Hlavním tématem této knihy je empirické ověření obecně rozšířených domněnek týkajících se postoje mladých lidí k aktuální jazykové situaci v kanadské provincii Quebec. Analýza založená na kvantitativním a kvalitativním výzkumu v terénu (Gatineau, Montreal, Quebec, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier) se skládá z 683 dotazníků a více než 7 hodin zvukových záznamů rozhovorů. Analýza pracuje s následujícími faktory: věk (průměrný věk respondentů byl 14,8 let), pohlaví a bydliště. Rozdělení respondentů do tří jazykových skupin následně přispělo ke zjištění, zda při diverzifikaci jejich názorů hraje zásadní roli jednojazyčnost, dvojjazyčnost či vícejazyčnost. ,The main topic of this book is the empirical verification of generally widespread assumptions concerning the attitude of young people's view of the language situation in Quebec. The analysis, based on quantitative and qualitative research in the field (Gatineau, Montreal, Quebec, Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier), consists of 683 questionnaires and more than 7 hours of recorded interviews. The factors applied for the analysis were age (average of the respondents was 14.8 years), sex, and residence. The respondents were as well divided into three language groups to discover if monolingualism, bilingualism, or multilingualism is a crucial role in the diversification of their opinions.
This text presents an analysis of the recent emphasis in HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns: the discursive constructions of HIV/AIDS as an issue of risk and its management. Specifically, the text discusses the prevention materials produced by state-funded institutions in the Czech Republic. The aim of the text is twofold: First, it analyses the specific discourse (and rationality) of risk that permeates HIV/AIDS prevention in relation to and as a part of modern biopolitics and (self-)governance. Second, the text examines the discourse of risk for its gendered implications and its re-inscription of gendered power inequalities., Kateřina Kolářová., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
The article offers a comparison of the development of institutions of care for children under the age of three in France and in the Czech Republic. It explains the differences in the forms of institutions, policies and the level of state support using a comparative analysis of the discourses of childcare that have existed in the two countries since the end of the Second World War. Expert discourses in particular were found to have an important role in the development of institutions and policies: psychological discursive framings had a strong influence on the public discourse, political decisions and the resulting form of institutions. While in France mainly empirically‑oriented psychologists and pedagogues entered the debate, in Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic the discursive arena was dominated by clinical psychologists and paediatricians. Other influential factors were identified, such as the economic situation, political actors, social movements; and sequencing of events; but the expert discourse was proved to be crucial for the understanding of the divergent development of childcare institutions in the two countries., Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
This interdisciplinary work explores current controversy over the collective identity of Romani and reasons for their social predicament. The first position, associated with Romani studies and identity politics, sees all Romani as a part of an ‘ethnic group’, and connects their plight to ‘racial’ discrimination and intolerance. Some anthropologists and social policy-makers call this ‘primordialism’ and deconstruct the notion of a unitary and natural ‘Romani nation’, maintaining most ghetto inhabitants are only classified as ‘Romani’ and their identity derives from their ‘sociál exclusion’. Matching policies are advocated. The author combines contemporary anthropological approaches to the identity construction with theories of discourse to conceptualize the debate, completing the framework with self-reflection of social science. The method of Critical Discourse Analysis is applied in examining corpora of academic and specialized writing, policy papers and media texts for the discourse construction of identity. Arguing that both discourses are differentiated instantiations of the same diagram of power normalizing ‘troublesome’ subjectivities, the author touches upon the ethical responsibility of scientists deconstructing essentialist representations of identities and circulating their ovm constructs instead.
Příspěvek podává přehled aktuálního vývoje sociálně psychologické diskurzivní analýzy, včetně jejích hlavních směrů, představitelů a představitelek, teorií a konceptů. Akcentuje diverzitu diskurzivně analytických přístupů a na základě konkrétních příkladů jejich aplikace v psychologii zdraví, feministické psychologii, poradenství a psychoterapii dokumentuje využití diskurzivní analýzy v současném psychologickém výzkumu, a potažmo její relevanci pro psychologickou teorii a praxi. Příspěvek se zabývá diskurzivní analýzou Pottera a Wetherell, psychologií rétoriky, diskurzivní psychologií, konverzační analýzou, poststrukturální diskurzivní analýzou a kritickou diskurzivní psychologií.
