Zavádění Mezinárodního dne žen v letech 1911–1914 v prostředí sociálně demokratické strany Rakouska, českých zemských organizacích na Moravě a polské organizace v Haliči a Těšínském Slezsku
Zavádění Mezinárodního dne žen v letech 1911–1914 v prostředí sociálně demokratické strany Rakouska, českých zemských organizacích na Moravě a polské organizace v Haliči a Těšínském Slezsku Implementation of The International Women's Day between 1911 and 1914 in the milieu of The Austrian Social Democracy, Czech land party organizations in Moravia and Polish organizations in Teschen Silesia and Galicia
This contribution deals with establishing of the International Women's Day in selected land or national organisations of social democracy before the First World War. Its primary goal is to answer, whether the introduction of the "new revolutionary holiday" in 1911 led to significant qualitative shifts in the content of women's activities contrary to previous years. Did the new holiday become the most visible manifestation of the "revolutionary struggle" of the female workers' socialist movement? Was the establishing of the International Women's Day reflected in rhythm of socialist women's organisations? Were there any differences in the land organisations of so called autonomist and centralist wing of Czech land social democracy in Moravia, social democracy in Austria, Silesia and Galicia? An integral part of this text is to outline of position of the new feast in relation to other spring memorial days in the socialistic calendar.