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2. 10th Czech-Polish Workshop on Recent Geodynamics of the Sudety Mts. and Adjacent Areas Szklarska Poreba, Poland, november 5 - 7, 2009
- Creator:
- Zdeňka Schenková and Vladimír Schenk
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, zprávy, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Geologie. Meteorologie. Klimatologie, geodynamika, konference, geodynamics, conferences, Polsko, Poland, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Zdeňka Schenková and Vladimír Schenk.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
3. A case study of Heleomyzidae (Diptera) recorded on snow in Poland with a review of their winter activity in Europe
- Creator:
- Soszńska-Maj, Agnieszka and Woźnica, Andrzej J.
- Format:
- print, počítač, and online zdroj
- Type:
- article, články, journal articles, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Zoologie, dvoukřídlí, fenologie, Diptera, phenology, Evropa, Polsko, Europe, Poland, Heleomyzidae, winter activity, snow fauna, 2, and 59
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Twenty eight species of winter-active Heleomyzidae were collected during a long-term study in Poland. More than 130 samples of insects, including Heleomyzidae, were collected from the surface of snow in lowland and mountain areas using a semi-quantitative method. Lowland and mountain assemblages of Heleomyzidae recorded on snow were quite different. Heleomyza modesta (Meigen, 1835) and Scoliocentra (Leriola) brachypterna (Loew, 1873) dominated in the mountains, Tephrochlamys rufiventris (Meigen, 1830) mainly in the lowlands and Heteromyza rotundicornis (Zetterstedt, 1846) was common in both habitats. Heleomyzidae were found on snow during the whole period of snow cover, but the catches peaked from late November to the beginning of February. In late winter and early spring the occurrence of heleomyzids on snow decreased. Most individuals were active on snow at air temperatures between -2 and +2.5°C. A checklist of 78 winter active European Heleomyzidae is presented. Helomyza nivalis Wahlgren, 1918 is herein considered as a new junior synonym of Helomyza caesia Meigen, 1830, syn. n., Agnieszka Soszyńska-Maj, Andrzej J. Woźnica., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
4. A new genus and new species of Phoridae (Diptera) from Poland
- Creator:
- Disney, R. Henry L. and Durska, Ewa
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Phoridae, Poloniphora, new genus, Megaselia, Phora, new species, and Poland
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- One new genus and seven new species of Phoridae (Diptera) are described from Bialowieska Forest in Poland, namely Poloniphora Disney & Durska gen, n. with the species P. bialoviensis Disney sp. n., Megaselia henrydisneyi Durska sp. n., M. joannae Disney sp. n., M. marekdurskii Disney sp. n., M. teresamajewskae Disney sp. n.: M. trojani Disney sp. n., Phora michali Disney sp. n., The new genus shows affinity with Australasian genera, Beckerina Malloch and Eocene fossils erroneously assigned to Megaselia in the past.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
5. Americké protiraketové základny v ČR a Polsku z pohledu domácí veřejnosti
- Creator:
- Jan Červenka
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, journal articles, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Společenské vědy, výzkum veřejného mínění, public opinion polls, U.S. missile defence, public opinion, Czech Republic, Poland, 18, and 3
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- V ČR a Polsku se v posledním období významným zahraničněpolitickým i vnitropolitickým tématem stal záměr vlády USA umístit v těchto zemích některé komponenty budovaného amerického systému obrany proti mezikontinentálním balistickým střelám, který by podle deklarovaného záměru měl chránit kontinentální území Spojených států před případným útokem prostřednictvím menšího počtu raket dlouhého doletu z tzv. „ničemných států“ (rogue states), jak je označuje americká administrativa. Vlády ČR a Polska byly v tomto směru nedávno oficiálně americkou stranou požádány diplomatickou nótou o jednání v této záležitosti. V případě Polska by se mělo jednat o odpalovací zařízení raket určených k ničení mezikontinentálních balistických střel, na českém území by pak měl být dislokován radar, jehož prostřednictvím protiraketový systém vyhledává nepřátelské střely a navádí na ně své rakety. Probíhající diskuse jak uvnitř obou oslovených středoevropských států, tak i na mezinárodním foru zřetelně ukazují, že jak konkrétní plán umístit základny antibalistické obrany v ČR a Polsku, tak zejména samotný záměr budovat byť i jen omezený systém strategické obrany tohoto druhu, představuje závažnou, značně citlivou a kontroverzní otázku s globálním dosahem. Pochopitelný a průběžně sílící zájem o věc projevují také obyvatelé obou zemí. A právě postojům české a polské veřejnosti k celému projektu, jejich aktuálnímu stavu a také možnému dalšímu vývoji se bude věnovat tento text., The text focuses on public opinion in Czech Republic and Poland relating to the plan of U.S. government to locate some parts of U.S. national missile defence in these countries. It describes and compares main shifts of developments of public attitudes in both countries to the project as well as to eventual referendum in this matter within the period up to the first half of 2007. The text shows main demographical, societal and political differences in both countries and discusses reasons and motives behind particular attitudes of Czech and Polish citizens., Jan Červenka., and Seznam literatury
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
6. Application of satellite radar interferometry (PSInSAR) in analysis of secondary surface deformations in mining areas: case studies from Czech republic and Poland
- Creator:
- Blachowski, Jan, Eva Jiránková, Lazecký, Milan, Kadlečík, Pavel, and Milczarek, Wojciech
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- geodynamika, geomechanika, geofyzika, geologie, těžba uhlí, geodynamics, geomechanics, geophysics, geology, coal mining, interferometrie, interferometry, Česko, Polsko, Poland, Czechia, satellite radar interferometry, subsidence, uplift, 7, and 551
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Secondary deformations are ground movements occurring in areas of ceased underground mining. These are associated with delayed readjustment of rock mass resulting in subsidence, discontinuous deformations (sinks, cracks, etc.) due to destruction of underground, usually shallow, workings, and elevation of ground surface in response of rock mass to rising groundwater levels following the end of mine water drainage. Comparative analysis of secondary deformations in two former mining areas in the first period after cessation of underground hard coal mining is the subject of this study. We used ERS-1/2 and Envisat satellite radar interferometry data processed with PSInSAR technique and GIS to map vertical (in satellite’s line of sight, LOS) movements of the surface and analyse them in relation to location of coal fields and underground water table rise. In the study, two areas have been compared, the Ostrava city in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and the Wałbrzych Coal Basin in Poland. The results of analyses based on the results of PSInSAR processing between 1995 and 2000 for the Wałbrzych site indicate uplift (up to +12 mm/year) in closed parts of coal fields and subsidence (up to -8 mm/year) in areas of declining mining. Results of PSInSAR analysis over the Ostrava site indicate decaying subsidence after mine closures in the rate of up to -6 mm/year during 1995-2000. Residual subsidence and gentle uplift have been partly identified at surroundings of closed mines in Ostrava from 2003-2010 Envisat data. In Wałbrzych gentle elevation has been determined from 2002 to 2009 in areas previously subsiding. and Blachowski Jan, Jiránková Eva, Lazecký Milan, Kadlečík Pavel, Milczarek Wojciech.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
7. Artykuły luksusowe na stole królewskim w późnośredniowiecznej Polsce
- Creator:
- Januszek-Sieradzka, Agnieszka
- Format:
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Jagellonci (rod), středověk, kuchyně, koření, luxusní zboží, middle ages, kitchens, spices, luxuries, Polsko, Poland, 8, and 94(430/439)
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- In late Medieval Poland, and by analogy in all of Europe, luxury at the royal table was represented by the use of imported choice products that were accessible only to a selected few. Similar to jewels, valuable robes or articles of precious metals, these products were kept in the royal treasury. In addition to the obvious culinary impact (however limited it may have been) and alleged healing powers of certain spices, the choice products most certainly played their part in issues of prestige and propaganda. The use of luxury products can be considered as an interesting indicator of change, particularly with respect to relations among the estates in late Medieval Poland. The presence of such products at the table or in the diet was the very article that distinguished the royal court from other courts of the late Medieval Polish kingdom; at the same time, it brought them closer to contemporary courts of the rulers of west Europe. and Agnieszka Januszek-Sieradzka.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
8. Borne Sulinowo - antropologie „rodícího se“ města
- Creator:
- Dohnal, Wojciech, Pomieciński, Adam, and Pešina, Jan
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- urban ethnology, transformations of post-socialist societies, identity, Borne Sulinowo, and Poland
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This article analyses the processes of creating the township on the example of Borne Sulinowo, one of the youngest cities in Poland. The collapse of the communism in the Centre and Eastern Europe caused, that Poland had made efforts for the revitalization of areas occupied by Soviet armies. Borne Sulinowo, a small city located in the north-western Poland, suffered the same fate as desolation of its areas after the departure of the Soviet Army and anew settlement by the civil settlers. Issues brought up in the article are focusing on problems of the adaptation of the settlers to the new cultural environment, on shaping local bonds and on the degree of the identification with the new place of residence.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
9. Brian Porter-Szücs, Faith and fatherland. Catholicism, modernity and Poland
- Creator:
- Květina, Jan
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- national identity, state and church, and Poland
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
10. Chromosome numbers and breeding systems in some species of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella from Central Europe
- Creator:
- Rotreklová, Olga, Krahulcová, Anna, Vaňková, Danuše, Peckert, Tomáš, and Mráz, Patrik
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Compositae, karyology, ploidy level, reproduction mode, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, Austria, and Ukraine
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Chromosome numbers are given for 16 taxa (and one interspecific hybrid) of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella originating from Central Europe: H. apatelium Nägeli et Peter (2n = 45), H. aurantiacum L. (2n = 36), H. bauhini Besser (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. brachiatum Bertol. ex DC. (2n = 45, 48, 63, 72), H. densiflorum Tausch (2n = 36), H. echioides Lumn. (2n = 18, 27, 36), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n = 36, 45), H. glomeratum Froel. (2n = 36, 45), H. guthnickianum Hegetschw. (2n = 54), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n = 18), H. onegense (Norrl.) Norrl. (2n = 18), H. pilosella L. (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n = 36, 45), H. piloselloides Vill. (2n = 36), H. rothianum Wallr. (2n = 36), H. schultesii F. W. Schultz (2n = 45), and the hybrid H. floribundum × H. aurantiacum (2n = 36). New chromosome numbers are reported for H. brachiatum and H. floribundum. The octoploid cytotype (2n = 72), recorded in H. brachiatum, is the highest ploidy level ever found in plants from the subgen. Pilosella originating from the field. Aneuploidy, rare in this subgenus in Europe, occurs in this hybridogenous species as well: it was recorded in one plant (2n = 48) collected in a hybrid swarm H. pilosella × H. bauhini. The breeding system in H. bauhini, H. brachiatum, H. densiflorum, H. echioides, H. pilosella, H. piloselloides, and H. rothianum was studied. The sexual reproduction of pentaploid H. pilosella is a new observation: it means an increase of diversity in possible reproduction modes of those cytotypes having odd chromosome numbers.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/