By means of a tracer assay using a labeled synthetic angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) substrate hippurylglycylglycine, we have detected high ACE activity in the testes of the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. Lower, but significant, ACE activity was observed in midgut and hemolymph. In a two-step purification procedure involving anion exchange and gel permeation chromatography, we have purified LomACE from the locust testes. The enzyme of approximately 80 kDa shows substantial amino-acid sequence homology with ACE from both vertebrate and invertebrate origin. The ACE identity of the purified enzyme was further confirmed by cDNA cloning of the Locusta ACE fragment, which, after in silico translation, revealed a mature protein of 623 amino acids with a large structural similarity to other known ACE proteins.
Velká část hmyzu má v temperátní či mediterrání oblasti jednoletý vývojový cyklus, který je dán výraznou sezonní proměnlivostí tohoto prostředí. Mezi druhy s jednoletým cyklem patří i chrobáci rodu Lethrus, kam patří i na Moravě vymizelý chrobák révový (L. apterus). Při pokusech o chov těchto chrobáků bylo zjištěno, že část jedinců pocházejících z volné přírody upustila v pokusných podmínkách od aktivní fáze života a zahrabala se na dno chovných boxů, kde přežila více jak rok a půl od jejich odchycení v terénu. Po jejich násilném probuzení, začali někteří brouci aktivovat a přijímat potravu. Zda se jedná o náhodné pozorování nebo o strategii, při které se brouci rozhodují, zda v danou sezonu aktivovat či nebo „přeležet“ do následujícího roku zůstává nejasné a je předmětem dalších výzkumů., The genus Lethus (Geotrupidae) is believed to be a typical representative of a beetle with one-year life cycle. The adults mate and dig maternal chambers between the end of March and May. The larvae develop inside these chambers and pupate within a few months of eclosion. The inactive imago remains inside the burrow until spring. In our breeding experiments several wild caught beetles abandoned the active phase of life, burrowed themselves, and were inactive for more than a year and half. Some beetles resumed foraging and remained active for another three months after they were dug out., and Petr Šípek, Dana Drožová, Petr Janšta, David Král.
The trout barb Capoeta trutta is native to the Middle East only and little is known of its life-history in Iranian waters. Life history characteristics were examined in 366 specimens collected from the River Meymeh (western Iran) monthly during the reproductive seasons (March-May) of 2008 and 2009. Observed maximum age was 6+ years in both sexes, sex ratio (male : female) was 1 : 1.35, and length-weight relationships were TL = 0.0266TW2.7134 (males), TL = 0.0258TW2.7251 (females), and TL = 0.026TW2.7217 (entire population). Mean egg diameter (ED) was 1.61 (± 0.03 SE), ranging from 1.6 to 1.9 mm. Mean absolute (AF) and relative fecundity (RF) were 7594 (± 283.04 SE) eggs/female, and 70 (± 241.86 SE) eggs·g–1 body weight, respectively. AF and ED were found to increase significantly with increasing fish size, whereas RF decreased significantly with both fish TL and weight. Simplified von Bertalanffy growth estimates were also calculated.
Bethylid wasps are a medium sized family of parasitic Hymenoptera, with biological control potential, which have recently proved excellent model systems for testing evolutionary and life history theory. We report observations on a species of Laelius from The Netherlands. The species is morphologically indistinguishable from Laelius pedatus, previously reported only from the New World. Reciprocal crosses between the Dutch wasps and L. pedatus from Madison, Wisconsin, USA confirmed that the Dutch population belongs to L. pedatus. We compared the life history of the Dutch wasps with those from Madison by rearing them on Trogoderma glabrum, but found no significant differences. The Dutch wasps successfully parasitize Trogoderma angustum, an invasive museum and domestic pest found in situ, but suffer high developmental mortality on T. glabrum. Wasp egg size was positively correlated with the size of ovipositing female, which was also negatively correlated with the developmental mortality of offspring. Larger wasps also carried more mature eggs. Time taken to lay the clutch increased with the size of the eventual clutch laid and was longer in unmated than mated females. When some wasps died before completing development, surviving members of the brood grew to a larger size and took longer to complete development. The number of males per brood increased with previous oviposition experience, an indication of sperm depletion through life. We discuss the implications of these trends for parasitoid life history theory.
The life-history of Mazocraes alosae Hermann, 1782 on one of its hosts, the Pontic shad Alosa immaculata Bennett, is described for the first time. This anadromous fish, which occurs off the coast of the Crimea and migrates from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov and into the River Don for spawning, was studied throughout its migration and during all seasons. It is demonstrated that the period of reproduction of this monogenean is significantly longer than that reported for the population in the Caspian Sea, lasting from April to November with a peak in April-May, and continues both in the sea and the river. Experiments showed that water salinity does not limit the development of the eggs or the hatching of the oncomiracidia. Our data reveal that the abundance of M. alosae is not determined by the size or sex of mature fish and that shad of less than two years old can also be infected with this monogenean, although less frequently than older fish. The direction of the migration of A. immaculata, either from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov and into the rivers or in the opposite direction, does not influence the number of monogeneans present on the host. The main factor affecting the dynamics of the abundance of this monogenean is season, and, as has been indicated previously in the Caspian Sea basin, there is a synchronisation between the parasite's life-history and both the host's spawning behaviour and the duration of its migration.
