council in terms of its political-administrative, economic and judicial functions from the post-White Mountain period to the mid-18th century, marked by the first phase of Theresian administrative reforms. The preliminary results presented are for the most part based on research of sources of a normative nature concerning the gradual reduction by the state of the originally autonomous competencies of the city council to the levels of executive power indicated. Although renewals of the council corps took place in Brno in the early decades of the 18th century in what were in principle ‘free’ elections, from 1710 on it was the monarch alone who confirmed the councillors in office. and Etatistic interventions manifested themselves in all these areas, one of the most burdensome being the establishment in 1726 of a special economic directorate, subordinate to the provincial office, to control the financial management of the city. The author deliberately traces the culmination of these restrictive measures by the state only until the middle of the 18th century, when the municipality became a complex structured office. These reforms were only a harbinger of other fundamental changes in the functioning of the city administration in general in the 1780s, when the mayor became a civil servant and his deputies were elected by indirect election. However, the impact of the gradual etatization and bureaucratization of the executive apparatus of the leading royal Moravian city will need to be substantiated in the future by thorough source analyses in order to objectively ascertain the impact of the above-mentioned measures on the entire urban society. The question also remains whether the newly installed representatives of the highest municipal administrations continued to enjoy general respect.