Kořeny a proměny kultu svatých Cyrila a Metoděje v 19. století dokumentují texty tří kněží různých generací zasazené do dobového kontextu. Je zdůrazněno rostoucí úsilí církve o zvěstování Ježíše Krista v češtině a vlastenecká výchova v brněnském kněžském semináři. Je postihnuta cesta od jednoty národního hnutí přes boj církve proti liberalismu až k postupnému zpolitizování křesťanství. and In the article the roots and changes of the cult of Saints Cyril and Methodius are documented in texts of tree priests coming from different generations, the texts are set in the historical context. The growing effort of the church in the field of proclaiming Christ in the national language and patriotic education in the Brno priest seminary is pointed out. The way from unity of the national movement to the fight of the church against liberalism and to the politicisation of Christian religion is outlined.
In 2012, rescue excavations were carried out in front of the front facade of the Church of Our Lady of the Snows in Denisova Street in Olomouc. The original Middle- and Late-Hillfort terrain was removed. Layers containing pottery dated mainly to the 10th century also turned up fragments of mortar, plaster, bricks and roofing, which indicates the presence of an Early Medieval church in close proximity. “Monk-and-nun” roof tiles of antique type probably come from an older Roman construction. Early Medieval occupation layers adjoined a ditch, a remain of the fortification between Předhradí and the town, which was established as early as Early Middle Ages and was used till the 14th century. Another remain of the original fortification of Předhradí is the find of stone romanesque masonry with north-south orientation. The excavations also uncovered remains of stone constructions of an original Minorite church.
V diskusi o období raného středověku je z archeologického hlediska nadále třeba se vyrovnat s absencí sídel přiřaditelných ke vznikající šlechtě, z historického hlediska je neméně palčivým problémem otázka, co geneze šlechty signalizuje v rámci celospolečenských proměn. Pozorování základního uspořádání vybraných hradních a jiných elitních sídel v západním kulturním prostředí a jejich srovnání s podobou románských kostelů vybavených západní věží z českého území vede k předložení diskusního závěru, že rané české hrady se skrývají v objektech, jež dnes považujeme za výhradně církevní stavby. Výstavba raných hradů (tj. kostelů), jejichž terminologie je odvozena od latinského castellum, doprovázela společenské proměny spočívající v postupném rozpadu archaických příbuzenských společenství – klanů. and In discussions on the early medieval period it is still necessary from an archaeological perspective to deal with the absence of seats attributable to the emerging aristocracy; from a historical perspective, a no less vexing issue is what the genesis of the aristocracy signals as part of society-wide changes. The study of the basic arrangement of selected castles and other elite residences in the western cultural environment and their comparison with the form of Romanesque churches with western towers in Bohemia leads to the conclusion that early Bohemian castles are concealed in structures considered today exclusively as church buildings. The construction of early castles accompanied social transformations involving the gradual dissolution of archaic kinship communities – clans. The author discusses the terminological and semantic connection between the Latin castellum, Czech (Slavic) kostel and also Swedish kastal.
Článek pojednává o kvantitativní studii zaměřené na zmapování hodnocení prorodinné atmosféry v církevním prostředí mezi mladými věřícími (od 17 do 30 let). Teoretické zázemí se opírá o uchopení pojmu prorodinná atmosféra, právní zakotvení církví v České republice se zaměřením na popis Římskokatolické církve a Slezské církve evangelické a.v., vývoj hodnoty manželství a rodiny v církevní i sekulární společnosti a křesťanské pojetí manželství, rodiny a předmanželských vztahů, včetně jejich souvisejících aspektů. Empirická část vychází z anonymního šetření prostřednictvím online dotazníku se zaměřením na sociodemografické a náboženské charakteristiky, hodnotový žebříček (zjišťován standardizovanou Rokeachovou škálou hodnot) a hodnocení položek týkajících se prorodinné atmosféry v církvi, partnerských a manželských vztahů a sexuality. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 262 respondentů. Získaná data byla zpracována popisnou statistikou, parametrickými a neparametrickými testy. Výsledky poukazují na odlišnou preferenci hodnot mezi věřícími v souvislosti s jejich rodinným stavem, který rovněž má vztah k míře spokojenosti s prorodinnou atmosférou. Dále byl prokázán vztah náboženské praxe a shody vlastních názorů s křesťanskými stanovisky. V závěru je pojednáno o limitech práce a případných intervencích či podnětech pro další studie. and The article discusses a quantitative study which maps the evaluation of pro-family atmosphere in a church among young believers (from 17 to 30 years). The theoretical background is based on understanding the concept of pro-family atmosphere, the legal base of churches in the Czech Republic with a focus on the Roman Catholic Church and the Silesian Evangelical Church description, the value development of marriage and family in church and secular society and the Christian concept of marriage, family and premarital relations, including their related aspects. The empirical part is based on anonymous surveys by an on-line questionnaire focusing on sociodemographic and religious characteristics, the scale of values (surveyed by the standardized Rokeach Value Survey) and the evaluation of questions about pro-family atmosphere in a church, partner and marriage relationships and sexuality. 262 respondents participated in the research. The obtained data were processed by descriptive statistics, parametric and nonparametric tests. The results indicate different value preferences among believers in relation to their marital status, which is also related to the degree of satisfaction with the pro-family atmosphere. The results confirmed the relation of religious practice and agreement between personal and Christian opinions. In conclusion, it discusses the limits of the research and possible interventions and suggestions for further study.
