The present study aimed to explore the accessibility and the quality of mental health care for foreigners in Prague. Introduction briefly outlines the situation of immigration and foreign population in the Czech Republic with a particular focus on the capital city. Further, risk factors that are associated with mental health of foreigners who live in the Czech Republic are discussed. A summary about culturally competent practice in mental health care and the current state of the Czech mental health care conclude this section. Empirical part explores foreigners’ experience with mental health services in Prague and identifies the principal barriers that hinder their access to a good quality care. The sample was composed of 27 participants, of which 20 were English and 7 Russian speaking. Data collection was primarily via an online questionnaire and several semi-structured interviews. The findings identified four principal barriers that adversely impact the accessibility (cost, language, information, accessibility), and two barriers that adversely impact the quality (professionalism, cultural differences) of mental health care for foreigners. Outcomes of the research are discussed and possible ways that could lead to an improvement of the current situation are suggested. Finally, we provide a brief overview of mental health institutions in Prague where foreigners may seek help. and Výzkumná práce se zabývá tématem dostupnosti a kvality péče o duševní zdraví pro cizince, kteří žijí v Praze. Úvodní část stručně nastiňuje situaci imigrace a cizinců v České republice, a to zejména v hlavním městě. Dále jsou popsány některé rizikové faktory, které souvisejí s duševním zdravím cizinců žijících v České republice. Shrnuty jsou také některé poznatky o kulturní kompetenci v péči o duševní zdraví kulturně a jazykově odlišných klientů, a teoretickou část uzavírá kapitola o současná situaci péče o duševní zdraví v České republice. Empirická část má formu kvalitativní studie, jejímž cílem bylo zmapovat zkušenosti cizinců s péčí o duševní zdraví v Praze a identifikovat hlavní překážky, se kterými se cizinci setkávají v souvislosti s dostupností a kvalitou služeb v Praze. Výzkumný vzorek sestával z 27 účastníků, přičemž 20 bylo anglicky a 7 rusky hovořících. Sběr dat probíhal prostřednictvím online dotazníku a následných polo strukturovaných rozhovorů. Výsledky identifikovaly 4 bariéry v souvislosti s dostupností (cena, jazyk, informace, dostupnost), a 2 bariéry v souvislosti s kvalitou péče o duševní zdraví (profesionalita, kulturní odlišnosti). Výsledky výzkumu jsou v závěru diskutovány a jsou navrženy možné cesty, které by mohly přispět ke zlepšení současné situace. Jsou také zmíněna některá pracoviště, kde cizinci mohou vyhledat odbornou psychologickou pomoc.
This paper seeks to reflect on issues related to the nature of housing choice, drawing on qualitative empirical data collected in in-depth interviews. This paper discusses two perspectives related to housing choice, namely, the ‘market perspective of housing choice’ and the ‘perspective of housing choice for well-being’. The ‘market perspective of housing choice’ highlights that desirability generally increases with a greater range of housing choice as the housing supply increases till a climax is reached, after which a further expansion of housing choice may indicate an excess housing supply, which may not be advantageous and home-buyers may instead ‘decide not to choose or buy’. The ‘perspective of housing choice for well-being’ reveals that choice in the housing arena is often viewed as a means to eventual well-being, rather than as an end in itself. Housing choice is ‘genuine’ and ‘meaningful’ if there are meaningful and significant options among a few desirable housing alternatives. ‘Fake housing choice’ involves having to choose from among housing options that are all generally bad.
This paper works with data provided by the Czech National Corpus to consider the use of nepřizpůsobivý (inadaptable) by the Czech mainstream print media as a code word that is widely understood to signify a Roma citizen. The study shows that nepřizpůsobivý is used far more frequently in journalism than in other text genres and that its use has increased over the past decade. Examination of collocations reveals that nepřizpůsobivý typically is associated with negative reports on housing, residency and crime. This paper can also be seen as a case study to illustrate the usefulness of corpus data to critical discourse analysis and the role of the corpus in providing quantitative support to qualitative research in general. and Článek založený na datech z Českého národního korpusu zkoumá užívání slova nepřizpůsobivý v hlavních českých denících. Nepřizpůsobivý je ve skutečnosti užíváno jako zástupné slovo pro Romy / romskou populaci. Výzkum ukazuje, že toto slovo se používá daleko častěji v rámci publicistiky než v jiných typech textů a že jeho frekvence v posledních deseti letech výrazně stoupla. Kolokační analýza odhaluje, že slovo nepřizpů-sobivý se typicky vyskytuje v negativních kontextech v novinových článcích o bytech a bydlení obecně, o soužití občanů a o kriminalitě. Tento článek může být nahlížen i jako případová studie, která je příkladem využití korpusových dat v kritické analýze diskurzu a zároveň dokládá roli korpusu v poskytování kvantitativní opory v rámci kvalitativního lingvistického výzkumu.
