Stať se zaměřuje na zkoumání příčin rostoucí mimomanželské plodnosti. Vychází z dat výzkumného šetření Sociální a ekonomické podmínky mateřství (SEPM) provedeného v roce 2006 v Sociologickém ústavu AV ČR. Tato data umožňují na mikroúrovni poodkrýt důvody, jakými neprovdané matky vysvětlovaly svoji vlastní rodinnou situaci při narození prvního dítěte. Analýza identifikovala tři typy motivací neprovdaných matek: nesouhlas/absence partnera, liberální postoje a pragmatické (ekonomické) důvody. Jednotlivé skupiny neprovdaných matek se lišily nejen postoji k manželství, ale i tím, jak vnímaly budoucnost vztahu s otcem dítěte. Příslušnost k jednotlivým skupinám souvisela s tím, jestli žena v době narození prvního dítěte žila v nesezdaném soužití s jeho otcem, s výší vzdělání a jejím věkem při narození prvního dítěte. Skupiny neprovdaných matek mají navíc rozdílné vyhlídky do dalšího rodinného života. V druhé části se příspěvek zaměřuje na to, jaké partnerské uspořádání považují neprovdané matky za ideální. Data SEPM ukazují, že velká část neprovdaných matek preferuje manželský svazek po předcházejícím nesezdaném soužití., Jana Chaloupková., 1 graf, 4 tabulky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
In a European comparison, the Czech Republic is one of the countries where motherhood has the biggest negative impact on women’s employment participation. Some researchers explain this situation as resulting from Czech mothers’ preferences for a long-term interruption to their labour market participation. Others stress that preferences are structurally and culturally embedded and identify barriers to the return of Czech mothers to the labour market. In this article, the author first introduces a critique of the theories that focus on preferences in work-life balance studies. Second, inspired by the critique and based on a representative survey of the Czech adult population from 2010 focused on life course histories, the author analyses changes in the length of women’s employment interruptions caused by motherhood since the 1950s and describes the current refamilization model applied in Czech society. Subsequent analysis of biographical interviews with mothers of small children provides an insight into their decision-making about returning to the labour market, and the analysis also shows that statistical evidence of the increase in the economic inactivity of Czech mothers often relates to their involvement in unpaid or unofficially paid economic activities. These strategies are the result of their structurally and culturally constrained decision-making and limited opportunities to achieve work-life balance. At the end of the day, these factors strengthen long-term gender inequalities in the society., Hana Hašková., 3 tabulky, Poznámky na str. 39 (11), Biografická poznámka o autorce článku na str. 52, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 40
Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) live territorially in families consisting of a reproducing founder pair and their non-reproducing young. Intra-family aggression occurs and is reported to be mainly caused by reproductive competition between females and the loss of reproducing founder animals. The current study investigated the impact of family traits (size, density and sex ratio) and aggressive inter-individual interactions on litters. Characteristics like pup mortality, litter size, sex ratio, and weekly body mass gain were tested. Across litters, significant correlations were found between litter size and family size (r = - 0.507, df = 25, p = 0.008) and between litter size and family density (r = - 0.404, df = 25, p = 0.01). Pup mortality was influenced by family size (r = 0.556, df = 25, p = 0.003) and by family density (r = 0.328, df = 25, p = 0.04). Unexpectedly, the influencing factor “occurrence of aggression” between adult family members or “expulsion of the mother” during lactation of the young had no influence on litters’ features. Family size and family density could be shown to be the most dominant parameters affecting the fate of the offspring and regulating the reproduction of the family.