The news of the destruction of Lidice shocked people of all the continents throughout the world and the name of Lidice has remained globally known until today. The purpose of this study is to interpret a very important period in the history of the Czech Lands from the point of view of the contemporary Protectorate media, but also from the viewpoint of the British and American press. The study is interdisciplinary as it relates not only to the field of historical sciences but at the same time it is linked to media studies. The analysis was carried out with the help of content analysis, comparative historical analysis and discourse analysis. At the core of our interest here is the way the reflection of the destruction of Lidice was presented by the media, what aspects were of particular interest, in what way the local population was depicted and what characteristic features were attributed to Lidice inhabitants.
Reprezentace přírodních katastrof v diskurzu denního tisku Monografie je výzkumnou studií zabývající se znázorněním přírodních katastrof v novinách vydaných v západních anglicky mluvících zemích. Výzkum se snaží zodpovědět, komu je v novinovém diskurzu dávána vina za škody a zkázu (ptá se, jestli je katastrofa popsána jako výsledek jak přírodního jevu, tak sociálních faktorů), zjišťuje, jak se diskurz vypořádává s rozporem mezi přírodními katastrofami a osvícenskou ideologií nadřazenosti člověka nad přírodou, a zkoumá, jaké jsou nejběžnější diskurzivní strategie, které vedou k dramatizaci událostí. Zvolenou metodologií je kritická analýza diskurzu, která se zaměřuje na zkoumání hlavních témat článků, na lexikální a syntaktický rozbor a na analýzu narativní struktury příběhů obětí. ,The monograph is a research on the representation of natural catastrophes in newspapers published in Western Englishspeaking countries. It aims to reveal whom the newspaper discourse puts the blame on for the damage and destruction (whether the catastrophe is portrayed as a joint outcome of the natural phenomenon and social factors), how the discourse deals with the tension between natural disasters and the Enlightenment ideology of superiority of humankind over nature, and what are common discursive strategies dramatizing the events. The methodology of the research is critical discourse analysis, with the focus on the exploration of semantic macrostructures of the articles, lexical and syntactical analysis, and investigation of the narrative structure of victim stories.
Most teachers take part in professional development of some kind at some point in their careers. However, many teachers report that professional development neither supports their practice nor improves results. Thus, more work needs to be done on how professional development can meet those needs and what helps to support effective professional learning. A key factor in teacher professional learning is talk. In this study, a group of educators created a professional learning community using concepts from participatory action research to support their interactions and focus their work on achieving their goals. The purpose of this learning community was to discuss and improve writing instruction practices. This study focused on the language used by teachers and the ways in which that language changed over the course of time. The use of case study methods provided a vehicle to tell the story of this learning community through the teacher talk that took place. Findings indicated that teacher talk changed in this learning community in positive ways as a result of the collaboration and orientations of the teachers involved.
The text analyzes the discourse on sovereignty in the Czech politics in the light of current processes of the transformation of sovereignty caused by the globalization and Europeanization. The author discusses the dispute between liberal-conservative critics of the European integration and cosmopolitan critics of the sovereign statehood and points to the limits of both positions. It is argued that the conservatives who warn against the loss of sovereignty in the ongoing process of Europeanization and who call for the protection of the Czech statehood cling to an obsolete and invalid concept of sovereignty that is no longer adequate to changing social and geopolitical conditions. Similarly, it is pointed out that the defenders of cosmopolitan Europe who take sovereignty to be an old and useless category hindering the process of democratization are unable to offer an alternative capable of responding to growing concerns regarding the democratic deficit and the loss of political autonomy. The text tries to show that both positions misconstrue the challenges of globalization and Europeanization for the state and democracy., Petra Gümplová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The definition and the assessment of the quality of argumentative texts has become an increasingly crucial issue in education, classroom discourse, and argumentation theory. The different methods developed and used in the literature are all characterized by specific perspectives that fail to capture the complexity of the subject matter, which remains ill-defined and not systematically investigated. This paper addresses this problem by building on the four main dimensions of argument quality resulting from the definition of argument and the literature in classroom discourse: dialogicity, accountability, relevance, and textuality (DART). We use and develop the insights from the literature in education and argumentation by integrating the frameworks that capture both the textual and the argumentative nature of argumentative texts. This theoretical background will be used to propose a method for translating the DART dimensions into specific and clear proxies and evaluation criteria.