A combined study of morphology, stem anatomy and isozyme patterns was used to reveal the identity of sterile plants from two rivers on the Germany/France border. A detailed morphological examination proved that the putative hybrid is clearly intermediate between Potamogeton natans and P. nodosus. The stem anatomy had characteristics of both species. The most compelling evidence came from the isozyme analysis. The additive “hybrid” banding patterns of the six enzyme systems studied indicate inheritance from P. natans and P. nodosus. In contrast, other morphologically similar hybrids were excluded: P. ×gessnacensis (= P. natans × P. polygonifolius) by all the enzyme systems, P. ×fluitans (= P. lucens × P. natans) by AAT, EST and 6PGDH, and P. ×sparganiifolius (= P. gramineus × P. natans) by AAT and EST. All samples of P. ×schreberi are of a single multi-enzyme phenotype, suggesting that they resulted from a single hybridization event and that the present-day distribution of P. ×schreberi along the Saarland/Moselle border was achieved by means of vegetative propagation and long-distance dispersal. Neither of its parental species occur with P. ×schreberi or are present upstream, which suggests that this hybrid has persisted vegetatively for a long time in the absence of its parents. The total distribution of this hybrid is reviewed and a detailed account of the records from Germany is given. P. ×schreberi appears to be a rare hybrid. The risk of incorrect determination resulting from the identification of insufficiently developed or inadequately preserved plant material is discussed.
The text deals with a complicated period in German history, namely the creation of a unified state in the 19th century. It discusses the relationship of the church and the state from 1815 till the 1980s and focuses on Bismarck's "Kulturkampf" that flared up after the beginning of German empire. The author presents Birmarck's intentions and the positions of other participants, first of all Catholic and Protestant churches.
Příspěvek přináší komparaci životních osudů a osobnostního vývoje dvou archeologů německého původu, Bolko von Richthofena a Helmuta Preidela. Cílem tohoto srovnání má být zodpovězení otázky před- a poválečné kontinuity nacionálních mýtů, stereotypů a schémat v uvažování německých vědců, kteří působili v tzv. německých východních územích a kteří se po roce 1945 angažovali v tzv. vyhnaneckých organizacích. and The article presents a comparison of the fates and personality developments of two archaeologists of German origin: Bolko von Richthofen and Helmut Preidel. The aim of this comparison is to address the issues of the pre-war and post-war continuity of national myths, stereotypes and schemes in the reflections of German scientists who were active in the so-called eastern German territories and who became involved in expellee organisations after their forced resettlement in the Federal Republic of Germany.
V článku je zdůrazněn rozhodující význam školy moderní fyziologie rostlin založené Juliem Sachsem, který byl uveden do experimentálních metod fyziologie Janem Evangelistou Purkyněm jako jeho asistent v Praze. Dále jsou krátce charakterizováni nejdůležitější Sachsovi žáci z jeho rozhodujícího období působení na univerzitě ve Würzburgu a je zdůrazněno trvající působení Sachsových myšlenek až do současného období studia biologie rostlin., The decisive importance of the school of modern plant physiology established by Julius Sachs, who was introduced to the experimental methods of physiology by Jan Evangelista Purkyně as his assistant in Prague, is underscored in this article. The most important disciples of Julius Sachs as a professor in Würzburg are portrayed and the lasting influence of Sachs´s ideas on plant biology is described., Dieter Volkmann., and 5 il.
Chromosome numbers are given for 16 taxa (and one interspecific hybrid) of Hieracium subgen. Pilosella originating from Central Europe: H. apatelium Nägeli et Peter (2n = 45), H. aurantiacum L. (2n = 36), H. bauhini Besser (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. brachiatum Bertol. ex DC. (2n = 45, 48, 63, 72), H. densiflorum Tausch (2n = 36), H. echioides Lumn. (2n = 18, 27, 36), H. floribundum Wimm. et Grab. (2n = 36, 45), H. glomeratum Froel. (2n = 36, 45), H. guthnickianum Hegetschw. (2n = 54), H. lactucella Wallr. (2n = 18), H. onegense (Norrl.) Norrl. (2n = 18), H. pilosella L. (2n = 36, 45, 54), H. piloselliflorum Nägeli et Peter (2n = 36, 45), H. piloselloides Vill. (2n = 36), H. rothianum Wallr. (2n = 36), H. schultesii F. W. Schultz (2n = 45), and the hybrid H. floribundum × H. aurantiacum (2n = 36). New chromosome numbers are reported for H. brachiatum and H. floribundum. The octoploid cytotype (2n = 72), recorded in H. brachiatum, is the highest ploidy level ever found in plants from the subgen. Pilosella originating from the field. Aneuploidy, rare in this subgenus in Europe, occurs in this hybridogenous species as well: it was recorded in one plant (2n = 48) collected in a hybrid swarm H. pilosella × H. bauhini. The breeding system in H. bauhini, H. brachiatum, H. densiflorum, H. echioides, H. pilosella, H. piloselloides, and H. rothianum was studied. The sexual reproduction of pentaploid H. pilosella is a new observation: it means an increase of diversity in possible reproduction modes of those cytotypes having odd chromosome numbers.