Studie zkoumá reprezentaci korejské války jakožto zásadní události v tištěných médiích a literatuře československého stalinismu v letech 1950 až 1952. Zaměřuje se na specifika mechanismu produkování obrazu „nepřítele“ a „nepřátelského“ prostoru, analyzuje i vzájemnou interakci dobové publicistiky a poezie. Rozebírá klíčové fenomény, které tvoří pilíř dobového obrazu korejské války (figura vůdce, mytologie původu „nepřítele“) a usouvztažňuje je s obecnějšími mechanismy vytváření skutečnosti v první polovině padesátých let dvacátého století. Poukazuje přitom na vzájemné propojení a ovlivňování vyhrocené propagandistické rétoriky a básnické obraznosti. Studie materiálově čerpá z básnických sbírek, které obsahují verše reagující na válku v Koreji, z příležitostných básní, publicistických článků a karikatur publikovaných především na stránkách deníku Rudé právo a týdeníku Tvorba. Metodologicky navazuje na výzkumy ideologie jako systému reprezentace reálných podmínek existence (Louis Althusser, Slavoj Žižek) a na sémiotické analýzy kultury a společnosti období stalinismu (Vladimír Macura), které poukazují na velmi aktivní a produktivní vztah literatury a moci, jenž tvoří samotnou podstatu socialistického realismu jako systému (Katerina Clarková, Jevgenij Dobrenko)., This article explores the representation of the Korean War as a fundamental event in the print media and belles-lettres of Stalinist Czechoslovakia from 1950 to 1952. It focuses on the special features of the mechanism of producing the image of the ‘enemy’ and the ‘hostile’ space, as well as analysing the interaction of period journalism and poetry. The author analyses the central phenomena, which created a cornerstone of the contemporaneous image of the Korean War (the figure of the leader and the mythology of the origin of the ‘enemy’), and correlates them with more general mechanisms of creating reality in the first half of the 1950s. He also points out the interlinkage and mutual influences of the pointed propagandistic rhetoric and poetic imagery. The article draws on collections of verse, which contain poems reacting to the war in Korea, and on occasional poems, journalism, and caricatures published mainly in the daily Rudé právo and the weekly Tvorba. In method, the article is in the tradition of research on ideology as a system of representing the real conditions of existence (as in the work of Louis Althusser and Slavoj Žižek) and the tradition of semiotic analysis of culture and society in the Stalinist period (as in the work of Vladimír Macura), identifying the very active, productive relationship between literature and the powers that be, which creates the very essence of socialist realism as a system (as discussed by Katerina Clark and Evgeny Dobrenko)., Vít Schmarc., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The present study deals with the ways and forms of using the topic of migration for the benefit of political interests. It focuses on how the political scene empowers the theme of migration. Anthropology monitors the causes and forms of migration, its effects, examines the products of the majority – minority interaction, the reflection of migrants in public debate. Our aim will be to clarify how anthropology responds to political and media discussions on migration, how it engages and how it transforms under their influence. Several examples can also be identified in Slovakia. Slovak scientists participate in the „making“ of applied anthropology individually or in groups as an academic community or part of it. Their reaction, interest and commitment is essential.
For Niklas Luhmann modern society is a functionally differentiated society, i. e. it is composed of heterogeneous but equal parts which are relatively independent and are defined as social subsystems. Luhmann’s analysis presents contemporary society as a whole differentiated into functionally dependent yet autonomous sub-systems that constitute neighbouring worlds for each other. This raises the question of the existence or non-existence of potential unifying forces or integration mechanisms. In Luhmann’s view the main problem is the non-existence of means of “metacommunication”. The development of specialised media and codes in the individual sub-systems increases the overall complexity of the social system, but does not entail the metacom¬munication that would make possible the self-observation and self-reference of the social system as a whole. and Jiří Šubrt.
Alternative futures oriented to contemporary global problems solutions and risk management are related to citizens´ability to learn how to become global (cosmopolitan) citizens. Important conditions for that should be analyzed within the processes and conditions shaped by globalization of media and communication. This learning has not been institutionalize so far (as in the education), and it is a result of rather indirect social interaciton. Individuals are embedded into complex network of the global information flows and, at the same time, they are members of their national and local communities. Cosmopolitan individual is a virtual member of a global community. Social analysis with ethical reflection should study with more attention global media as one of the key globalizing actors shaping the public space of communication with the power to farm and deform cosmopolitan participation. and Oleg Suša.
This paper works with data provided by the Czech National Corpus to consider the use of nepřizpůsobivý (inadaptable) by the Czech mainstream print media as a code word that is widely understood to signify a Roma citizen. The study shows that nepřizpůsobivý is used far more frequently in journalism than in other text genres and that its use has increased over the past decade. Examination of collocations reveals that nepřizpůsobivý typically is associated with negative reports on housing, residency and crime. This paper can also be seen as a case study to illustrate the usefulness of corpus data to critical discourse analysis and the role of the corpus in providing quantitative support to qualitative research in general. and Článek založený na datech z Českého národního korpusu zkoumá užívání slova nepřizpůsobivý v hlavních českých denících. Nepřizpůsobivý je ve skutečnosti užíváno jako zástupné slovo pro Romy / romskou populaci. Výzkum ukazuje, že toto slovo se používá daleko častěji v rámci publicistiky než v jiných typech textů a že jeho frekvence v posledních deseti letech výrazně stoupla. Kolokační analýza odhaluje, že slovo nepřizpů-sobivý se typicky vyskytuje v negativních kontextech v novinových článcích o bytech a bydlení obecně, o soužití občanů a o kriminalitě. Tento článek může být nahlížen i jako případová studie, která je příkladem využití korpusových dat v kritické analýze diskurzu a zároveň dokládá roli korpusu v poskytování kvantitativní opory v rámci kvalitativního lingvistického výzkumu.
The congress,Women and Media Congress, brought 1,000 women (and some men) to Prague June 20. It was organized by the CAS Institute of Sociology. A diverse range of nationalities, professions, ages and political backgrounds was represented. Various debates and seminars included sexism in media, women and social media and women in decision making in media. Creative workshops focused on soft-skills development: coaching, mentoring, rhetoric, presentation skills in the media. The most important outcome of this Congress was resolutions. They were referred to the political groups in the Czech Republic. and Marcela Linková a Blanka Nyklová.
In the course of more than one hundred years of its existence, the sound recording became not only an important tool of ethnomusicological research, but also the factor of influence for the folk music. Forms of this relationship change together with the changes of the technical form of recording and reproduction and also with the changes of the attitude of society to these technologies. Roughly stated, there are three basic forms of relationship of folk music and sound recording. In the initial phase the sound recording - first on wax rolls - had been used for archivation of acoustic manifestations of folk music. Relatively early, however, folk music had been also spread and popularized by this means. This brought about also the influence of sound recording on mutual influencing of specific cultures and regions. The more and more accessible technologies of sound recording causes changes of the processes by which music is being passed down and taught. In the last decades, the sound recording had become also the means of music creation, a fact that manifests itself especially in various genres of contemporary electronic dance music.