Tento text se věnuje nárůstu mimomanželské plodnosti v České republice. V úvodu připomíná, že současná sociologie nabízí dvě vysvětlení, proč k tomuto trendu dochází. Prvním je tzv. teorie druhého demografického přechodu a druhým odkaz na zneužívání sociálních dávek. Tento článek nabízí další vysvětlení, proč se zvyšuje podíl žen, které rodí děti mimo manželství, a to zvláště mezi matkami s nízkým vzděláním. Data Sociální a ekonomické podmínky mateřství totiž naznačují, že rostoucí mimomanželskou plodnost je možné do značné míry připsat osamělému mateřství, a to zvláště v nižších sociálních vrstvách. V posledním sledovaném období neměla v době porodu stálého partnera již více než polovina matek se základním vzděláním; muži se základním vzděláním mají rovněž po rozchodu s partnerkou velmi omezené kontakty se svými dětmi., Dana Hamplová., 6 tabulek, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Stať se zaměřuje na zkoumání příčin rostoucí mimomanželské plodnosti. Vychází z dat výzkumného šetření Sociální a ekonomické podmínky mateřství (SEPM) provedeného v roce 2006 v Sociologickém ústavu AV ČR. Tato data umožňují na mikroúrovni poodkrýt důvody, jakými neprovdané matky vysvětlovaly svoji vlastní rodinnou situaci při narození prvního dítěte. Analýza identifikovala tři typy motivací neprovdaných matek: nesouhlas/absence partnera, liberální postoje a pragmatické (ekonomické) důvody. Jednotlivé skupiny neprovdaných matek se lišily nejen postoji k manželství, ale i tím, jak vnímaly budoucnost vztahu s otcem dítěte. Příslušnost k jednotlivým skupinám souvisela s tím, jestli žena v době narození prvního dítěte žila v nesezdaném soužití s jeho otcem, s výší vzdělání a jejím věkem při narození prvního dítěte. Skupiny neprovdaných matek mají navíc rozdílné vyhlídky do dalšího rodinného života. V druhé části se příspěvek zaměřuje na to, jaké partnerské uspořádání považují neprovdané matky za ideální. Data SEPM ukazují, že velká část neprovdaných matek preferuje manželský svazek po předcházejícím nesezdaném soužití., Jana Chaloupková., 1 graf, 4 tabulky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article offers a comparison of the development of institutions of care for children under the age of three in France and in the Czech Republic. It explains the differences in the forms of institutions, policies and the level of state support using a comparative analysis of the discourses of childcare that have existed in the two countries since the end of the Second World War. Expert discourses in particular were found to have an important role in the development of institutions and policies: psychological discursive framings had a strong influence on the public discourse, political decisions and the resulting form of institutions. While in France mainly empirically‑oriented psychologists and pedagogues entered the debate, in Czechoslovakia/the Czech Republic the discursive arena was dominated by clinical psychologists and paediatricians. Other influential factors were identified, such as the economic situation, political actors, social movements; and sequencing of events; but the expert discourse was proved to be crucial for the understanding of the divergent development of childcare institutions in the two countries., Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
In this paper a comparison is made between the Czech Republic and other European countries regarding attitudes toward the ideal timing for childbirth. In 1990s there was a sharp increase in the postponement of the transition to parenthood in the Czech Republic. This development raises the question: Are normative beliefs in the Czech Republic regarding the timing of childbirth changing, and if so, are they becoming similar to the attitudes present in Western Europe? After a brief outline of the concept of age norms, beliefs regarding the ideal age of when to become a parent in European countries are explored using data from the European Social Survey 2006. In the final part of this paper there is a detailed analysis of Czech attitudes toward the ideal timing of the birth of the first child, using CVVM survey data from 2006, with a specific focus on cohort and educational differences. This research reveals that Czech attitudes toward the ideal age for mothers having a first child is intermediate between the patterns observed in (a) East European countries where the ideal is for a younger age, and (b) West European states where an older age preference is prevalent. In contrast, the ideal age for becoming a father for the first time in the Czech Republic is one of the oldest in Europe. Significantly, the proportion of the population that rejects age norms for reproduction exhibits little systematic pattern across Europe. Within the Czech Republic the survey evidence indicates that those who are less than 35 years old, and those who are most educated have a significantly older ideal age for having a first child than all others., Jana Chaloupková., 2 grafy, 6 tabulek, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
One of the most important factors contributing to the increasing diversity of family trajectories is the growing prevalence of unmarried cohabitation and extramarital births. Using data from the ‘Social and Economic Conditions of Motherhood’ survey (SEPM) from 2006, this paper explores the factors influencing the probability that an unmarried mother will marry after childbirth. The findings show that for one ‑third of unmarried mothers in the Czech Republic unmarried parenthood is the first phase in the family life ‑course leading to marriage rather than long term family arrangement. Unmarried mothers living in unmarried cohabitation, women with higher education, and women who have postponed marriage due to pregnancy have a higher probability of making the transition to marriage. The analysis does not confirm that the uncertainty of the relationship and a partner’s negative attitudes towards marriage at the time of childbirth have negative effects on the transition to marriage after childbirth., Jana Chaloupková., 3 tabulky, 2 grafy, Poznámky na str. 39 (2), Biografická poznámka o autorce článku na str. 39, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 30
This study analyses the first partnerships of women and men in the Czech Republic and focuses on a comparison of family behaviour before and after the politically and socially important watershed of 1989. The authors investigate the type of first partnership (cohabitation versus marriage) and its timing. It can be assumed that significant changes in partnership behaviour exhibit a different pattern according to educational group, and moreover that differences in the timing and type of first partnership might also be expected from the point of view of gender. Given the increasing proportion of children born outside wedlock, attention is devoted to the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on partnership strategies. The data used in the paper are taken from the ‘Generations and Gender Survey’ carried out in the Czech Republic in 2008. The retrospective character of these data provides information on partnership careers in the context of other significant life events., Anna Šťastná, Jana Paloncyová., Rubrika: Stati, 1 tabulka, 1 schéma, 5 grafů, Poznámky na str. 29 (4), Biografické poznámky o autorkách článku na str. 15, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 16
Data on divorces are gathered by the Czech Statistical Office and thus widely accessible and well known, but much less information is available about the stability of unmarried cohabitations. This paper focuses on the differences between marriage and unmarried cohabitations in terms of their stability. The authors study the impact of various factors on the stability of marriages and unmarried cohabitations taking into account the different socio -demographic indicators. To explain this phenomenon they use various theoretical approaches emphasizing different factors of partnership instability (from socializing factors to premarital cohabitation, values, education and gender, to factors based on the theory of rational choice). The analysis identified factors that operate in the same manner within both marriages and unmarried cohabitations (e.g. children in the partnership, experience with the previous partnership break-ups) as well as factors that play a different role in the stability of marriages and unmarried cohabitations (e.g. education, duration of partnership, generation). The paper is based on quantitative data from the survey ‘Life-course 2010’, which included 4010 respondents. The authors used the event history approach in their analysis which enabled them to track the dependences of the variables in time., Marta Vohlídalová, Hana Maříková., 1 graf, 1 tabulka, Poznámky na str. 14-15 (14), Biografické poznámky o autorkách článku na str. 15, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 3