The expansion of urban areas is one of the most significant anthropogenic impacts on the natural landscape. Due to their sensitivity to stressors in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats, dragonflies and damselflies (the Odonata) may provide insights into the effects of urbanisation on biodiversity. However, while knowledge about the impacts of urbanisation on odonates is growing, there has not been a comprehensive review of this body of literature until now. This is the first systematic literature review conducted to evaluate both the quantity and topics of research conducted on odonates in urban ecosystems. From this research, 79 peer-reviewed papers were identified, the vast majority (89.87%) of which related to studies of changing patterns of biodiversity in urban odonate communities. From the papers regarding biodiversity changes, 31 were performed in an urban-rural gradient and 21 of these reported lower diversity towards built up city cores. Twelve of the cases of biodiversity loss were directly related to the concentrations of pollutants in the water. Other studies found higher concentrations of pollutants in odonates from built-up catchments and suggested that odonates such as Aeshna juncea and Platycnemis pennipes may be candidate indicators for particular contaminants. We conclude by identifying current research needs, which include the need for more studies regarding behavioural ecology and life-history traits in response to urbanisation, and a need to investigate the mechanisms behind diversity trends beyond pollution., Giovanna Villalobos-Jiménez, Alison M. Dunn, Christopher Hassall., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Příspěvek se zabývá institutem tzv. dříve vyslovených přání, přičemž zahrnuje jak některé právní, tak i některé etické problémy. Zejména se soustředí na otázky, které ještě v české odborné literatuře nebyly řešeny. V první části je shrnuta užívaná terminologie a historie institutu. Kromě toho jsou zmíněny tři modely dříve vyslovených přání, tzv. living will, substitute decision-making (rozhodování zvoleným zástupcem) a konečně tzv. values history (historie hodnot pacienta). Ve druhé části je shrnuta úprava v České republice. Ve třetí se pak článek zabývá konkrétními právními a etickými problémy., This article deals with advance directive and some legal and ethical issues associated with them. Its main purpose is to show some problems which haven´t been solved in Czech professional literature. The first part of this article summarizes terminology and history of this medical institute. Three models of advance directives are mentioned as well - living will, substitute decision-making and values history. The second part summarizes Czech legislation and its development. The last part speaks about some crucial ethical and legal issues associated with advance directives., and Adam Doležal.
The article is divided into three main parts. In the first part, an overview of scholarly views on trust/trustworthiness is provided. The second part is concerned with the issue of how the politicians’ trustworthiness is measured by contemporary research agencies. In the third part, the experiment on politicians’ trustworthiness utilizing a new method is reported. This method is based on indirect questioning and it builds on the hypothesis that the more trustworthy a politician is, the more people will agree with his statements and consider them seriously. Four parallel questionnaires were employed. The first questionnaire (N=53) contained 10 short fictitious quotations and subjects were asked to rate them according to their solidness, acceptability, and positivity, and they were asked to say to what extentdid they agree with them. Five of these quotations were used in the next three questionnaires (N=48;47;42) and the names of five Czech politicians (K. Schwarzenberg, A. Vondra, R. John, V. Filip and B. Sobotka) were attached to them. No name was attached to the same quotation twice. Respondents were divided into four independent groups and each group responded to one questionnaire. The independent two-sample t-test was used for the comparison of the ratings and 20 statistically significant results were obtained. This means the method could be one of the keys for a better future understanding of such a complex notion as is the trustworthiness of politicians is., Jan Chromý, Ondřej Dufek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Přesné měření je nezbytné pro úspěšné stavební práce i kontrolu stability objektů, to věděli i naši předkové. Dnes existují velmi citlivé přístroje, které odhalí sebemenší pohyby svahů, mostů, hrází či vysilačů a pomohou tak předejít katastrofě. S detailními postupy, jak moderní měřici technologii využít a analyzovat data, přišel tým výzkumníků z Ústavu teorie informace a automatizace AV ČR ve spolupráci s firmou Geodézie Ledeč nad Sázavou. and Leona Matušková, Stanislava Kyselová.
Renal sympathetic hyperactivity is critically involved in hypertension pathophysiology; renal denervation (RDN) presents a novel strategy for treatment of resistant hypertension cases. This study assessed effects of two RDN systems to detect acute intravascular, vascular and peri-vascular changes in the renal artery, and renal nerve alterations, in the sheep. The procedures using a single-point or multi-point ablation catheters, Symplicity FlexTM, Medtronic versus EnligHTNTM, St. Jude Medical were compared; the intact contralateral kidneys served as controls. Histopathological and immunohistochemical assessments were performed 48 h after RDN procedures; the kidney and suprarenal gland morphology was also evaluated. Special staining methods were applied for histologic analysis, to adequately score the injury of renal artery and adjacent renal nerves. These were more pronounced in the animals treated with the multi-point compared with the single-point catheter. However, neither RDN procedure led to complete renal nerve ablation. Forty-eight hours after the procedure no significant changes in plasma and renal tissue catecholamines were detected. The morphologic changes elicited by application of both RDN systems appeared to be dependent on individual anatomical variability of renal nerves in the sheep. Similar variability in humans may limit the therapeutic effectiveness of RDN procedures used in patients with resistant hypertension., M. Táborský, D. Richter, Z. Tonar, T. Kubíková, A. Herman, J. Peregrin, L. Červenková, Z. Husková, L. Kopkan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Schopnost efektivně se pohybovat v daném prostředí byla pro člověka a jeho předchůdce klíčová k zajištění dostatku energie k přežití a rozmnožování. Potřeba překonávat vzdálenosti s co nejmenšími náklady formovala stavbu našich končetin již od doby, kdy jsme se poprvé postavili na dvě končetiny. S příchodem rodu Homo dochází ke změnám dolní končetiny a celého těla umožňujícím efektivnější běh, jenž byl v té době nejlepším způsobem, jak se dostat k masu. Neandrtálce stála chůze a běh více energie než moderní lidi, nicméně rozdíly byly malé a zřejmě nepřispěly k vyhynutí neandrtálců., The ability to move effectively through a given environment was crucial for humans and their ancestors to acquire enough energy for survival and reproduction. The need to cover distances with minimum costs has formed our limbs since we first stood on two limbs. With the early representatives of the genus Homo, the lower limbs and the whole body changed to allow more effective running, which was the best way to obtain meat in those times. H. neanderthalensis had higher costs of walking and running than modern humans, but the differences were subtle and did not contribute to the downfall of H. neanderthalensis., and Martin Hora, Vladimír Sládek.
Ant-aphid mutualism is considered to be a beneficial association for the individuals concerned. The population and fitness of aphids affected by ant attendance and the outcome of this relationship affects the host plant of the aphid. The main hypothesis of the current study is that ant tending decreases aphid developmental time and/or increases reproduction per capita, which seriously reduces host plant fitness. The effect of attendance by the ant Tapinoma erraticum (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on population growth and duration of different developmental stages of Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were determined along with the consequences for the fitness of the host plant of the aphid, Vicia faba L., in greenhouse conditions. The initial aphid density was manipulated in order to study aphid performance due to density-dependent changes in ant attendance. The population growth rate of ant attended aphids was more than that of unattended aphids. However, the ratio of 1st-2nd nymphs to adults in aphid populations attended by ants was lower. The yields of bean plants on which the aphids were attended by ants were significantly greater than those of unattended plants. This study indicates that ants not only increase aphid fitness in terms of their population growth rate, but also benefit the host plant., Afsane Hosseini, Mojtaba Hosseini, Noboru Katayama, Mohsen Mehrparvar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We investigated the predatory potential and food preference of different life stages of Coccinella septempunctata L. for a nutritious aphid (mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi) and toxic aphid (cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae). We provided all the life stages of C. septempunctata with either L. erysimi or B. brassicae and found that the second, third and fourth instar larvae and adult females of this predator consumed daily greater numbers of L. erysimi. However, the first instar larvae and adult males consumed similar numbers of both of these aphids. In choice condition, each larva, adult males and females were each provided separately with a mixed aphid diet in three proportions (i.e. low: high, equal: equal and high: low densities of L. erysimi: B. brassicae). We hypothesized that life stages of C. septempunctata will prefer L. erysimi regardless of its proportions. Laboratory experiments supported this hypothesis only at the adult level in terms of high values of β and C preference indices. However, it rejects this hypothesis at the larval level, as larvae preferred B. brassicae when provided with certain combinations and showed no preference in a few combinations. We infer that mixtures of nutritious and toxic aphids may enable this ladybird to overcome any probable nutritional deficiency and/or reduce the toxicity of a toxic diet, especially for the larvae. Results of the treatment in which a high proportion of B. brassicae were consumed along with fewer L. erysimi indicates that a mixed diet could be better for the development of immature stages of C. septempunctata., Mushtaq A. Guroo, Ahmad Pervez, Kuldeep Srivastava, Rakesh K. Gupta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We investigated the impact of a high-fat (HF) diet during pre- and post-weaning periods on the intestinal microbiota and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in male rats. Nutrition from birth was influenced by feeding rat dams with either a standard or HF diet. After weaning male pups nursed by control dams continued on a standard diet (CC) or HF diet (C-HF), while offspring nursed by HF dams continued on HF diet (HF) or standard diet (HF-C). The numbers of Bacteroides/Prevotella (BAC) and Lactobacillus/Enterococcus (LAB) in the gut were determined by FISH technique. HF pups displayed enhanced adiposity and increased AP activity (19 %), as well as higher LAB (P<0.001) and lower numbers of BAC (P<0.001) in the jejunum and colon than controls. In HF-C rats, post-weaning lower fat intake resulted in decreased fat deposition accompanied by reduced AP activity (20 %) compared to HF rats. Composition of the intestinal microbiota in these rats was not influenced. In contrast, in comparison with controls, C-HF rats displayed higher LAB (P<0.001) and lower BAC (P<0.001) together with increased adiposity and AP activity (14 %). These results indicate that consumption of diet with different fat content could modulate gut microbial/functional conditions depending on the period when the nutritional manipulation occurs., Z. Šefčíková, D. Bujňáková., and Obsahuje bibliografii