Despite the growing number of statistical analyses of life-history data and a long tradition of biographical research, there is often no communication between these two streams of life-course research. It is possible to examine the life course quantitatively through life histories, which may be used to model synthetic biographies in order to reveal patterns in the timing and sequencing of life events, the durations of states between them, and the causal links between them. It is also possible to examine the life course qualitatively through life stories, e.g. biographical narratives, which reflect how persons understand, experience and attach meaning to events and states in their life. Through a quantitative analysis of life-history data we can describe and explain the morphology of particular events in the observed population, while a qualitative analysis of biographical narratives provides insight into people’s decision-making, perceptions of their options, and how they attach meanings to and experience events. This article summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, explains in which sense they are connected or differentiated from each other, what data and analyses each perspective may utilize, and briefly introduces one type of mixed methods life course research that utilizes the complementarity of both approaches., Hana Hašková a Radka Dudová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Objectives. The main aim of this study was to qualitatively explore the general population’s understanding of forgiveness with regard to its definition, factors, and effects. The special focus of the study was on comparing the views on forgiveness by two generations, young adults, and seniors. Participants and setting. Semi-structured interviews were done with 20 participants from two age groups: ten young adults aged 21 to 29 years (M = 23.4, SD = 2.79) and ten seniors aged 61 to 68 years (M = 64, SD = 2.47). Research questions. Research questions were focused on examining how laypersons conceptualize forgiveness; notably, how they view the factors and effects of forgiveness. It was also explored whether there are any specifics and differences in the views on forgiveness between young adults and seniors. Data analysis. The data obtained from semi-structured interviews were analyzed by Consensual Qualitative Research (Hill et al., 2005). Results. For most individuals in both generations, the basis of forgiveness was letting go of anger and pain. The most significant factor positively related to forgiveness was an apology and admitting the mistake. The most noteworthy negative factor was the depth of the hurt. Individuals perceive positive consequences of forgiveness, especially on their mental health and strengthening their relationships. It seems that young adults perceive forgiveness more as an interpersonal process, while seniors perceive it more as an internal process of an individual. Study limitations. The use of qualitative methodology and the sample size limit the generalization of the findings and comparing two samples at the level of statistical significance. Participants may have had various experiences dealing with hurt and forgiveness throughout their lives which could have influenced their views on forgiveness. Implications. Gaining a deeper understanding of how young adults and seniors understand forgiveness and its effects, what they perceive as helpful or blocking in their forgiving, can help counselors and therapists to improve their interventions aimed at promoting forgiveness., Ciele. Hlavným cieľom štúdie bola kvalitatívna analýza vnímania odpustenia u laickej populácie s ohľadom na jeho definíciu, faktory a dôsledky odpustenia. Vedľajším cieľom štúdie bolo porovnanie názorov na odpustenie u dvoch generácií, mladých dospelých a seniorov.Metóda. 20 participantov dvoch vekových skupín, desať mladých dospelých vo veku 21 až 29 rokov (M = 23,4, SD = 2,79) a desať seniorov vo veku 61 až 68 rokov (M = 64, SD = 2,47) absolvovali pološtrukturované rozhovory. Výskumné otázky. Výskumné otázky boli zamerané na vnímanie odpustenia u laickej po-pulácie; špecificky na vnímanie faktorov a dôsledkov odpustenia. Skúmané boli špecifiká a rozdiely v nazeraní na odpustenie u mladých dospelých a seniorov. Analýza dát. Dáta z pološtrukturovaných rozhovorov boli analyzované pomocou Konsenzuálneho kvalitatívneho výskumu (Hill et al., 2005). Výsledky. Pre väčšinu jednotlivcov oboch generácií bolo základom odpustenia pustenie hnevu a bolesti. Najdôležitejším faktorom pozitívne súvisiacim s odpustením bolo ospravedlnenie a priznanie chyby. Najvýznamnejším blokujúcim faktorom odpustenia bola hĺbka zranenia. Jednotlivci popisovali pozitívne dôsledky odpustenia, predovšetkých na ich psychické zdravie a posilnenie vzťahov. Zdá sa, že mladí dospelí vnímajú odpustenie viac ako interpersonálny proces, kým seniori ho vnímajú viac ako interný proces jednotlivca. Limitácie. Použitie kvalitatívnej metodológie a veľkosť výskumného súboru neumožňujú zovšeobecnenie výsledkov alebo porovnanie dvoch skupín na úrovni štatistickej signifikancie. Participanti mohli mať rôzne skúseností so zraneniami a odpustením v priebehu života, čo mohlo ovplyvniť ich postoje k odpusteniu. Implikácie. Získanie bližšieho porozumenia tomu, ako mladí dospelí a seniori koncipujú odpustenie, čo vnímajú ako nápomocné a rizikové v odpustení a ako popisujú jeho dôsledky, môže pomôcť poradcom a terapeutom k zlepšeniu intervencií zameraných na podporu odpustenia., Lucia Záhorcová, Božena Zelenáková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article examines the Czech educational praxis toward integration of immigrant children. Although the number of immigrant children increased during past several years, Czech national educational policy still lacks specific measures which would systematically promote inclusive education and integration of immigrant children. The article aims to describe the experience of schools with integration of immigrant children at schools, and to identify the most important barriers that prevent full participation of immigrant children according to accounts of interviewees. Based on 21 in-depth interviews with representatives of school staff in 11 Prague public-sector základní škola (ISCED 1+2) with higher share of immigrant children (5-20 %), the paper provides insight into diverse into the ways how schools deal with immigrant children, families´ acculturation strategies and inclusive educational policy. The article concludes with a discussion of “immigrant paradox”, highly achieving minorities (particularly Vietnamese students)., Kateřina Vojtíšková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The qualitative research is focused on the population of women who had their first child after thirty (in the case of no influence of medical problems that should lead to their prior childlessness) and observes, with the aid of grounded theory, if the women consider their motherhood delayed and how they define the reasons, which caused their having a child at that age. The following paper summarizes some substantial findings from an actual research. As the research has shown, motherhood after thirty is defined by women as both delayed (they became a mother later, than they had primarily intended) and non-delayed (they had a child when they wanted it). The essential criterion for planning and timing of having a child in both cases is the negotiating among partners and (dis)agreement over motivations and expectations of men and women. In general, there is an evident influence of cultural and value changes on timing of motherhood in the Czech Republic, which implicates the change in traditional life cycle and emergence of the new life stage (c. among 20-30 years of life) when young adults remain childless.