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342. Waffenstillstand statt ewiger Frieden? : die Verhandlungen über die Verlängerung des Strasburger Waffenstillstandes zwischen dem Deutschen Orden und Polen-Litauen (1414–1422)
- Creator:
- Bar, Přemysl
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- truce, diplomacy, charters, the Teutonic Knights, Poland-Lithuania, Sigismund of Luxembourg, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The author analyzes the diplomatic sources related to the negotiations between the Teutonic Knights and the Polish-Lithuanian Union after the truce in October 1414. As the compromise was not agreed within the set two-year period, the truce had to be extended, which was eventually done several times until 1421. Negotiations for the extension of the truce were quite tough. The King of Poland used the threat of non-renewal of the truce to put pressure on the Grand Master who was afraid of resuming war against a powerful adversary. Uncertainty surrounding the extension of the truce forced the Grand Master to hire mercenaries every year in the Empire. He also objected to the July deadline (St. Margaret) for the truce set each year, because this month was the most convenient time to begin a war campaign. Nevertheless the Grand Master refused to hand his three villages of Kujawy, which had formed an enclave on Polish territory, over to the King of Poland. Negotiations sometimes took place in several places simultaneously which caused some communication difficulties. The content of the charters extending the truce was drawn a comparison.
- Rights:
- unknown
343. When imagery is indispensable : illuminated charters in virtual space
- Creator:
- Gneiss, Markus and Zajic, Andreas H.
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- illuminated charters, art history, diplomatic, interdisciplinary studies, digital editing of charters, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- While the study of medieval charters has an ample tradition in the big field of auxiliary sciences of history, the illumination contained in some of these sources has often been neglected. Also art-historians normally didn't take notice of the often prestigious combination of legal sources and artistic decoration. The present paper offers an interdisciplinary view on this widely ignored field of research and tries to distinguish between three large groups of illuminated charters that differ in their functions. Firstly, decorated charters – which are usually quite impressive due to their colorfulness and size – may contribute to the shaping of identity of a group of persons. Secondly, they can also serve as show pieces with the foremost aim of attracting the attention of beholders. Finally, the decoration can also help to increase the appeal and the value of the charter. The interdisciplinary project Illuminated Charters as "Gesamtkunstwerk", funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (P26706-G21) and based in both Vienna and Graz, deals extensively with all three aforesaid types of illuminated charters and aims at providing an open access database within the framework of the virtual document archive, where several hundred charters should be introduced by way of a fully structured diplomatic and art historical description.
- Rights:
- unknown
344. Wirtschaftswunder Liechtenstein
- Creator:
- Merki, Christoph Maria
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Liechtenstein, economy, industry, agriculture, migration, banking sector, tax, economic properity, national product, finantial rating, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The Principality of Liechtenstein is often referred to in contemporary journalism as an "economic miracle". It is also sometimes said that Liechtenstein experienced "three golden decades" between the early 1940s and the early 1970s. Of course, the country's economic development also brings with it certain negative phenomena, such as environmental damage, the breakdown of traditional values, high land prices, and dependence on labour from abroad. Nevertheless, the country's economic boom is a remarkable fact worthy of attention, inter alia also in the context of economic history. In 1930, gross domestic product per capita in Liechtenstein was 30 percent lower than in Switzerland; there was major economic growth from the 1960s, and by 2000 it was 30 percent higher than in Switzerland. Liechtenstein's economic growth brought about a great need for manpower, which is why many employees began to come to the country from abroad, especially from its neighbouring countries. At this time, Liechtenstein companies also began to expand beyond the borders of Liechtenstein. As of 2018, a total of 10,411 employees of companies belonging to the Liechtenstein Chamber of Industry and Commerce are reported as working directly in the country, with 58,072 employees working for Liechtenstein companies operating abroad. As for employees in the banking sector, which also experienced unprecedented growth, there were a total of 2,064 in Liechtenstein as of the year in question, and 3,800 people worked for Liechtenstein banks abroad. An important indicator of economic prosperity is the tax burden. The tax quota, i.e. state and municipal revenues and revenues from social security and health insurance premiums in relation to gross domestic product, accounted for only 19.6% in Liechtenstein in 2017. For comparison, in the USA it was 27.1% and in France 46.2% The net worth of the Principality of Liechtenstein in 2017 amounted to CHF 1,613 million at the municipal level (annual expenditure 5.9) and CHF 2,652 million at the state level (annual expenditure 3.4). Public finances have recovered even from the last financial crisis thanks to the economic programmes of 2012–2016, which is why Liechtenstein continues to maintain the highest possible financial rating.
- Rights:
- unknown
345. Zánik starého světa očima Václava Červinky
- Creator:
- Máša, Pavel
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Czechoslovakia, František Ladislav Rieger, Habsburg Monarchy, First World War, socialism, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Václav Červinka, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This study deals with the view of Václav Červinka, son-in-low of František Ladislav Rieger, administrator of Rieger's estate Maleč and a man of many intellectual interests, on radical changes of the Central Europe at the turn of the 20th century, especially destruction of traditional political, economic, social and cultural structures, outbreak of the First World War, collapse of the Austria-Hungary and estabilishment of the independent Czechoslovakia. It is shown, how Červinka, as a man who was closely tied to the traditional conservative policy and politicians of the end of the 19th century, evaluated all these changes and what was his reaction, e. g. in his literary work.
