This article concerns the Serbian interests in Kosovo in the late 19th century and discusses two Serbian-Turkish Wars in 1876-1878. As a result, the vast majority of the Albanians, who lived in what is now southern Serbia, were forced to leave their homes. Although the Albanians posted petitions to consulates in the Ottoman Empire, which tried to negotiate with Serbia the possibility of returning Albanian refugees, their property rights enshrined in the Treaty of Berlin were ignored. The article is focused also on the consequences of the Albanian exodus.
The aim of this document collection is to present heretofore unpublished documents describing the situation of the young men who decided to leave the Czech lands for Bulgaria in the late 19th century. These materials concern the Czech teachers active in Bulgaria in this period; there were over 30 such teachers. Meanwhile, the demand for work in Bulgaria exceeded the actual supply; not all of the candidates were ultimately accepted. From these documents we can also learn the reasons for their departure to the Balkans and the process they had to undergo in departing. and Cílem této edice je představit dosud nepublikované dokumenty, které přibližují situaci mladých mužů, kteří se v na sklonku 19. století rozhodli odejít za prací do Bulharska. Materiály se týkají českých středoškolských učitelů, kterých bychom zde v tomto období napočítali více než 30. Poptávka po práci v Bulharsku přitom převyšovala skutečnou nabídku, ne všichni kandidáti byli nakonec přijati. Mimo jiné se tak dozvídáme příčiny jejich odchodu na Balkán a proces, jakým při tom museli projít.
Studie se věnuje dialogu Anselma z Canterbury De grammatico. Tento spis byl samotným autorem označen jako úvod do dialektiky. V dobové dialektice zastával klíčové místo Aristotelův spis Kategorie. Tento článek se proto pokouší interpretovat Anselmův dialog jako určitou pedagogicky koncipovanou podobu komentáře k Aristotelovým Kategoriím. V návaznosti na Anselmův spis jsou postupně představeny jednotlivé teze z Aristotelových Kategorií (jak tzv. antepredicamenta, tak pojednání o substanci, kvalitě a částečně i vlastnictví) a způsob, jakým s nimi Anselm pracoval. and The paper deals with the dialogue De grammatico written by Anselm of Canterbury. The author of the dialogue himself described the work as an introduction to dialectics. In that epoch, the leading role in the given art belonged to Aristotle's Categories. As a result, the article aims to interpret Anselm's dialogue as a commentary to Aristotle's Categories conceived in a pedagogic form. Following Anselm's treatise, the paper analyses particular theses from the Categories (firstly the so-called antepredicamenta, then the categories of substance, quality, and partly also having) and the approach Anselm employed in working with them.
This essay is thinking about the sense and the reasons of Czech supremacy over Poland, which the chronicler Cosmas attributed to Vratislav II. (1061–1092). It is said that Vratislav boasted about the title "King of Bohemia and Poland" since 1085.
Kořeny a proměny kultu svatých Cyrila a Metoděje v 19. století dokumentují texty tří kněží různých generací zasazené do dobového kontextu. Je zdůrazněno rostoucí úsilí církve o zvěstování Ježíše Krista v češtině a vlastenecká výchova v brněnském kněžském semináři. Je postihnuta cesta od jednoty národního hnutí přes boj církve proti liberalismu až k postupnému zpolitizování křesťanství. and In the article the roots and changes of the cult of Saints Cyril and Methodius are documented in texts of tree priests coming from different generations, the texts are set in the historical context. The growing effort of the church in the field of proclaiming Christ in the national language and patriotic education in the Brno priest seminary is pointed out. The way from unity of the national movement to the fight of the church against liberalism and to the politicisation of Christian religion is outlined.
This article provides a translation with commentary of the key parts of the Book of Han (Hanshu) concerning the reforms of the state cults during the reign of Chengdi (32-7 BC). The translated texts represent a substantial source on the form of, and ideology underlying state-sponsored religious rites in early imperial China. The translated debates demonstrate the controversy between partisans of the traditional view on the meaning and form of the rites, and the reformers (though the latter likewise present their case as a return to ancient models attested in the Classics). The traditional view of the religious rites holds that the rites should be conducted at the place where the gods themselves appear (the humans respond to the gods' actions). The reformists, on the other hand, set a universal rational framework (based on yinyang classification), which prescribes the proper way of revelation and sacrifice for both the humans and the gods. Furthermore, the debates are an interesting testimony to the identity of Confucianism in the given period. The rationalization of religious rites promoted by the reformists is usually associated with Confucianism. However, in these debates we find famous Confucians in both camps.
« L'homme inutile » apparaît dans diverses conceptions, surtout à partir du romantisme, et joue un rôle complexe dans leurs positions respectives, surtout par rapport à ce qui est connu comme « l'improductivité slave » – et qui est parfois considéré comme un trait de leur caractère. Pas nécessaire de s'interroger sur des « hommes inutiles » qui peuplent, à la fin du XIX, e siècle, toutes les littératures. Huysmans l'a caricaturé, d'une façon nuancée, dans Des Essaintes, Bourguet l'a montré comme une spéculation sans amour… Peut-on parler alors d'une « l'improductivité slave » ? Les deux auteurs, Zeyer et Sienkiewicz, presque de la même génération, écrivent leurs oeuvres plus ou moins simultanément. Sienkiewicz montre Płoszowski, dans son roman/Sans dogme, /comme un être dé¬raciné,« homme inutile » qui dépérit tristement. En revanche, les romans /Jan Maria Plojhar /et /la Maison A l'étoile qui se noie /de Zeyer décriventdes« ratés », qui essaient vainement d'échapper à leur sort. « L'homme inutile » peut encore ressurgir dans la littérature polonaise (quoique l'auteur le « condamne » à la fin). La littérature tchèque s'éloigne de ce concept – en mettant une distance entre « l'improductivité slave » et l'activité – souvent tragique – de ses héros littéraire., The "useless hero" is associated with many and various literary characters which appear in all literatures, chiefly since the romantic era, and which change according to the evolution of aesthetic and ethical conceptions. In Slav novels they are often connected with the conception of "Slav unproductiveness" and can be evaluated as a trait of their specificity, justifying their particular position in the context of European literatures. At the end of the nineteenth century the "useless hero" who appears in the novels of Sienkiewicz and Zeyer is very different from the figure of Des Esseintes of Huysmans's novel or that of Greslou known from the novel by Bourget. The Slav "useless heroes" are not aesthetic or scientific speculators but complicated, deceived and disappointed men of feeling, unable to accomplish any projects. But the heroes of Zeyer and Sienkiewicz do not behave in the same way. The "Slav unproductiveness" perhaps influences the destiny of Płoszowski, whereas Plojhar and Rojko try, though vainly, to accomplish something. The position of the "useless hero" in Czech and Polish novels appears as a specific feature of Slav literatures, but the differences between them indicate that the specificity is complex., and "Zbytečný hrdina" je spojován s mnoha různými postavami, které se objevují ve všech literaturách, především od dob romantismu, a které se proměňují s vývojem estetických a etických konceptů. Ve slovanských románech jsou často spojováni s pojmem "slovanská nevýkonnost", kterou je možno chápat jako jejich specifickou charakteristiku, jež ospravedlňuje jejich zvláštní postavení v kontextu evropských literatur. Koncem 19. století je "zbytečný hrdina", tak jak se objevuje v románech Sienkiewiczových a Zeyerových, velmi odlišný od postavy Des Esseintes z Huysmansova románu nebo od postavy Gresloua, známého z románu Bourgetova. Slovanští "zbyteční hrdinové" nejsou ani estétští ani vědečtí hloubavci, ale složité osobnosti, oklamaní a zklamaní citliví lidé, kteří nejsou schopni nic vykonat. Avšak Sienkiewiczovi a Zeyerovi hrdinové se nechovají stejným způsobem. "Slovanská nevýkonnost" má možná vliv na osud Płoszowského, kdežto Plojhar a Rojko se pokoušejí něčeho dosáhnout, i když marně. Postavení "zbytečného hrdiny" v českých a polských románech se jeví jako charakteristický rys slovanských literatur, ale rozdíly mezi nimi naznačují, že tato specifičnost je složitá.
The title of this article, as well as the motto from K. Wierzyński's poem are aimed at emphasizing the continuity of the "tradition of fire", as well as the link between the myth of Prometheus and the ritual (symbolic) death of Jan Palach – the hero of "Prague Spring". This continuity of multidimensional sense of fire as a symbol (of the rebellious spirit) and the myth of Promethean gift of fire can be found in the tragedy by V. Ivanov. Here, the spiritual dimension of fire is emphasized due to referring to orphic version of the myth about the suffering Dionysus. The author of this article, analysing and interpreting the tragedy by the Russian poet, presents the semantic metamorphosis of the myth of Prometheus, putting it in the vast cultural context – the works of Aeschylus and Nietzsche, the philosophical thoughts of Proclos, Schelling and Bachelard, as well as the thoughts of contemporary culture scientists.
Science centers throughout Europe offer package deals to nearby schools and preschools in order to enhance scientific education through theme-related exhibits and activities. This article focuses on a group of preschool children as they visit such a center in Sweden, where they were presented with a multimodal illustration of a life jacket. By drawing on sociocultural and multimodal perspectives, the meaning that the children made of the illustration was studied as well as the illustration itself. The analysis builds upon Engebretsen's (2012) concepts of multimodal cohesion and tension and his three interactional dimensions: material, semantic, and performative dimension. The results show that high levels of tension between and within modes in an illustration seem to obstruct the meaning-making processes for young children. The concluding reflection offers a discussion about the need for attention both to the content's accuracy and to the ways in which illustrations are presented in science centers as well as in education elsewhere.