Chromosome numbers for 239 plants from 84 localities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany and Poland are given. Most of the populations were pentaploid (2n = 45), while hexaploid (2n = 54) and tetraploid (2n = 36) populations were rarer. A long marker chromosome was observed in plants from 8 pentaploid populations. Tetraploid plants occurred mainly in Slovakia and Hungary. In the Czech Republic and Germany, most populations were pentaploid. Hexaploid populations (2n = 54) were rare but scattered over the entire study area. The co-occurrence of two different cytotypes was documented at 7 sites. Most tetraploids were fully sexual and only a few tetraploid plants from Poland were apomictic; pentaploid and hexaploid plants were apomictic. Two morphotypes of H. bauhini were distinguished: tetraploid and hexaploid plants from Slovakia and Hungary, and some hexaploid plants from the Czech Republic were assigned to the H. magyaricum group, while tetraploids and hexaploids from the Czech Republic and Poland plus all pentaploids belong to the H. bauhini group.
Publishing of the Commentaries on the Polish Ethnographic Atlas
(Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego) has been a
long-term project of Polish ethnology since the second half of the 20th century. starting with the sixth volume, they include maps, so the reader has both - the textual and the map part - at his disposal. After 1990, the volumes were devoted to the following topics: husbandry and cattle breeding (1993, 1994), vernacular
architecture (1995), diet (1996), transport and communication (1997), funeral customs (1999), folk beliefs and knowledge (2002), neighbourly help (2001), wedding ceremonies (2004, 2007, 2009), ceremonies related to childbirth (2010). The planned volumes will cover e.g. the puerperium, upbringing and life of children, etc.
In order to identify population trends in Barbastella barbastellus in Poland we summarised results of long-term winter bat counts conducted between 1985 and 2004 in seven of the most important hibernacula of the species. The results show an upward trend in four of the sites while in the remaining four no trend was found. The numbers of barbastelles in Poland seem stable or even increasing. In Central Europe the species is not threatened as seriously as it is in Western Europe.
Site Wilczyce is situated on Sandomierz Upland in the south of Poland. It was discovered in 1994 during a systematic archaeological survey within the project Archaeological Picture of Poland. The flint material constituting the source database for the analysis of the production of rectangular-sectioned axes was excavated during the exploration of feature No. 11. The collection of flint artifacts consists of 271 items. In course of laboratory works refitted were 13 blocks, each counting from 2 to 26 elements. and Lokalita Wilczyce leží na Sandoměřské vrchovině na jihu Polska. Byla objevena v roce 1994 během systematického průzkumu v rámci projektu "Archeologiczne Zdjęcie Polski". Pazourkový materiál, který představuje zdrojovou databázi pro studium výroby seker s obdélníkovým průřezem, byl získán výzkumem struktury č. 11. Soubor zahrnuje 271 pazourkových artefaktů. V průběhu laboratorního zpracání bylo složeno 11 bloků, které sestávaly ze 2 až 26 elementů.
Populations of the Minuartia verna group (sect. Polymechana Mattf.) from the Západne, Vysoké and Belianske Tatry Mts (W Carpathians) and from the Svidovec and Čorna Hora Mts (Ukrainian E Carpathians) are classified as a separate species Minuartia pauciflora (Kit. ex Kanitz) Dvořáková; the appropriate nomenclatural correction is proposed. Comments on speciation, taxonomic relationships, chromosome counts, distribution and plant sociology are given. A brief morphological comparison with M. rubella (Wahlenb.) Hiern (arctic zone of Holoarctis), M. gerardii (Willd.) Hayek (Alps and Pyrenees) and M. corcontica Dvořáková (Krkonoše Mts, N Czech Republic) is presented.