- Rights:
- unknown
346. Zaniklé historické právní normy a současnost
- Creator:
- Štarha, Ivan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- crests, flag, town, market-town, moravian flag, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This article describes the development of crests of cities and small towns with a particular focus on the crests of villages before 1990, when the municipal laws were published. It also focuses on the transformation of villages into towns and market-towns according to these laws and a discussion about the so called "moravian flag".
- Rights:
- unknown
347. Zástavní listiny Zikmunda Lucemburského na církevní statky (1420–1437)
- Creator:
- Bárta, Stanislav
- Publisher:
- Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Auxiliary Historical Sciences, Zikmund Lucemburský, český a uherský král a římský císař, 1368-1437, panovníci -- Česko -- 15. století, církevní majetek -- Česko -- 15. století, zástavní právo -- Česko -- 15. století, listiny -- Česko -- 15. století, kings and rulers -- Czechia -- 15th century, church property -- Czechia -- 15th century, liens -- Czechia -- 15th century, documents -- Czechia -- 15th century, 1420-1437, and 15. století
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Ve své monografii autor analyzuje zástavní listiny Zikmunda Lucemburského na církevní statky jako nástroj jeho finanční politiky v českém království. Nejdříve představuje dostupné prameny a dosavadní historická literatura na téma zástav církevních statků a jejich sekularizace. Hlavní část knihy tvoří rozbor Zikmundových zástavních listin na církevní statky v chronologickém sledu. Tento rozbor je doplněn sondou do poměrů chotěšovského a zbraslavského kláštera. Důležitou součástí publikace je také katalog s více než 400 zástavními listinami a podobnými akty, které jsou důležité pro pochopení mechanismu zástav na církevní statky, stejně jako edice vybraných listin a pramenů. ,In his monograph the author analyses the deeds of pledge of Sigismund of Luxembourg for the church estates as a tool of his financial policy in the Bohemian Kingdom. At first he introduces the available sources and also the up-to-date historical literature to the topic of the pledging of church estates and secularization. The main part of the book is the analysis of Sigismund´s deeds of pledge for the church estates in a chronological order. The next chapter contains two case studies about the pledging of the estates of Chotěšov and Zbraslav monasteries. The significant part is the catalogue with over 400 deeds of pledge and similar acts that are important for understanding the mechanism of the pledges of the church estates. At the end the edition of selected charters and sources follows.
- Rights:
- unknown and embargoed access
348. Zavádění Mezinárodního dne žen v letech 1911–1914 v prostředí sociálně demokratické strany Rakouska, českých zemských organizacích na Moravě a polské organizace v Haliči a Těšínském Slezsku
- Creator:
- Krutílková, Hana
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- social democracy, Austria, Moravia, Teschen Silesia, Galicia, International Women’s Day, 1910–1914, gender, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This contribution deals with establishing of the International Women's Day in selected land or national organisations of social democracy before the First World War. Its primary goal is to answer, whether the introduction of the "new revolutionary holiday" in 1911 led to significant qualitative shifts in the content of women's activities contrary to previous years. Did the new holiday become the most visible manifestation of the "revolutionary struggle" of the female workers' socialist movement? Was the establishing of the International Women's Day reflected in rhythm of socialist women's organisations? Were there any differences in the land organisations of so called autonomist and centralist wing of Czech land social democracy in Moravia, social democracy in Austria, Silesia and Galicia? An integral part of this text is to outline of position of the new feast in relation to other spring memorial days in the socialistic calendar.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
349. Zeměpanské konfirmační a konsensní listiny z lucemburské doby pro moravské příjemce
- Creator:
- Martínková, Lenka
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Auxiliary Historical Sciences, listiny, and Morava (Česko)
- Language:
- Czech, Latin, and German
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
350. Živá výročí – 1918–2018 a 1920–2020: připomínání konce a začátku v Rumunsku a Maďarsku
- Creator:
- Zahorán, Csaba
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- anniversary, politics of memory, collective memory, Hungary, Romania, 1918, 1920, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- In my paper I focused on the anniversary of the Romanian "Great Union" (The Declaration of Alba Iulia, 1. 12. 1918) and of the Hungarian signing of the Trianon Peace Treaty (4. 6. 1920). Although these two anniversaries are closely connected, they play very different roles in the national narratives and in the collective memories of Romanians and Hungarians. No wonder that also the ways and aims of their commemoration are significantly different. First, I tried to explain in short what had happened on those two dates a century ago, then I sum up the history of the two anniversaries along the 20th century, and finally I took a look at their commemoration and instrumentalization in the present, with the occasion of the centenary.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown