The author of the present outline analyzes some of the crucial works by a prominent Serbian theoretician of verse and of poetic language Milosav Čarkić with the core in his recent book A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms (2020). On the basis of a thorough analysis he characterizes this set of works accompanied by those going back to the 1990s and published mostly in Serbian as key contributions to the world theory of verse. The present treatise analyses several books written by Milosav Čarkić in Russian, Serbian and English in the three recent decades, including Phonics of Verse (Фоника стиха, 1992), Phonostylistics of Verse (Фоностилистика стиха, 1995), The Glossary of Rhyme (Појмовник риме, 2001), The Stylistics of Verse (Стилистика стиха, 2006), On Poetic Language (2010), Models of Rhyme (2017), and The Rhyme in Serbian Verse (Рима у српском стиху, 2017) and predominantly his new book mentioned above A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms (2020). His main scholarly contribution consists in the investigation of the sphere on the boundary of phonics, stylistics, and poetics of verse and of the semantics, structure, function, and terminology of rhymes in European context. and Autor přítomného přehledu analyzuje některá stěžejní díla prominentního srbského teoretika verše a básnického jazyka Milosava Čarkiće s jádrem v jeho nejnovější knize A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms (2020). Na základě důkladné analýzy charakterizuje tento soubor děl doprovázený těmi z 90. let 20. století a publikovanými většinou srbsky jako klíčové příspěvky k světové teorii verše. Přítomné pojednání analyzuje několik knih, které Milosav Čarkić napsal rusky, srbsky a anglicky v posledních třech desetiletích, včetně Foniky verše (Фоника стиха, 1992), Fonostylistiky (Фоностилистика стиха, 1995), Glosáře rýmu (Појмовник риме, 2001), Stylistiky verše (Стилистика стиха, 2006), O básnickém jazyce (On Poetic Language, 2010), Modely rýmu (Models of Rhyme, 2017) a Rým v srbském verši (Рима у српском стиху, 2017) a zvláště jeho nové, výše zmíněné knihy Slovník rýmových termínů (A Dictionary of Rhyme Terms, 2020). Jeho hlavní badatelský přínos spočívá ve zkoumání sféry na hranici foniky, stylistiky a poetiky verše a sémantiky, struktury, funkce a terminologie rýmu v evropském kontextu.
The function of adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus is not yet completely understood, though many competing theories have attempted to explain the function of these newly -generated neurons. Most theories give adult neurogenesis a role in aiding known hippocampal/dentate gyrus functions. Other theories offer a novel role for these new cells based on their unique physiological qualities, such as their low excitability threshold. Many behavioral tests have been used to test these theories, but results have been inconsistent and often contradictory. Substantial variability in tests and protocols may be at least partially responsible for the mixed results. On the other hand, conflicting results arising from the same tests can serve as aids in elucidating the function of adult neurogenesis. Here, we offer a hypothesis that considers the cognitive nature of tasks commonly used to assess the function of adult neurogenesis, and introduce a dichotomy between tasks focused on discrimination vs. generalization. We view these two aspects as opposite ends of the continuous spectrum onto which traditional tests can be mapped. We propose that high neurogenesis favors behavioral discrimination while low adult neurogenesis favors behavioral generalization of a knowledge or rule. Since many tasks require both, the effects of neurogenesis could be cancelled out in many cases. Although speculative, we hope that our view presents an interesting and testable hypothesis of the effect of adult neurogenesis in traditional behavioral tasks. We conclude that new, carefully designed behavioral tests may be necessary to reach a final consensus on the role of adult neurogenesis in behavior., A. Pistikova, H. Brozka, A. Stuchlik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We evaluated the effects of N G -nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME) (50 mg/kg/day) and 7-nitroindazole (7NI) (10 mg/kg/day) administered from 10th-16th week of age either individually or together on cardiovascular system of Wistar rats and SHR. Systolic blood pressure (sBP) was measured weekly by the plethysmographic method. For morphological studies, the animals (n=10) were perfused with a fixative (120 mm Hg), and thoracic aorta and carotid and co ronary arteries were processed for electron microscopy. For functional investigation (n=10), aortic rings were used in an or gan bath. In Wistar rats, L-NAME evoked an increase of sBP; hype rtrophy of the heart and arterial walls; an increase in cross-sectional areas (CSA) of endothelial cells (EC), muscle cells (SMC), extracellular matrix (ECM), and a decrease in acetylcholin e-induced endothelial-dependent relaxation (EDR). 7NI evoked sBP-independent hypotrophy of the heart and arterial walls, a decrease in CSA of EC and SMC without affecting the CSA of ECM, and a mild decrease in acetylcholine-induced EDR. 7NI and L-NAME administered together evoked lower effect on BP and trophicity of the heart and all arteries, and a similar de crease in acetylcholine-induced EDR compared to L-NAME alone. In SHR, 7NI did not evoke any effect on the studied parameters., F. Kristek, M. Drobna, S. Cacanyiova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article treats of the discussion of democracy in the Czech intellectual context of the first half of the 20th century. Its starting point is the thesis that the nature of this discussion is determined by two clearly defined types of approach. One of them understood democracy as the concerning the general level which alone enabled free discussion and the dignified life of citizens (E. Beneš, E. Rádl, F. X. Šalda, F. Peroutka, K. Čapek and others). The second approach is an attempt to found democratic social-political practice on reflected philosophical theory. This conception is represented by T.G. Masaryk and J.L. Fischer. Masaryk is the “ontotheologian” of democracy which is, for him, an expression of the active presence of Providence in history. J. L. Fischer is the “onto-epistemologist” of democracy. He understands democracy as the realisation of the hierarchical Order of Reality, interpreted along the lines of structural functionalism. For Masaryk a crisis of democracy is ex definitione impossible, for Fischer it is a real threat because “pathological structures”. In both cases, however, there is an attempt to legitimise everyday reality by Transcendence.
