Kořeny a proměny kultu svatých Cyrila a Metoděje v 19. století dokumentují texty tří kněží různých generací zasazené do dobového kontextu. Je zdůrazněno rostoucí úsilí církve o zvěstování Ježíše Krista v češtině a vlastenecká výchova v brněnském kněžském semináři. Je postihnuta cesta od jednoty národního hnutí přes boj církve proti liberalismu až k postupnému zpolitizování křesťanství. and In the article the roots and changes of the cult of Saints Cyril and Methodius are documented in texts of tree priests coming from different generations, the texts are set in the historical context. The growing effort of the church in the field of proclaiming Christ in the national language and patriotic education in the Brno priest seminary is pointed out. The way from unity of the national movement to the fight of the church against liberalism and to the politicisation of Christian religion is outlined.
J. Úlehla (1852-1933) - a teacher, headmaster of secondary schools and organizer of pedagogical life in Moravia, and his son V. Úlehla (1888-1947) - a biologist, musical folklorist and university professor, significantly influenced their fields of study, especially education, biology and ethnography. J. Úlehla promoted the use of folk verses, sayings, riddles and proverbs as well as frequent outdoor activities in the instruction of six- to eight-year-old children. Valuable ethnographical information on misery of Wallachian people, emigration to America and child labour is contained in
Listy národopisné. Autobiographical information in the books by V. Úlehla Živá píseň and Duše lidu testify of author’s relation to Moravian Slovakia and its rich cultural tradition which inspired him to collect folk songs. He treated the collected information from the point of view of a biologist - e.g. when expressing his opinion of the age of folk songs. The aim of this essay is to answer the question: ‘how did teachers influence the lives of people and transformations of folk culture at the turn of the 19th and the 20th century?’. They helped to improve the quality of primary education, participated in clubs and societies; they took part in Národopisná výstava českoslovanská (Czechoslavic Ethnographical Exhibition), collected folk songs and engaged in local history research. At the same time, educational institutions (representing modern society) and the church came into conflict: the religious practices clashed with man’s freedom and his needs.
Der Nachlaß des bedeutenden Folklorist Oldřich Sirovátka wurde in die Brünner Abteilung des Instituts für Ethnographie und Folkloristik im Jahre 1995 übergeben. Er enthält Sirovátkas Korrespondenz, handschriftliche Notizen, Exzerpta, nicht überprüfte Aufzeichnungen von Balladen und anderen Schrifttumsformen sowie mehr als 1000 Separaten (Sonderabdrucke) von bedeutenden Folkloristen aus der Tschechischen Republik sowie aus Ausland.
In der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 1998 wurde von der Abteilung auch seine umfangreiche Büchersammlung übernommen. Die Bearbeitung dieser Kollektionen wird im Rahmen eines Grants der AWTR realisiert.