The article examines the meaning of the other for Kant's idea of autonomy. Autonomy is interpreted, in relation to the universal demand of the ethical, as governing the will by principles. Autonomy as principled self-determination by means of the practical law cannot be understood as the standpoint of an isolated subject. Instead we must understand it as a standpoint taken towards others, which we treat as the aspect of spontaneity, and at the same time as a standpoint taken thanks to others, since others make possible its awakening and development - here the aspect of receptivity is discussed. In this two-way relation between autonomy (enabled by a self-determining goverment by principle) and the other, the character of dialogical mutuality is exhibited: autonomy is the principled considerateness of a good will towards others, and, in order for it to be such, it must be initiated by others., Ondřej Sikora., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Devatenácté století je považováno za období vzniku "moderního školství". Ve vyspělých zemích jsou postupně přijímány zákony, jejichž cílem bylo zajistit všeobecné vzdělání pro všechny děti. Tyto zákony ve většině případů ukládaly obcím povinnost zakládat školy a rodičům povinnost zajistit svým dětem základní vzdělání. Postupem času se vzdělávací povinnost změnila na všeobecnou "školní povinnost" a v průběhu dvacátého století v některých zemích také na povinnou školní docházku. V průběhu druhé poloviny dvacátého století se však znovu začaly intenzivněji objevovat tendence rodičů vzdělávat své děti mimo školu. Cílem této studie je identifikovat důvody, které rodiče vedou k domácímu vzdělávání, a otevřít debatu o vhodnosti či nevhodnosti tohoto způsobu vzdělávání pro dítě i společnost. and The 19th century is considered to be the period when "the modern educational system" came into existence. In the course of the 19th century, developed countries gradually adopted laws that were aimed to assure that all children obtained general education. These laws in most cases imposed a duty for municipalities to establish schools and for parents to guarantee that their children obtained education. Gradually the duty which guaranteed children education has been changed so that children obtained education in schools and obligatory school attendance was implemented in the educational system during the 20th century in some countries. In the second half of the 20th century, some parents started again to educate their children out of schools. The aim of this paper is to identify the reasons which have led parents to adopt home education and to start a debate about suitability or unsuitability of this type of education for both children and the society.
This package includes Czech-to-Ukrainian translation model adapted for the educational domain. The model is exported into the TensorFlow Serving format (using Tensor2tensor version 1.6.6), so it can be used in the Charles Translator service ( and in the web portal Škola s nadhledem. This model was developed within the EdUKate project, which aims to help mitigate language barriers between non-Czech-speaking children in the Czech Republic and the education in the Czech school system. The project focuses on the development and dissemination of multilingual digital learning materials for students in primary and secondary schools.