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2. Antonín Kalous, Plenitudo potestatis in partibus? Papežští legáti a nunciové ve střední Evropě na konci středověku (1450-1526)
- Creator:
- Tomáš Parma
- Format:
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- 15.-16. století, církevní instituce a organizace, církevní hodnostáři, nunciové, diplomacie, ecclesiastical institutions and organizations, dignitaries, Papal nuncios, diplomacy, Evropa střední, Europe, Central, 15, and 322
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- [autor recenze] Tomáš Parma.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
3. Československá diplomacie a příčiny rozpadu spojenectví s Izraelem
- Creator:
- Taterová, Eva
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Czechoslovakia, diplomacy, Israel, Cold War, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- After World War II, the declaration of the independent Jewish state started to be discussed again by the international community. In these days, Czechoslovakia supported the Zionist movement/Israel in new-born organization of United Nations, and also provided an unofficial assistance to the Zionist movement through the arm supplies as well as military training to chosen Jewish volunteers. This cooperation was not immediately cancelled after the February coup in 1948 when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia got a total dominance over politics of the country. In the long run, however, the communist rule in Czechoslovakia led to the growing tension in relations with Israel. Within next few year the mutual cooperation of both states was over and the mutual relations were close to the open hostility. One of the aims of this paper is to introduce the reasons that led to a shift of Czechoslovak attitude towards Israel, as well as the impact of these changes in the international context.
- Rights:
- unknown
4. Die Befreiung der Tschechoslowakei und die Verhängung der Nationalverwaltung über das Vermögen Fürst Franz Josefs II. von und zu Liechtenstein im Juni 1945
- Creator:
- Horčička, Václav
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Princely House Liechtenstein, Principality Liechtenstein, Czechoslovak Republic, diplomacy, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The essay deals with the Czechoslovak state's measures put in place against the properties of the Liechtenstein primogeniture shortly after the liberation of the country in 1945. It analyzes the reasons behind these steps, which are apparent in the negative relationship the Czech society had towards to the family connected with events in Bohemia following the Battle of White Mountain (1620) but also in the treatment of the German speaking population in Bohemia after the Second World War (the transfer/expulsion of Germans). This all happened without regard for the foreign citizenship and status of the Liechtensteins as a ruling family in the independent Liechtenstein Principality that had remained neutral during the war. The author also links the implementation of the national administration to the post-war shift of Czechoslovak politics to the left and points to the communist-run Ministry of Agriculture, which had made the decision on the above measures. In large part the essay also deals with the defense of the Liechtensteins using diplomacy, especially to the role that Swiss diplomacy played as well as to the fruitless attempts made by the family to positively influence Czech administration.
- Rights:
- unknown
5. Die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen Liechtenstein und der Tschechoslowakei bzw. Tschechien 1945 bis heute
- Creator:
- Marxer, Roland
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Principality of Liechtenstein, Czech Republic, diplomacy, international Relations, Decrees of the President of the Republic, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- This article by political scientist and long-standing high-ranking diplomat Roland Marxer provides an insight into Liechtenstein-Czech relations seen through the eyes of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Principality of Liechtenstein. For Liechtenstein as a state, for the princely family, but also for individual Liechtenstein nationals who did not belong to the princely family, a difficult situation arose after the Second World War, largely as a result of the Beneš decrees. Liechtenstein repeatedly stated to Czechoslovakia that it considered the confiscation of Liechtenstein property as assets of persons of "German nationality", which took place in 1945, to be an unacceptable violation of international law. Especially since the beginning of the 1990s, numerous initiatives have been taken at both bilateral and multilateral level in order to achieve lasting recognition of the sovereignty of Liechtenstein by Czechoslovakia, or more exactly, by its two successor states. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the associated changes in Eastern Europe, the European political landscape changed fundamentally, raising promising hopes for future cooperation in Europe. It must have seemed strange that three European states which were members of different European and international organizations and, as a result, were committed to cooperation that pursued the same goals, still did not have a resolution – in addition to the still unresolved issues of compensation – to mutual recognition and the establishment of diplomatic and consular relations. An agreement on the establishment of diplomatic relations and future cooperation was signed on 8 September 2009. On 7 April 2010, a Memorandum on the Establishment of the Czech-Liechtenstein Commission of Historians was signed, followed by a visit by the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs to Vaduz.
