This review-study aims to present a critical exposition of the ground-breaking work in the study of secularisation, Charles Taylor's Secular Age. The study points to the links with Taylor's preceding work, Sources of the Self, which consist above all in the contrast between the porous self and the buffered self. It also presents Taylor's conception of secularisation: secularisation is not the retreat of religion from the public sphere, but the widening of the social process that makes it impossible for one world-view to make claim to a privileged status. The study also focuses on Taylor's rejection of modernity which, in the shape of a scientistic world-view and a universalistic morality understood as the hegemony of exclusively-human categories. In the context of this rejection, the article discusses Taylor's attempt to weaken the "hegemony of the human" by a relation to transcendence., Tereza Matějčková., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
The article examines the Catholic answer to modern challenges such as industrialization, urban sprawl and the accelerated growth of the working class based on the case study of Krompachy workers revolt in 1921. From this point the study analyses the development and limits of Social Catholicism on the former territory of Austro-Hungarian monarchy at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. The Social Catholicism, which is seen primarily as a collective social practice present in society in various forms, offers the possibilities to better understanding of multi-layered relationship between Catholic Church and modern society. The study investigates the adaptation process of Social Catholic movement and creation of the network of social catholic associations and trade unions. Based on Krompachy's case as well as on the Social Catholic activities among workers. Text draws attention to possible limits and weaknesses of the secularization approach.
This paper looks at the changes in Catholic rites of passage as they faced pressure from modernization and the secularization of society in the second half of the 19th century. It focuses on the transformation of three key rituals – christenings, weddings and funerals – and charts changes in them during the second half of the 19th century. These changes were noted in Catholic journals and pastoral guides for clergymen in the parishes, which provide a series of testimonies to the transformation of these rituals. These sources show a clearly observable struggle between the Catholic Church and the faithful, whose devotion was gradually weakened under secularization. This put pressure on clergymen to adapt rituals to the congregation's needs and ideas, and in so doing started the journey towards the privatization and individualization of rites of passage.
V minulém roce byla na stránkách periodika Naše společnost publikována empirická stať s názvem „Náboženské vyznání v České republice z perspektivy inter a intragenerační transmise“ [Paleček, Vido 2014]. Tato práce představila možný metodologický postup, jehož prostřednictvím je možno zjišťovat míru úspěšnosti přenosu religiozity ve společnosti během neustálého procesu generační obměny. Je obecně známo, že současná ČR se v tradičních formách religiozity řadí mezi nejvíce sekulární nejen mezi zeměmi post-komunistickými, ale i v kontextu celé Evropy [Hamplová 2000; Lambert 2004; Meulemann 2004; Need, Evans 2001; Nešpor 2010a; Tomka 2010]. Avšak, i když je ČR pouze jednou ze zemí, jejichž historie byly poznamenány 40ti lety komunistické státní moci, přesto se mezi těmito zeměmi řadí k nejvíce sekulárním. Je možno uvažovat, zda se protináboženská politika v ČR lišila oproti této politice v dalších zemích s komunistickou totalitní mocí nebo se lidé v těchto zemích naopak lišily odolností vůči této politice. V náhledu výše citovaného metodologického postupu může otázka znít, zda a jak se lišila úspěšnost předávání tradiční religiozity mezi generacemi v ČR oproti dalším post-komunistickým zemím a jaké byly možné příčiny těchto rozdílů. Sledovanými formami tradiční religiozity budou v této práci deklarované náboženské vyznání a návštěvnost na bohoslužbách v kostelích., This paper is focused on changing rates of church affiliation and church attendance in the course of intergenerational and intragenerational transmission on the cases of four post-communist countries of central Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. It is a generally accepted fact that the rates of traditional forms of religiosity in the Czech society declined continuously during the second half of the 20th century, while such an enormous decline was not indicated in other post-communist countries of Central Europe. These differences and their causes are main question for this analytical work. Contemporary religiosity is dependent on rates of its reproduction between generations. Inter- and intragenerational transmission was influenced by two basic factors: First, by an anti-religious policy, which varied between the communist regimes, and second by the resistance of some people and families against that concrete anti-religious policy. The rapid secularisation of Czech society was due to those two factors., Antonín Paleček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tento článek představuje polemiku s některými tezemi Pavla Holländera vyjádřenými v jeho článku „Soumrak moderního státu“. Konkrétně se snaží ukázat, že některé „skryté kódy“ moderního státu jsou spíše než znaky, které by splňovaly současné státy, weberovskými ideálními typy, představujícími jisté tendence v politickém uspořádání Evropy objevivší se někdy od 12. do 20. století. Zejména pak polemizuje s Böckenfördeho představou, že moderní stát vznikl v procesu sekularizace a stal se jejím „vehiklem“. Místo toho prezentuje názory historických sociologů (jako Anderson, Tilly, Ertman či Gorski), podle nichž stát vznikl díky „militaristicko-fiskálním“ krokům podniknutým přibližně od vrcholného středověku. Tyto teze pak doplňuje názory Michela Foucaulta, především představou governmentality, rozvinutou v jeho díle „Securité, Territoire, Population“, která nastupuje někdy od 16. století poté, co jí připravila půdu pastorální moc křesťanství. Moderní stát je pak chápán „jen“ jako jedna z „epizod“ ve vývoji governmentality. and This article is a polemic with some theses presented by Pavel Holländer in his article “Twilight of Modern State”. In particular it tries to show that some features of modern state according to Holländer are not fulfilled by contemporary European states and these features could be rather
perceived as Weberian ideal types or tendencies and inclinations presented during the development of European political entities from 12th to 20th century. First of all the article argues against Böckenförde’s thesis about the creation of state in the process of secularization and thesis that state is a vehicle of secularization. It presents an alternative “military-fiscal” theory of European state-building (Tilly, Ertman) connected with disciplinary theory of Gorski. At the same time it uses Foucault’s concept of governmentality as a kind of successor of Christian pastoral power to show that modern state is “only” an episode of governmentality.
The study "Vojta Náprstek and Antonín Dignowity : the ideal world of two freethinkers in the begining of Czech community in the USA" deals with comparision of religious, national, social and political ideas of two representatives of Czech immigration in the USA in the mid-nineteenth century.