Mistr Jan Hus je v této knize představen svými latinskými texty především jako polemik a univerzitní učitel. Z polemických spisů byl pro překlad zvolen projev proti Angličanu Johnu Stokesovi a tři traktáty proti prodeji odpustků. Z univerzitního působení Mistra Jana vzešlo několik promočních promluv, jsou zde podány ty, které dosud do češtiny překládány nebyly. Jsou zajímavé tím, že osobnost českého reformátora ukazují jinak, než jak o něm obvykle uvažujeme, a také svým svěžím jazykem a stylem. Vedle obou témat, která prozrazuje titul knížky, jsou zde dva texty teologického obsahu, ovšem s tehdy aktuálním společenským dosahem: kázání Jděte i vy na mou vinici a kvestie O třech pochybnostech. Texty jsou (s jedinou nepatrnou výjimkou) do češtiny přeloženy po prvé. ,We introduce Jan Hus through his Latin texts primarily as a polemicist and as a university teacher in this book. From the polemical writings, we chose his address against the Englishman John Stokes and also three treatises against the sale of indulgences. University activities of Master Jan are represented by several graduation speeches; here we chose those not yet translated into Czech. They are interesting not only for depicting the personality of the Czech reformer in a different way than we usually view him but also for their fresh language and style. In addition to the two topics revealed in the title of book, two other texts were selected as well. These are the texts of theological kind which however had a very topical dimension back then: the preaching 'Go ye also into the vineyard' and the discourse 'On three doubts'. All texts included (with just one minor exception) are translated into Czech for the first time.
The focus of the article is an analysis and interpretation of the dramatic transformation of the Unity of the Brethren at the end of the 15th century. In this period, the Unity of the Brethren primarily reconsidered its rejection of secular power, the urban way of life, and most crafts and trade. These changes are referred to in previous research as the transformation of the sect into a church. Nevertheless, this transformation has not yet been systematically studied using adequate theoretical methods that would reflect the more general mechanisms of development operating in Christian religious movements. The author therefore returns to the sociological roots of this debate. Inspired by the neo-Weberian approach of David d'Avray, the author uses theories concerning the transformation of sects into churches as ideal types in the comparison of two key thinkers – Petr Chelčický and Luke of Prague. Petr Chelčický inspired the establishment of the Unity of the Brethren and his teachings rejected secular power and the urban way of life. In contrast, Luke of Prague legitimized the abovementioned changes in his teaching. The analysis reveals that the tension between the Unity of the Brethren and mainstream society was not diminished, as it was closely linked to the identity of the Unity of the Brethren. On this level, the Unity of the Brethren remains more of a sect. However, the new concept of salvation by Luke of Prague, based on God's grace, enabled and legitimized life in cities, participation in secular power, and the transformation of social practice, without disturbing the sense of exclusivity of the Unity of the Brethren.
Archaeological research in 2015 in the interior of St. Cross church in Javornik brought new knowledge about its construction and historical development. The oldest floor level was probably identified. It appears that during the Hussite campaign in 1428 the building was damaged and subsequently repaired. We also managed to identify and date the next three floor levels, building of new church entrances, and also alterations of the interior - construction of baptistery (no longer exists), side altars, construction and subsequent demolition of the gallery and singer‘s tribune. Graves were also investigated. Five skeletons were found in burial pits and 2 skeletons in brick tombs., Peter Kováčik, Veronika Dudková, Hana Lafková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The dispute over water privilege concerning the parish streams between the parish priests in Pacov (under the auspices of local Carmelite monastery in the same place) and aristocratic owners of the neighbouring manor Kámen lasted for a long time, between 1720 and 1757. It is one of the model examples of the changes in attitude regarding the treatment of legal and administrative cases and the law in general at the turn of the eras of Charles VI. and Maria Theresa. The dispute is well documented and, thanks to various types of sources, provides a large amount of interesting material and background for further research. P. Václav Josef Skokánek, the parish priest of Pacov, is a person of special interest to us as he was significantly involved in the dispute. He could even be called an archetypal figure of the priest living and working at the turn of Baroque and Enlightenment periods.
Between 2014 and 2015, a rescue excavation was carried out in the course of evaporative drying of the masonry of St. Procopius Church in Loštice. It complemented the knowledge acquired by a construction-history investigation in 1993, concerning above all the Romanic phase of the edifice. The extent and aspect of the church were also made clearer by geophysical research conducted here in 2018. The original church was elongated, flat-roofed, single-nave building closed by semi-circle apse. Its founder was Petr from Loštice in the first quarter of the 13th century, the son of castle manager and cupbearer Bohuta from Bílina. Petr had his manor, possibly a court later substituted by medieval stronghold, built in Loštice close to the church.