- Rights:
- unknown
6. Gerald Schwedler, Herrschertreffen des Spätmittelalters. Formen - Rituale - Wirkungen
- Creator:
- Václav Žůrek
- Format:
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- medievalistika, panovníci, diplomacie, medievalistics, kings and rulers, diplomacy, Evropa, Europe, 8, and 94(4)
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- [autor recenze] Václav Žůrek.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
7. Liechtenstein in European history : ad honorem Peter Geiger
- Creator:
- Knoz, Tomáš
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- days of Liechtenstein history in the Czech Republic, Principality of Liechtenstein, Peter Geiger, Modern history, European history, Czech-Liechtenstein Commission of Historians, Liechtenstein-Czech relations, Liechtenstein-Swiss relations, Liechtenstein-Institut, Vaduz, constituting of the Principality of Liechtenstein, diplomacy, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In its first part, the present article presents the role of Peter Geiger as an historian and as cochairman of the Liechtenstein-Czech Commission of Historians. PD Dr. Peter Geiger has been the co-chairman of the Liechtenstein-Czech Commission of Historians for the last ten years. Between 2010 and 2020, he was one of its basic building blocks. In the commission, Associate Professor Geiger dealt mainly with the modern history of Liechtenstein and selected aspects of Liechtenstein-Czech relations. He prepared a crucial article on how frequently Czechoslovak and Czech topics figured in the pages of the Liechtenstein press, and thus what impression the ordinary citizen of the Principality of Liechtenstein could form of the original homeland of their princes. In the context of his research into Liechtenstein continuities and discontinuities, he again described the transformation of Liechtenstein from a somewhat marginal territory within the Liechtenstein states into the centre of life of the princely family. Peter Geiger's professional interest in the Liechtenstein-Czech Commission of Historians was divided between the history of the family and the history of the country and its inhabitants, especially in the area of property gains and losses. He therefore wrote two fundamental studies on the topic of the "Liechtensteins, Liechtenstein and Czechoslovakia in the 20th Century". The first of these deals with the efforts of the Liechtenstein family from 1938–1945 to regain and save the property they lost in connection with the so-called first land reform. Geiger's articles on the expropriation of Liechtenstein citizens living in Czechoslovakia after 1945 can thus be considered a fundamental topic. In the second part of the article, other contributions are then thematised and contextualised; these included in this "Liechtenstein" volume of the Studia Historica Brunensia journal.
- Rights:
- unknown
8. Litauen und die Könige von Böhmen (von den letzten Přemysliden bis zu Karl IV.)
- Creator:
- Jan, Libor
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- history, the Middle Ages, Kings of Bohemia, Lithuania, Teutonic Order, Crusades, diplomacy, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- Přemysl Otakar II was the first of the Czech Přemyslid kings to turn his attention to Lithuania. Incidentally, Heidenreich Bishop of Chelmno from the Order of the Teutonic Knights stayed at his court; in 1253 he crowned the Lithuanian duke Mindaugas. The king came to the aid of the Teutonic Knights against the Prussians at the turn of 1254/1255 and for the second time in 1267/1268, when the eventual Christianisation of Lithuania also played an important role in his ultimately unsuccessful plans to establish a capital in Olomouc. The knightly King John of Luxembourg marched three times (1329, 1336/1337, 1344/1345) against the Lithuanians together with the Order of the Teutonic Knights and forces from western Europe. Undoubtedly of interest is the letter of Charles IV to Grand Duke Algirdas dated 21 April 1358, when he addressed him as monarcha mundi with an offer of baptism.
