Štúdia sa kriticky zaoberá diskurzívnymi aktivitami politikov a novinárov, ktorí slúžia ako modely pre imitáciu potvrdzovania, alebo naopak oponovania negatívnym stereotypom voči Rómom. Empiricky overuje tézu, že mediálny marketing politických strán zneužíva diskriminované a marginalizované skupiny na dosahovanie straníckych cieľov. Prostredníctvom kritickej systemickej lingvistiky analyzuje významové štruktúry predvolebného bilbordu, čím odhaľuje intencie komunikácie politickej strany s verejnosťou. Postupmi kritickej diskurzívnej analýzy mediálnych textov o anti-rómskom bilborde autorky identifikujú diskurzívne pozície rozmanitých aktérov, prípadne ich argumentačné stratégie, pričom kriticky reflektujú najmä asymetriu ich mediálnej prezentácie. Popisujú Diskuze / 401 sa spôsoby, akými parlamentná strana SNS implicitne (prostredníctvom bilbordu) a explicitne (vo svojich vyjadreniach) znevažuje celú etnickú skupinu. Z analýzy vyplýva, že hoci médiá uvádzajú názory rôznych diskurzívnych aktérov, v textoch chýba prezentácia argumentov, ktoré by pomohli širokej verejnosti pochopiť, prečo dehonestácia tejto stigmatizovanej skupiny je neprijateľná. Politické zneužívanie „rómskeho problému“ novinári demaskovali, avšak nevysvetlili negatívne dôsledky falošnej etnizácie nezamestnanosti, chudoby a verejnej dehonestácie Rómov., The study deals critically with discursive activities of politics and newspapermen which serve as models for imitation of confirmation or on the contrary of opposing the negative stereotypes against Roma. The thesis that the media marketing of political parties misuses the discriminated and marginalized groups for achieving the party goals is empirically verified. The meaning structures of pre-election billboard are analyzed by the means of critical systemic linguistics and thus reveals the intentions of communication of political party with the public. The authors identify the discursive positions of diverse participants, alternatively their argumentation strategies, and critically reflect especially the asymmetry of their media presentation by procedures of critical discursive analysis of media texts about the anti-Roma billboard. The ways how the parliament party SNS implicitly (through the billboard) and explicitly (in its statements) discredit the whole ethnic group are described. From the analysis follows that although media present the opinions of different discourse participants, the texts are lacking the presentation of arguments that could help the wide public to understand why the dehonestation of this stigmatized group is unacceptable. The political misuse of „Roma problem“ was unmasked by newspapermen but the negative consequences of false ethnic attribution of unemployment, poverty, and public dehonestation of Roma were not explained., Jana Plichtová, Vlasta Paholíková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This study investigates select groups of ''Third World'' students who, came to Czechoslovakia to study during the 1960s, within the wave of revived Soviet internationalism. It analyses the scope, effects and various modes of response to the cultural exchange between representatives of the ''Second World'' with the ''Third World'', whose interaction went beyond a purely political and state-controlled level. The ''responses'' were for the most part products of tensions stirred by Socialist imaginaries on both sides clashing with the lived realities of coexistence, as well as by disagreements in ''varieties of Socialism'' practiced by Czechs and Slovaks on the one side, and different groups of foreign students on the other. The cultural exchange implemented within the framework of the Soviet bloc higher educational programme for foreigners is explored through a comparative analysis of two perspectives - the teachers’ and the students’. Despite implied limits of the propagandistically advertised solidarity, this study argues that the Socialist regime indeed had a certain ''appeal'' for students coming from the ''Third World'', especially those with a deprived social background. In this respect, the paper has an ambition to contribute to explorations of encounters across the nations and borders from Czechoslovakia’s standpoint. and Překlad resumé: Barbora Buzássyová a Melvyn Clarke
The study "Vojta Náprstek and Antonín Dignowity : the ideal world of two freethinkers in the begining of Czech community in the USA" deals with comparision of religious, national, social and political ideas of two representatives of Czech immigration in the USA in the mid-nineteenth century.
Blaženka Despot (1930–2001) was a Yugoslav philosopher who applied a critical reading of Marxism to the philosophy of technology and, after the mid-1970s, proposed a form of Marxist feminism that took into account the context of Yugoslav self-managing socialism. In the short text “Women and Self-Management,” Despot summarises the ideas she developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, especially her Marxist-feminist critiques of socialist women’s emancipation in Yugoslavia. She calls for re-focusing on women and revisiting Marx’s concept of nature through a reading of Hegel. While doing so, she raises the issue of violence against women as a key matter of women’s equality. Zsófi a Lóránd, in her introduction, discusses the text in light of Despot’s broader oeuvre and in light of the history of feminism in Yugoslavia.