ForFun is a database of linguistic forms and their syntactic functions built with the use of the multi-layer annotated corpora of Czech, the Prague Dependency Treebanks. The purpose of the Prague Database of Forms and Functions (ForFun) is to help the linguists to study the form-function relation, which we assume to be one of the principal tasks of both theoretical linguistics and natural language processing.
A prototypical question to be asked is "What purposes does a preposition 'po' serve for" or "What are the linguistic means in the sentence that can express the meaning 'a destination of an action'?". There are almost 1500 distinct forms (besides the 'po' preposition) and 65 distinct functions (besides the 'destination').
This paper focuses on the roots of a functional theory of predication, which is represented primarly by Frege and Russell. After a brief presentation of the theory of Frege, I concentrate on the philosophical motivation of this theory. The example of the influence of F. H. Bradley on Russell’s conception of the categorical judgements shows a common epistemological position of both authors, which I recognize also in Frege. The point of the article is to find common grounds in Kant noetics, especially in his conception of synthetic judgement. Replacement of the problematic Kant’s notion of transcendental schema by the functional application subsequently allowed flourishing of the theory. In conclusion, I outline potential problems associated with the challenge of philosophical assumptions on which this theory is based., Příspěvek se zaměřuje na kořeny funkční teorie predikce, kterou reprezentují především Frege a Russell. Po krátké prezentaci teorie Frege se zaměřuji na filosofickou motivaci této teorie. Příklad vlivu FH Bradleyho na Russellovu koncepci kategorických úsudků ukazuje společné epistemologické postavení obou autorů, které uznávám i ve Frege. Cílem článku je najít společné důvody v Kantově noetice, zejména v jeho koncepci syntetického úsudku. Nahrazení problematického Kantova pojmu transcendentálního schématu funkční aplikacínásledně umožnil rozkvět teorie. V závěru nastiňuji možné problémy spojené s výzvou filozofických předpokladů, na nichž je tato teorie založena., and Karel Šebela
In the paper we discuss the uniqueness problem for meromorphic functions that share two sets and prove five theorems which improve and supplement some results earlier given by Yi and Yang [13], Lahiri and Banerjee [5].
Logical analysis of natural language (LANL) based on TIL defines meaning (Frege’s sense) in a procedural way, resulting in the following thesis: The meaning of an expression is independent of context. The meaning (in the case of non-indexical expressions concept) is thus an abstract procedure, which is explicated in TIL as (well-defined) construction. What does depend on context is the way in which the meaning has to be handled. From this viewpoint we can distinguish three kinds of context: (i) hyperintensional context; (ii) intensional context; (iii) extensional context., Logická analýza přirozeného jazyka (LANL) na základě TIL definuje význam (Fregeho smysl ) v procesním způsobem, což má za následek následující práce: Význam výrazu je nezávislá na kontextu . Význam (v případě konceptu neindexových výrazů ) je tedy abstraktním postupem, který je vysvětlen v TIL jako (dobře definovaná) konstrukce . To, co závisí na kontextu, je způsob, jakým je třeba tento význam řešit . Z tohoto pohledu můžeme rozlišit tři druhy kontextů: (i) hyperintenzionální kontext; ii) intenzivní souvislosti; iii) kontext prodloužení., and Pavel Materna
Adult head structures of Lepicerus inaequalis were examined in detail and interpreted functionally and phylogenetically. The monogeneric family clearly belongs to Myxophaga. A moveable process on the left mandible is an autapomorphy of the suborder. Even though Lepiceridae is the "basal" sistergroup of the remaining three myxophagan families, it is likely the group which has accumulated most autapomorphic features, e.g. tuberculate surface structure, internalised antennal insertion, and a specific entognathous condition. Adults of Lepiceridae and other myxophagan groups possess several features which are also present in larvae (e.g., premental papillae, semimembranous mandibular lobe). This is probably related to a very similar life style and has nothing to do with "desembryonisation". Lepiceridae and other myxophagans share a complex and, likely, derived character of the feeding apparatus with many polyphagan groups (e.g., Staphyliniformia). The mandibles are equipped with large molae and setal brushes. The latter interact with hairy processes or lobes of the epi- and hypopharynx. This supports a sistergroup relationship between both suborders.