- Rights:
- unknown
9. Nehanští vládci jako příslušníci titulární šlechty dynastie Jin: integrace a legitimita moci v období rozdrobení
- Creator:
- Jakub Hrubý
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Dějiny Asie. Orient, Jin (rod), šlechta, diplomacie, zahraniční politika, nobility, diplomacy, foreign policy, Čína, China, 8, and 94(5)
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Jedním z hlavních rysů období politické roztříštěnosti, do níž Čínu uvrhl pád dynastie Han roku 220 n. l., byla vzrůstající tendence nomádských etnik zasahovat do záležitostí nástupnických dynastií, jež vyvrcholila ve 4. a 5. století založšením zhruba dvou desítek nehanských státních útvarů na bývalém území říše. Spletité a často nepřehledné dějiny tohoto období jsou v mnoha ohledech svědectvím konfrontace dvou zcela odlišných civilizačních okruhů, odrážejí však i jejich vzájemné ovlivňování. Proměnlivá zahraničněpolitická situace, nezvyklá pro obě strany, kladla velké národy na schopnost přizpůsobit se nových poměrům. A tato potřeba se nevyhnula ani tradičním institucionálním pilířům čínského státu. Příkladem může být systém titulární šlechty a udělování šlechtických titulů kmenovým vládcům nehanských etnických skupin dlouhodobě usazených na území říše. Ačkoli se tato praxe na první pohled zdá být v souladu se zavedeným systémem, charakter i okolnosti udělení těchto titulů se v mnohém liší od šlechtických hodností udělovaných zasloužilým poddaným říše a jsou výrazem specifických potřeb dvora uzavřít strategické spojenectví či získat symbolický kapitál stvrzující jeho legitimitu. Tento článek si klade za cíl objasnit na příkladu dynastie Jin (226-420) praktické a vysoce symbolické využití systému udělování šlechtických hodností jakožto užitečného nástroje diplomacie a zahraniční politiky, který odráží proměny postojů a strategií dvora vůči nomádům ohrožujícím jeho zájmy., The collapse of the central authority after the fall of the Han Dynasty inevitably led to profound transformation of many imperial institutions. The unstable political situation demanded a flexible handing of the traditional systems as well as an ability to redefine crucial institutional concepts relating to imperial authority in order to find new or additional sources of political legitimacy. One of these newly defined institutions was the system of titled nobility. With the growing importance of non-Han ethnic groups, whose military capabilities might make them both valuable allies as well as potentially formidable foes, the court tried hard to win their support through the bestowal of high noble dignities on their leaders. To a certain degree, these bestowals followed well-established Han practice, yet the whole system was much more institutionalized as a means of integrating potentially hostile forces into the realm ruled over by the imperial authority. The article focuses on the Jin Dynasty (266-420 A.D.) and documents the utility and flexibility of the practice, stressing the symbolic meaning of the bestowals as a useful means of diplomacy and legitimitazion, thus mirroring the immediate strategic needs of the court in its power struggle with rival nomadic regimes., Jakub Hrubý., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
10. Osvícenství a diplomacie přelomu 18. a 19. století na příkladu kariéry toskánského šlechtice Luigiho Angioliniho
- Creator:
- Prokopová, Oldřiška
- Format:
- print, text, regular print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Angiolini, Luigi, 18. století, osvícenství, cestopisy, diplomacie, enlightenment, books on travels, diplomacy, Toskánsko (Itálie), Tuscany (Italy), 8, and 94(437)
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- The study examines the life of a Tuscan nobleman Luigi Angiolini. He was a writer, traveller and diplomat. He was active in the period of the Habsburg reforms, the French Revolution, Napoleonic rule and the restoration in Italy. His travelogue about England and Scotland (Lettere sopra l’Inghilterra, Scozia e Olanda) reflects his education and background which was strongly influenced by Tuscan Enlightenment. During the subsequent Napoleonic rule in Italy, he turned his attention to diplomacy in the services of Napoleon Bonaparte and grand duke Ferdinand III in Paris. The article shows how Angiolini was marked by ideas and trends of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century during his chequered life and how the breakthrough period formed him., Oldřiška Prokopová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public