Článek popisuje tzv. závislý způsob zakládání kolonie u mravenců. Ten má několik stupňů závislosti - od závislosti na cizím mraveništi pouze v počátku vzniku kolonie (dočasná závislost) až po trvalé soužití dvou mravenčích druhů. To má několik stupňů, počínaje prostým hostováním (xenobióza) a konče příležitostným (fakultativním) otrokářstvím - tzv. inkvilinie, nebo trvalým (obligatorním) otrokářstvím - tzv. duloze. Trvalé otrokářství je spojeno s nutností pořádat otrokářské výpravy za plodem pomocných mravenců (otroků). Mimo jiné je jich využito i pro založení nové kolonie otrokářů., Dependent ways of nest foundation in some ant species are described. These include various types of social parasitism ranging from temporary parasitism to both optional and obligatory slavery. The latter is the strongest form of dependence of the slave-making ant on its slaves and is accompanied by the inability of the slaver species to survive without its slaves. On the other hand, slave-making ants are famous for their orientation in the field and movement over long distances. These abilities are used, e.g., by the European Amazon Ant (Polyergus rufescens) in its special strategy of nest foundation based on cooperation between workers and the freshly inseminated queen during a slavery raid., and Pavel Amcha.
V recenzi knihy „Medical law and ethics“ od Jonathana Herringa, jsem si vytkl za cíl seznámit čtenáře s otázkami zdravotnického práva a etiky, o nichž autor ve své práci pojednává. Pro odbornou i laickou veřejnost může být kniha cenným zdrojem poznání, neboť autor na jednom místě z různých úhlů pohledu rozebírá témata, která vyvolávají celou řadu právních a etických otázek (problematika euthanasie, výzkumu na člověku, klonování, sterilizace, apod.). V jedenácti kapitolách své recenze na tato témata poukazuji a přidávám k nim komentář svůj, jakož i dalších autorů a judikatury. and In a review of the book "Medical law and ethics" by Jonathan Herring, I made it my goal to familiarize the reader with the issues of medical law and ethics, which author discuss in his work. The book should be a valuable source of knowledge for both, experts and laymen, because the author dealt with many topics from different angles, that raise a number of legal and ethical issues (the issue of euthanasia, research on humans, cloning, sterilization, etc..). I focus on these topics in eleven chapters of my review and I also add my comment, as well as comments of other authors and case law.
Male reproductive functions are an important area affecting men´s overall health and well-being. However, during the last years, there has been observed increasing incidence of male reproductive issues. The radical growth has been recorded parallelly with a massive expanse of industrialization and agricultural chemigation. Many groups of experts have begun to identify several potential factors and substances that may have adverse effects on men´s reproductive health. Since then, xenobiotics have become a major concern of many scientific studies. There is evidence that most of them have multigenerational and transgenerational effects on reproductive health, which is a serious problem for our population. Bisphenol A could be considered as one of the most studied endocrine disruptors. Until now, several negative effects of bisphenol A were associated with reduced weight testes, histological alterations, impairment spermatogenesis, and steroidogenesis as well as with testes or prostate cancer. Due to convincing evidence, bisphenol A has been started to replace by its analogues such as bisphenol B, S, F, in order to eliminate and suppress the risk of exposure to bisphenol A. However, it seems that a lack of toxicological analyses allows using of these hazardous substances in daily life. Their harmful effect was confirmed by the animal in vitro and in vivo models, while the epidemiological studies monitoring the impact of bisphenol analogues on men's reproductive health are markedly limited. This review provides information about the effects of bisphenol on reproductive health in men. At the same time, it is focused on physiological aspects of sperm viability, steroid hormone secretion, sperm motility, or testes histology in relation to bisphenols exposure.
Little is known of the life history of Cobitiscf. satunini, a loach species native to the Caucasus and southern Caspian Basin. Life history characteristics of this species were examined in 568 specimens collected from the Siahroud stream (northern Iran) between February and June 2010. The specimens ranged in size from 27 to 103 mm total length and weighed from 0.13 to 8.93 g total weight. The overall sex ratio was unbalanced as females dominated, with 342 females and 226 males being caught (sex ratio 1.5 : 1). Length-weight relationships implied that growth was positively allometric for both sexes. The von Bertalanffy growth function was estimated to be Lt = 94.95 (1 – e– 0.49 (t + 0.34)) for males and Lt = 121.65 (1 – e–0.39(t + 0.43)) for females. Egg diameter ranged from 0.44 to 1.02 mm, with a mean value of 0.77 mm. Absolute fecundity varied from 212 to 4666 eggs. Fecundity relative to total weight fluctuated from 383 to 268 eggs g–1. These growth and reproduction traits may be interpreted as species life history capacity and/or adaptation to environmental conditions caused by the southern Caspian climate.
The functional antagonism between obestatin and ghrelin in the testis is under investigation. We investigated the ability of obestatin to counteract the inhibitory effect of ghrelin on basal and stimulated testosterone (T) secretion in vitro. Testicular strips from adult rats were incubated with 10 ng/ml and 100 ng /ml of obestatin alone, ghrelin alone and obestatin + ghrelin. Obestatin modulation of stimulated T secretion was evaluated by incubation of testicular samples with 10 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml obestatin, ghrelin and obestatin + ghrelin in the absence and presen ce of 10 IU of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). T concentrations in the hCG treated groups were significantly (P<0.0001) higher than those in the control groups. Obestatin caused a significant increase in basal T secretion in a dose-dependent manner; however, obestatin at the both 10 ng /ml and 100 ng/ml significantly (P<0.0001) in creased hCG-stimulated T secretion. In contrast, ghrelin in a dose-dependent manner significantly (P<0.001) decreased both basal and hCG-induced T secretion by testicular slices. Obestatin opposed the inhibitory effect of ghrelin on T secretion under both basal and hCG-stimulated conditions at all doses tested. In conclusions, administration of obestatin was able to antagonize the inhibitory effect of ghrelin on testosterone secretion in vitro ., T. Afsar, S. Jahan, S. Razak, A. Almajwal, M. Abulmeaty, H. Wazir, A. Majeed., and Obsahuje bibliografii