Despite various changes in academic institutions and the academic profession in last two decades (Shore 2008; Dunn 2003; Power 2003), the academic environment is still organized around the notion of a linear, uninterrupted career path (Murray 2000; Smithon and Stokoe 2005) culminating with the launch of one’s own lab. Rather than a remnant of previous organizing principles of science the linear notion of the academic career has been reordered and reinscribed in the recent science policy imaginary of the excellent career (Garforth, Červinková 2009). In light of the recent shifts in the organization of biosciences in the Czech Republic from dynastic to dynamic labs, the dominant ideologies of motherhood and the disembodied subject of the labour market, our goal in this paper is to contribute to feminist analyses of research careers and implications these recent shifts have in terms of the position of women- and especially mothers-bioscientists. Using the concept of enactment (Law 1994, Mol 2002) we examine the co-constitution of motherhood and research careers procesually, as a result of the effects of the gender order, science policy, family policy, institutional arrangements of research organizations and the personal. We wish to underscore the need for a complex study of research careers if we want to understand the nuanced ways in which gender is inscribed in careers in the biosciences., Marcela Linková, Alice Červinková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Members of the Philometridae represent the most important group of dracunculoid nematodes parasitizing fishes. In his monograph treating the Dracunculoidea, Moravec (2006) reported a total of 11 genera and 105 species of philometrids parasitizing freshwater, brackish-water and marine fishes. However, during the last six years (2007-2012), an additional 42 new species of Philometridae have been described, representing a 40% increase of the number of nominal species. Most of these species (30) belong to Philometra Costa, 1845, mainly represented by parasites of marine fishes, a few others (8) to Philometroides Yamaguti, 1935, and a single one to each of the following genera: Caranginema Moravec, Montoya-Mendoza et Salgado-Maldonado, 2008, Dentiphilometra Moravec et Wang, 2002, Dentirumai Quiazon et Moravec, 2013* and Spirophilometra Parukhin, 1971. Moreover, three new genera, Afrophilometra Moravec, Charo-Karisa et Jirků, 2009, Caranginema and Dentirumai, were erected. Representatives of seven genera, Afrophilometra, Buckleyella Rasheed, 1963, Caranginema, Dentiphilometra, Dentirumai, Paraphilometroides Moravec et Shaharom-Harrison, 1989 and Rumai Travassos, 1960, were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for the first time. Thirteen known but poorly described philometrid species were redescribed and, in some species of Caranginema and Philometra, previously unknown conspecific males were discovered and described. The male surface ultrastructure studied by SEM provided new taxonomically important features for species distinction. Gene sequencing was used in several recent studies and advanced our understanding of phylogenetic interrelationships among representatives of seven genera (Afrophilometra, Alinema Rasheed, 1963, Caranginema, Nilonema Khalil, 1960, Philometra, Philometroides and Rumai) and of the extent of the biodiversity of philometrids. New data were obtained on the biology and pathogenicity of several species of Nilonema, Philometra, Philometroides and Rumai. The need to carry out surveys in order to find males and to use SEM and gene sequencing to identify philometrids is emphasized. Appropriate quantitative methods to determine the impact of philometrids in ovarian tissue on host fecundity are recommended. Further detailed studies on philometrids would be significant not only from the theoretical viewpoint, but also because of their practical implications. A list of philometrid nematode species by continents is provided.
Dlouhou dobu se předpokládalo, že populace obývající určitá území Evropy také tato území na konci doby ledové kolonizovaly jako první. Nové výzkumy však ukázaly, že v některých případech byla první příchozí populace později nahrazena jinou, pocházející z jiného glaciálního refugia. Náš článek ukazuje, že k takovému nahrazení jedné populace druhou došlo při kolonizaci Velké Británie norníkem rudým (Clethrionomys glareolus) a že při tom hrály roli fyziologické adaptace způsobené mutací v hemoglobinu., It has long been assumed that the populations that first colonized particular empty territory after the last ice age have remained there until the present day. However, recent findings in small mammals suggest that replacements involving a population from one glacial refugium at the cost of a population from another refugium may have been a not infrequent event. The article demonstrates that such population replacement took place during post-glacial colonization of Great Britain by the Bank Vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) and that physiological differences conferred by haemoglobin have probably played a role in this process., and Petr Kotlík, Silvia Marková, Karolína Filipi, Michaela Strážnická, Jeremy B. Searle.
Ve střední Evropě (Česko, Maďarsko a Polsko) jsme zaznamenali 9 případů zajímavé adopce mláďat káně lesní (Buteo buteo) v hnízdech orlů mořských (Haliaeetus albicilla). Adoptovaná mláďata byla v dobré kondici, dospělí orli mořští se o ně starali a mláďata byla nakonec úspěšně vyvedena., Nine interesting cases of young Common Buzzards (Buteo buteo) adopted in nests of White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) in central Europe (Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary) are reviewed. The B. buteo nestlings adopted were in good condition, the adult H. albicilla fed and cared for them properly, and the young birds successfully fledged., and Ivan Literák, Jakub Mráz.
Tento článek přibližuje čtenáři svět prvních portugalských mořeplavců a jejich setkání s exotickou faunou Asie v 16. století. Důraz klade především na nosorožce a slona, ale neopomíjí ani další živočichy a věnuje se i původu některých drahocenných orientálních látek živočišného původu, pro Evropany dlouho neznámému. Text bohatě využívá citací z pramenů., This article presents the world of the first Portuguese navigators and their encounters with exotic Asian fauna in the 16th century. It primarily highlights the rhinoceros and elephants, but does not omit other animals. It also focuses on the sources of some valuable oriental substances of animal origin, which was unknown to Europeans for a long time., and Karel Staněk.
Stále se rozšiřující aplikace SPM přístrojů přinesly možnost zobrazovat bez větších problémů vzorky přímo v kapalných prostředích. To umožňuje zobrazit povrch vzorku s minimální silou mezi hrotem a povrchem a vyhnout se tak například poškození povrchu biologického preparátu. Režimy AFM používané v kapalném prostředí pro biologické vzorky jsou prakticky totožné s klasickými analýzami AFM. Ve větší míře se však využívá poklepový režim. Článek předkládá přehled typických aplikací AFM se skenerem pro kapalná prostředí (liquid scanner)., Roman Kubínek, Milan Vůjtek, Renata Holubová, Zdeňka Zapletalová, Hana Kolářová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury