Polish Ethnological Society (PES) [Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze] was established on the 9th February, 1895 in Lviv as Ethnological Society [Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze]. The name was
changed in 1947. This article presents the most important facts from the history of PES (the beginnings, twenty years of interwar period, times after the Second World War) as well as organizational structure (branches and sections) and various activities (publishing, library, archives, Center for Ethnographic Documentation and Information [Ośrodek Dokumentacji i Informacji Etnograficznej], Polish Ethnographic Atlas [Polski Atlas Etnograficzny], Kolberg´s Center [Pracownia Kolbergowska], Opening Education Center [Pracownia Edukacji Otwierającej] and others). International cooperation was also described, including Czech threads. A crucial moment in the functioning of the Society was the change of borders in Central Europe after the Second World War. Lviv was left outside Poland and the head office was moved first to Lublin, then to Poznan. Since 1953 it has been located in Wroclaw.
Luboš Perek - skromný člověk, pokorný a pracovitý vědec. Badatel a astronom světového formátu. Dne 26. července 2018 oslaví své významné životní jubileum - neuvěřitelných 99 let - a stále v plné vědecké činnosti. Vyslovme úctu a obdiv nad nebývalou vědeckou kariérou člověka, který neúnavně pracoval a stále pracuje, jak nám sdělil, nyní právě připravuje referát na valné shromáždění Mezinárodní astronomické unie 2018, kde se už bude slavit téméř 100 let její existence. A doc. Perek k tomu dodává: "A já jsem jen o dva dny starší než ta unie..." and Jana Žďárská.
This study deals with remembering of former "Leader of the Nation" František Ladislav Rieger in the annual years of his birth and death in 1918, 1938 and 1948. It will be focused on celebrations and commemorative acts, which took place in these years, and on the participation of the political representation, historians and Rieger's family. The main questions are: how Rieger's legacy was interpreted by different political parties and how Rieger's place in the Czech historical memory changed owing to the events happened in the years ending with eight which are traditionally considered as an important milestones of the modern Czech history.
Communist Czechoslovakia was looking for opportunities for ideological action in western countries at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. It should have the widest possible range, at the same time it had to be however so inconspicuous so that it did not prompt a negative reaction of local authorities. Purpose-built updating of selected anniversaries of historical events was an interesting tool of Czechoslovak propaganda. In the case of France, particularly events related to Germany were remembered. Actually, the aim of that propaganda was – first of all – to point out the alleged danger arising from the cooperation of western countries with the Federal Republic of Germany, which resulted for example in the Élysée Treaty in 1963.